Just love female men: accidentally sinicized

Chapter 29 Women Chasing Men Across the World

Chapter 29 Women Chasing Men Across the World (3)
The last bit of confidence I had left began to crumble after being uttered by Aaron.I'm a little annoyed, I should have come here earlier so that I wouldn't miss Su Lie.If he plays in Brazil for a year or so on a whim, don't I have to wait until the bones are brittle?I don't think I've done anything immoral, but why is my luck always so bad?

Aaron arranged for me to go to the hotel and told me to keep a good mood in the plateau area and to do things "slowly" and "shortly". "Slow" means that the behavior should be slow and not suitable for exercise; "short" means that the time to do things should be as short as possible.It sounds a little contradictory to me, I can't be asked to eat "slow and short", and end the meal as soon as I stretch out my chopsticks to pick up a chopstick.Aaron said with a smile: "It's almost like this. You can eat five or six meals a day here, but you have to eat small and slow." He said that I can adapt quickly and let me have anything to do Go find Brother Indian "Eagle on the Cloud" anytime.

Aaron said that he will leave tomorrow to find Su Lie in Brazil, hoping to bring me good news.The houses in the urban area of ​​La Paz are in the shape of steps, a bit like the shape of the ancient Roman Colosseum, which is sunken in the middle. The houses are densely packed. The hotel I stayed in is far away from the bustling business district. On the hillside, it is a four-story Baroque building. The building, the exterior walls are painted orange, and the stone balconies on each floor are covered with vines.

"Flying Eagle on the Cloud" lives in a slum area two blocks away from the hotel. He comes here on time every morning, waiting for my orders.

In the first few days, I was not particularly comfortable. The altitude sickness and jet lag caused me severe headaches. At night, I felt chest tightness and couldn’t sleep well. In addition to the language barrier, I sent a few emails to the only lobby downstairs with internet access. Tell my parents and Miley that they are safe, and the rest of the time is just to stay in the hotel room and wait for news from Su Lie.

On the third morning, "Flying Eagle on the Cloud" brought me a small bag of tea-like leaves, and asked me to drink it three times a day with hot water.I drank it dubiously for two days, and my head didn't hurt and my chest didn't feel stuffy anymore. It's really a miraculous leaf.We didn't communicate much, he was very serious, he didn't like to laugh, and watched everything silently with a pair of shrewd eyes.

A few days ago, there were still a lot of tourists in the hotel, and people of all kinds came and went, but today the hotel suddenly became very quiet.I asked if something happened to the "Eagle on the Cloud". He said that there will be a carnival in Oruro tomorrow, which is one of the largest festivals in Bolivia. Every year, many people come here from all over the world. Everyone starts early Went to the carnival.

I asked him how far it was from La Paz to Oruro, and he said it was not far, and it took 3 hours to drive.I really wanted to go, so I asked for "Flying Eagle on the Cloud" in English.Waiting at the hotel is also waiting, why don't I join in the fun while Aaron is going to Brazil to find Su Lie, waiting for news in the hotel is too boring, I regret not letting Aaron take me to Brazil.

Unexpectedly, "Flying Eagle on the Cloud" readily agreed, and drove me to Oruro that afternoon in an off-road vehicle. Along the way, I could see people driving there. Strangers in the car would drive past them in your car. Greetings out loud, the country's welcoming vibe makes all faces kind and everyone looks happy. "Flying Eagle on the Cloud" said that if I came to Bolivia on the eighth day, I would love it here even more.It is a harvest festival in Bolivia, which means "buy me something" in Aymara.

The car entered the urban area of ​​Oruro and was stuck in a traffic jam for nearly two hours. It was dark before we entered the city center. There were lights and festoons on the road, cheerful music came from nowhere, and people in exaggerated costumes were walking around on the road. , people from all over the world sit in groups of three or five, chatting, singing and dancing on the side of the road. "Flying Eagle on the Cloud" took me to a small hotel of his Indian friend to settle down, and the carnival parade road was just outside the hotel door, and I stood excitedly at the door and watched for a long time.

"Flying Eagle on the Cloud" called Aaron on the hotel phone, and he called Aaron every day to report my situation. After 1 minute he came out and said Aron put me on the phone.Due to the overcrowding of the hotel, I had to cover the microphone with my hand to hear what Aaron said.He said over there: "Miss Lin, why didn't you tell me in advance when you went to Oruro?"

"I just came here this afternoon." I explained, wondering if I had caused him any trouble.

"It would be great if you told me in advance. Mr. Su has left Brazil and returned to Bolivia. I don't know if he has arrived at the hotel now. I think you missed it again..."

My heart turned cold, God is not messing with me, when I just arrived in Oruro, I heard that Su Lie left Rio and returned to La Paz, if he happened to return to the hotel, then I would have missed meeting him again.

"I'm going back now, and I'll let 'Flying Eagle on the Cloud' drive me back." I hurriedly said on the phone.

But Aaron said: "Miss Lin, it's too late to be safe now, not to mention that tomorrow is the Oruro Carnival, you can go back after the carnival, I will find a way to confirm the next whereabouts of Mr. Su and then notify you, I wish you a happy birthday Oruro had a great time."

I was quite happy, but after Aron's call, I was so depressed that I wanted to go back to the La Paz hotel immediately.

After hanging up the phone, I walked to the door, and the bustle and bustle of the whole city isolated me.

"Flying Eagle on the Cloud" came up from behind, stood quietly beside me, and told me a story in English, translated in Chinese: "When I was young, I lived in a tribe in the south, and there was a wolf in the forest. , but only heard its wolf howling but no one has seen it. Every few days the tribe will send a small team to search for the footprints of wolves in the mountains and forests, but nothing is found. When I was 12 years old, my father and I went hunting in the mountains and forests. There was a lot of snow, and the road back was blocked by the snow. We spent the night next to each other in the forest. The next morning, I went to collect firewood to make tea, and accidentally slipped down a snow slope. Saw it, it stood neither far nor close, our eyes met for a long time, finally it turned around as if nothing happened, and walked away. It is the most beautiful creature I have seen in my life, 30 years later I can't forget its eyes either. We Indians have a saying that whoever obeys God will gain more. Since you have been sent here by God, you should be here with everyone. Believe me, you have nothing to lose .”

The philosophical story of "Flying Eagle on the Cloud" calmed my mood, and I smiled gratefully at him, thanking him for telling me such a wonderful story.

I began to understand that if Su Lie and I were destined to meet without fate, it would be futile to do anything.

On the morning of the carnival, the streets are full of people, and the loud music is loud.As soon as I ran out, a passenger with devil makeup jumped in front of me. I ran to the side in fright, but bumped into a group of people wearing clown masks and colorful cloaks. Everyone laughed and pushed me around. "Eagle on the Cloud" pulled me out of the crowd in time, and he quickly put a fiery red feather crown on my head, making me a part of the carnival parade.

The street was filled with colorful smoke, the parade was going on vigorously in the street, all kinds of costumes were dazzling, and I even had a little difficulty breathing with excitement.The parade team consisted of dozens of people, some dressed as birds and beasts, some played a musical instrument collectively, some danced in circles wearing cake skirts, and there were also beautiful Bolivian beauties dressed up as a group.

"Flying Eagle on the Cloud" has been following me closely, and then a parade vehicle dressed up in a tropical rainforest drove by, "Flying Eagle on the Cloud" raised me from behind, and the cheering crowd in the car stretched out their hands Pull me up.Wearing that fiery red feather crown, I stand out among the group of people in the car wearing blue costumes. They enthusiastically push me to the top of the car roof, and I am flattered to stand on the roof and cheer loudly , the crowd on both sides of the street waved vigorously towards the car.

When I turned around, I could no longer see the figure of "Flying Eagle on the Cloud".The parade car was advancing in the carnival line at an extremely slow speed, and my throat was almost hoarse from shouting. At this time, I thought that it would be great if Miley could be crazy together by my side, and she would definitely fall in love with this place.I secretly thought, whether I can find Su Lie or not, I will come with Miley at this time next year.

I was already crazy, waving my hands on the roof of the car, shaking my head, my head was almost dizzy, and I even started to have auditory hallucinations, and I heard someone calling my name.The sound seemed to come from under the car, and was quickly overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the carnival crowd.

Lin Qi!Lin Qi!I heard it right, it was still calling me, the voice approached from the front.

I squinted my eyes and looked ahead, and saw a person walking against the carnival line, pushing through the crowd and coming towards me.Finally, I was close enough to recognize him and confirm that I was not hallucinating or hallucinating. I suddenly lost my ability to speak and burst into tears.

Su Lie!It was him, it was really him, as if sent from heaven.I cried and jumped out of the car, stumbling towards him while crying.In a group of parade people pretending to be angels, I was bumped and bumped, and finally threw myself into his arms, and we hugged each other tightly.I never want to let go of him again.

The crowd burst into even louder cheers.

The carnival lasts from day to dawn.

We drove from Oruro back to our hotel in La Paz the day after Carnival.

Along the way, my conversation with Su Lie was as follows:

"You are too courageous. You came to Bolivia alone to find me just to confess to me?"

"But it's worth it, isn't it?"

"What if I can't be found, or if I reject you?"

"Didn't you find it now? And you didn't refuse me."

"Forget it, how do you know I'm in Oruro, I just came back from Rio..."

"I don't know, I just follow God's will."

"You said you started liking me after you came back from Thailand?"

"Well, maybe earlier."

"I knew it. Otherwise, why would you kiss me forcefully? I'm so attractive, it's impossible for you not to like it."

"Hey, don't mention the forced kiss, okay? It was just an accident, an accident. Let me ask you, when did you start to have feelings for me? Be honest."

Su Lie shook his head and refused to speak.I reached out to cup his face and threatened him: "If you don't tell me, I will forcefully kiss you."

There were two blushes on his face, which was so rare that I really wanted to take a picture of this moment with my mobile phone.Just as I was about to take out my phone, Su Lie said impatiently, "It was the time when I was kissed by you in the concert hall."

"Ahaha..." My mind was balanced for a moment, and I covered my stomach and rolled around on the back seat of the car laughing.

"Flying Eagle on the Cloud", who had been driving the car without saying a word, finally showed a faint smile on his face.

A few days later, Su Lie drove me to the Red Lake in Bolivia near the Chilean border to see flamingos.

The flamingos are most spectacular to see one hour before sunset in the evening. The flamingos return to their nests in the evening. After a whole day of flying, coupled with the weather, the vigilance is reduced, which is the best time to watch.They spread their huge wings and fly into the Red Lake in groups from the sky. Their pink feathers, yellow and black intersecting beaks, and slender feet form a magnificent scene.They walk gracefully in the lake, or dance collectively, or groom each other's feathers for lovers.The red lake turned into a pink lake, echoing the evening sky, as if the setting sun melted into the lake drop by drop, turning into flamingos flying into the lake from the sky.

Su Lie and I stood on a cliff slope that would not cause any commotion among the birds. Our hearts were washed by the magnificent scene in front of us, and we could not speak for a long time.I finally know why Su Lie's father chose to bring his beloved woman to settle in this country.Bolivia is a country full of enthusiasm and charm, once you come to it, you don't want to leave.

"Go back?" After a long time, I looked at the flamingos in pairs on the lake and asked Su Lie.

"Back, let's go back to China." He said with firm eyes.

The night before returning to China, we sat in the open-air restaurant outside the La Paz Hotel and looked at the stars. Su Lie told me many stories about his father. He said that his father was the coolest person in the world, and I was the coolest person in the world. The only one who made him feel at ease.

Su Lie said: "I may still have feelings for Yunzhu in my heart, and I haven't let go completely. Are you okay?"

I pretended to be indifferent and answered him: "It's okay, I may still have a little feeling for Zhong Siyu."

"How dare you!" He bounced nervously from his chair, making me laugh out loud.

"Honestly, I used to think that God was unfair, was too harsh on me, and always made me unlucky, but I don't feel that way now. I have accumulated bad luck for so many years just to get a good one for meeting you. Luck. Su Lie, did you think I was stupid when you first met me?"

He didn't answer right away, he looked up and didn't know where to look.The sky was full of stars, like a diamond mine.

I asked: "I know these days, you must think I'm very stupid?"

"It's pretty silly." He looked back at me with a faint smile on his face, "But I'm also very happy, no one is as happy as you, how on earth did you do it?" "Naturally." Finally changed I am proud once.

Later, I told Su Lie about the process of confessing to Zhong Siyu. He laughed at me as always for explaining a lost relationship by using a story from a movie. After the ridicule, he admitted that my approach was many times better than his. If you try to fight for a relationship that doesn't belong to you too aggressively, you and the person who really loves you will be hurt in the end.

"I have another answer to the story of the soldiers in Cinema Paradiso," he said.

"What answer?" I leaned on his shoulder and asked him with my face up.

"Maybe the soldier just suddenly realized that what he was about to give was [-]% sincerity, and the person who truly loved him would not torture him like this, torturing him to the point of exhaustion, to the point where he didn't even have the strength to love her. He Physically and mentally exhausted, like a bucket with a hole in it, he couldn't repair it as fast as she could dig the hole, and finally the water ran out and became a waste bucket."

"No, you're not trash," I said.

"Why not? A bucket that cannot hold water is not a waste bucket?"

"Idiot, you can't hold water, you can use it to hold stones." I patted my head and said shamelessly, "Don't you always say that I am a stone?"

"You're a meteorite." Su Lie corrected me, rolled his eyes and laughed, and reached out to hold my hand.

His smile is like the light that splits the darkness, like a cruise ship surrounded by a calm sea on a sunny winter day.His hand was warm and strong, holding mine tightly, as if he wanted to take me to a distant place at any time.

The sky in the distance gradually opened up a gradation of light color, and the stars crowded in the sky did not hide until the last second.

Its daybreak.

(End of this chapter)

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