super magic

Chapter 216 Black Hand

Chapter 216 Black Hand
The starry sky is filled with the radiant energy emitted by various cosmic rays. Even a flying-level powerhouse cannot resist all of them. After a long time, it will naturally cause damage to the body.

Only alienation-level masters can survive in the universe.

The white armor Qin Yu wore could resist a large amount of radiation energy emitted by cosmic rays, and his body could easily resist the remaining part.

But at this moment, the villain of purple light in his body formed a seal and began to absorb the ubiquitous cosmic rays.

"The "Book of Xiantian" says that the beginning of all things is one energy, which is innate, and all things are derived from this, and all supernatural powers are all transformed by innate." Qin Yu's heart moved, and suddenly thought of a sentence in the Xiantian Mahamudra .

According to the above, all the energy in the universe is transformed by the innate qi, and when it returns to its origin, it can naturally be recondensed into innate qi.

"Could it be that these cosmic rays can be used to strengthen the purple villain and cultivate the congenital Mahamudra?" Qin Yu hesitated for a moment, but secretly opened the white armor.

Immediately, he felt a large number of cosmic rays pouring in from the surroundings, densely packed like a shower, passing through his body one after another.


Qin Yu's complexion changed slightly, and he felt that all the cells in his body were vibrating, being filled with the radiant energy of the cosmic rays.

At this moment, the villain Ziguang made a seal with both hands, devouring and absorbing all those cosmic rays.

In an instant, Qin Yu felt that the innate purple energy condensed by the villain had grown a lot.

"Sure enough." Qin Yu was overjoyed.

The congenital mahamudra is one of the nine great spiritual arts left by King Huofa. It stands to reason that its power is endless. When it is raised to the extreme, it can even blow up planets. At that time, it can really be said to destroy the world.

"Haha, at this rate, it only takes half a month for my innate big handprint to be completed." Qin Yu suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Originally, at his normal speed, it would take at least half a year for the Innate Mahamudra to achieve a small success, during which time a large number of treasures would need to be refined, which would be of great value.

But now the time is greatly shortened.

That Chu Liang didn't let him participate in the battle, he just took this opportunity to absorb cosmic rays and practice perfect innate mahamudra.


In the distance, the war is still going on.

The army led by the five Qingjia Zongwei exceeded 2 people. As for the Zerg army, the number was even more astonishing.

The two camps fought together, and the terrifying fluctuations stretched tens of thousands of kilometers away, the bloody atmosphere soared to the sky, and the corpses gradually piled up.

The overall strength of the Zerg is not as good as that of the Human Race, but those bugs have strange abilities and an astonishing number. It is a pure bug sea tactic.

"The Holy Winged Soaring Snake hasn't made a move yet." Gu Yanji was a little anxious. Although they were the rescue logistics, they were still in the battlefield, and they were still in danger.

"Look, the five captains joined forces."

Qin Yu raised his eyes and saw Chu Liang and the other four Qingjia Zongwei slaying towards the Holy Winged Teng Snake.

"Ridiculous ants and insects, purely looking for death." The Holy Winged Teng Snake smiled grimly.

Ants are the most humble existence among the Zerg race. He calls humans by this, showing his noble blood.

"Kill him, and the meritorious service will be shared equally." The long knife in Chu Liang's hand suddenly turned into countless small flying knives, and a force of Yuan Magnetic rose in his body, controlling the small flying knives.

"This is his ability?"

Qin Yu observed from a distance, unwilling to let go of a single thing. It was also the first time he saw the Qingjia Zongwei fighting.

The five figures charged forward, unleashing their ultimate moves with fierce vigor.

It has to be said that these five people are all masters who have survived life-and-death struggles after the baptism of war. They have already integrated their own abilities with the spiritual arts they have practiced, and exerted the greatest power with the least consumption.

Such a pure killing technique is the most practical on the battlefield, and can greatly improve the survival rate.


As soon as Chu Liang succeeded, the infinitely small flying knife pierced into the huge body of the Holy Winged Soaring Snake like scales.

At the same time, the two Qingjia sect guards also made a move, the starlight exploded, the ice was like a knife, and the terrifying ultimate move exploded on the beautiful wings.

"Successful." The remaining two captains were overjoyed, and hurried up to take the victory.


Two scorching flaming wings suddenly appeared, like the scythe of death, slashed down, and the terrible flaming wind swept across the area.

The two Qingjia sect guards screamed, and before they even had time to retreat, they were cut off in the middle, and then swallowed by the red flame wings.

"Four wings!?"

"Damn it, let's go." Chu Liang's complexion turned pale in an instant, and his four-winged snake was soaring. I am afraid that only the Zijia Wuwei can compete with it.

"Stupid ants and insects, you still want to leave if I get hurt?" The four-winged snake urn roared, its speed was extremely fast, and the red flame wings behind it were like eggshells, covering the entire battlefield. fall.

The bodies of those white armor soldiers exploded like bombs.

"Damn it, it's Teng Shenyan."

Chu Liang gritted his teeth and cursed, this kind of flame is extremely terrifying, it is difficult to extinguish in the universe, especially when encountering Yuanli, it is like adding fuel to the fire, and its power is multiplied ten times.

Those poor white armor soldiers all became targets, and it was too late to escape.

The sea of ​​flames all over the sky illuminated the dark void, and there were cries and howls everywhere, and hundreds of people died in a blink of an eye.

"It's really cruel." Qin Yu clenched his hands tightly.

"All retreat."

The remaining three Qingjia Zongwei issued an order, and those white armored soldiers fought and retreated, countless Zergs rushed in, killing mercilessly, and hundreds of people fell down, staying in this cold starry sky forever .

"This is the struggle between the clans." Qin Yu looked coldly, shook his head, turned and flew to the spaceship that came to meet him.

"Want to leave? Little ones, let's kill as much as you want." The Four-winged Snake grinned, his voice soaring into the sky, and as far as the flames reached, he harvested lives one by one.


After Chu Liang made a decision, a sword light suddenly struck, impartially, just blocking Qin Yu's way forward.

Taking advantage of this gap, everyone entered the spaceship, and the Zerg army just arrived.

"You, what are you doing?" Gu Yanji was furious and shouted sharply.

"Presumptuous." Chu Liang said coldly, as soon as he raised his hand, he knocked Gu Yanji to the ground and stepped on the ground.

The light of the saber in front of Qin Yu was like a river of stars, and it was hard to dissipate for a long time. Across the long river of light of the saber, he looked coldly at the hatch that was about to close, where Chu Liang was standing.

"Wait a minute, Qin Yu hasn't come up yet." Gu Yanji roared furiously.

"You can't make fun of the lives of the entire ship because of him alone. Close the hatch and let's go." Chu Liang sneered, watching from a distance, with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

How about carrying a heavy treasure?So what if the talent is like a demon, it's not that he has ended up in a doomed end.

"very good."

At this moment, Qin Yu suddenly laughed, and space ripples appeared all over his body, and they disappeared with one step.

(End of this chapter)

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