super magic

Chapter 235 Unsolvable

Chapter 235 Can Be Called Unsolvable (Third)
"What's going on?" Yu Xuanji turned pale.

Her body was unexpectedly uncontrollable, and the energy in her body began to operate autonomously.

The same is true for other people, Qiang Rong Yuan's complexion sank, obviously his thoughts were still there, but his body lost control like a marionette.

"Is this your ability?" Qin Yu looked at the tall, thin man in black.

"My totem is called a puppet, Qin Yu. The divine sense you took out of your body just now is my method. It's a pity that they are not as smart as you, so they can only become my puppets." Gao Shouhei The robed man smiled faintly.

"Qin Yu..." Rong Yuan's voice was cold, and anger surged in his eyes.

It is unbearable for anyone to watch his body being manipulated by others and kill each other with his companions, let alone someone like him who is so lonely and arrogant.

"My ability can stop time for a short time, you have to be careful." Rong Yuan gritted his teeth, and had to reveal his ability at this time.

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard the words. In a duel between masters, even a single breath can affect the best battle situation. Time stagnation?
This ability is simply deadly.

Gu Yanji gritted his teeth, with hesitation in his eyes, and finally walked to Qin Yu's side.

But at this moment, Qin Yu raised his hand to block him.

"Chicken, just watch from the sidelines, it's not time for you to make a move yet."

"You..." Gu Yanji's eyes trembled, this sentence... What did he notice?
Qin Yu stepped out slowly, his face was as calm as water, but his eyes became extremely hot.

"Very well, I will take this opportunity to convince you."


Before he finished speaking, Qin Yu shot out like a cannonball, and the terrifying force formed a hurricane, shaking the cabin.

He grabbed it with his big hands, as if crushed by the seal of Mount Sumeru, he smashed towards Mokong Mountain.


The strange eyes burst out suddenly, and there was chaos in those cloudy eyes, like a quagmire, trying to sink people's thoughts into it.

"Spiritual attacks are useless to me." Qin Yu said coldly, his Yuan power collapsed like an eternity holding up the sky.

Mo Kongshan paled in shock, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, a ghost appeared from behind him, with a long sword like a dragon, it cut towards Qin Yu's head.


The black gold dragon pattern knife soared into the sky, like a sky pillar supporting the sky, it was fearless and blocked the sword light.

Qin Yu's violent hands tore the ghost into pieces, and his ferocious aura swept across all directions.

The faces of all the people present changed. They didn't expect that Qin Yu, who was usually as gentle as water, would turn out to be so ferocious once he started fighting.


The ghosts gathered together again, like an immortal body, with secret patterns intertwined on the eerie mask.

Qin Yu didn't even look at it, and when he raised his hand, Mo Kongshan was severely suppressed, and bloody tears flowed from his eyes.

At the same time, thousands of sword lights surged towards them like a hurricane, sweeping indiscriminately.

"His Yuanli..."

Yu was immediately horrified, he had never seen a Flying Astro-class possess such terrifying power, stretching like a mountain, endless like a river and sea, making her breathless.

The entire cabin was filled with that heavy elemental force, as if falling into hell.

Qin Yu's breath became more and more heavy, he opened and closed, swept all directions, crushed directly with violence, and broke the law purely with force.

Even the seemingly immortal Onimusha was constantly torn apart by him, his aura decayed, and he spit out blood.


At this moment, a figure descended from the sky, like a god.

At this moment, Rong Yuan finally made a move.

He punched out, like a star piercing the sky, the sun hangs in the sky, the coercion is overwhelming, beyond ordinary.

Qin Yu's expression didn't change, he was about to block him just now.

Suddenly, he found that the punch was erratic, and the distance was obviously very short, but it was wobbly, as if it had passed a long time, but it had not yet reached him.

"My reaction is slow?" Qin Yu was startled.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

Gu Yanji's voice was startled suddenly, in his eyes, Qin Yu's movements stopped.

"No, the flow of time has slowed down." Qin Yu's eyes burst into light suddenly, and he came to his senses.

But it was too late, the terrifying fist landed on his shoulder, and the terrifying power blasted into Qin Yu's body like a volcano erupting.

bang bang bang...

The ground of the Longhou class spaceship deformed suddenly, and the terrifying power spread like ripples to the distance.

Qin Yu suddenly raised his head, his eyes were fierce.

Rong Yuan looked at him, and his heart sank suddenly, so he didn't die.

I saw Qin Yu's body, a black armor appeared, and layers of scales appeared.

"Desolate Armor." Rong Yuan's complexion changed suddenly. He had seen this armor in the armory before.

"Your ability is very good, but it's a pity that you only have three seconds." Qin Yu pressed his big hand horizontally, like a sky collapsed, a small world was born and died in his palm, and Rong Yuan was suppressed inside.

He had a fierce breath and kept coming.

The three men in black robes suddenly changed their colors. No one thought that Qin Yu's power was so terrifying. In a short time, he knocked out all six masters, and crushed them nakedly. There was no suspense at all.

At this moment, even Yu Xuanji and the others had a look of awe in their eyes, and there was no doubt in their hearts anymore.

In the battle circle, no one can understand the pressure brought by Qin Yu better than them.

That feeling is like the end of the world, the sky and the earth are repeated, the mountains and rivers are collapsing, and the manpower appears small.

"I don't believe that I can't kill you." The master black-robed man shouted coldly.

"Unless you kill them, there will be no end."

The eyes of the tall and thin man in black robes flashed fiercely. He admitted that he underestimated Qin Yu's strength, but it didn't matter. At the critical moment, let those five masters choose to blow themselves up,

"Qin Yu, kill us to stop all of this." Ghost Warrior said coldly, he was ruthless to others and even more ruthless to himself, knowing that only this method could solve the predicament in front of him.

He knew that Qin Yu's method was enough to kill them all.

"How? Choose, kill them and choose to protect yourself, or die together?"

"Idiot." Qin Yu glanced lightly with a calm expression.

"You still pretend to be calm at this time, you want to delay?" The man in the black robe of Rolling Ball seemed to see through Qin Yu's intention.

However, Qin Yu shook his head, his eyes lifted slightly, and an ignorant and primitive aura rose up, filling the world.

"All magic is destroyed, and the heaven and earth are baked."

In an instant, the chaotic light in Mo Kongshan's eyes disappeared.

The weird secret patterns on Onimusha's mask were also dimmed.

The dragon-like spaceship returned to normal again, shuttling through the wormhole.

As for Rong Yuan and the others, they all regained control of their bodies.

"How... how? Why did my ability fail?" The tall and thin man finally changed his face, and he no longer had the calmness he had just now.

At this time, not to mention him, even Rong Yuan, Yu Xuanji and the others looked at Qin Yu suspiciously.

"My ability is called the oven of heaven and earth, which can make all dharmas disappear, that is to say..."

"Your abilities are useless where I stand."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Yu's palm pierced deeply into the chest of the tall and thin man in black robe. At the same time, the ancient totem on his chest seemed to be activated.

 Get started!
(End of this chapter)

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