super magic

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

"I am afraid!?"

Luo Yinghou's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, did he mean to refuse?

You must know that Qin Yu is now the inspector of the Milky Way star field. Although the Wang family has a real enlightened person sitting in the town, they have to leave room for such an existence under normal circumstances.

"Patriarch Wang, I want to know why." Qin Yu said coldly with his eyes slightly lowered.

"Why else? Just yesterday, this girl from his Wang family promised to our Liu family." At this moment, a contemptuous voice sounded.

Liu Chensha walked slowly, and beside him were three other gifted disciples of the Liu family.

Qin Yu glanced over it indifferently, and recognized it. He has most of the information about the Liu family.

Liu Chenjian, Liu Chenya, and Liu Ruyue, these three people's status in the Liu family is not lower than Liu Chensha's, so they were all invited to the welcome dinner.

"What do you mean?" Luo Yinghou growled a little excitedly.

Liu Chenya glanced lightly, with ridicule in his eyes: "What do you mean? Wang Ying is now my woman, and the Wang family even accepted the dowry. What do you mean?"

Although these words were said to Luo Yinghou, the eyes of the other party kept wandering on Qin Yu's face.

"Why? Not reconciled?" Liu Chenya smiled and said, "It's a pity that lovers can't end up getting married, tsk tsk, it's a tragedy in the world."

"Don't say that, it's the same for you to love this beauty of the Wang family on behalf of the inspector's brother." Beside, Liu Ruyue said with a smile.

Wang Xuanfeng looked a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, my Wang family has indeed married the Liu family, Yinghou is a good boy, there will be one day..."

"There is no future." Qin Yu stared at the four members of the Liu family with cold eyes, and his voice became cold: "Liu Chenya, I remember you have a woman."

"So what? With identities like ours, isn't it normal to have a woman by our side? Only three wives and four concubines can spread the branches and leaves for the family. Mr. Inspector was born as a commoner, I'm afraid he won't understand the life in our circle Go." Liu Chenya said lightly.

Today is the reception dinner, big and small big figures on the earth, all major forces are present, he can't believe that Qin Yu dares to do something here.

Besides, since their Liu family has taken action, the follow-up response has already been planned, so I am afraid that you will do nothing.

"You're playing with Sakura." Luo Yinghou's eyes were red, like an angry beast on the verge of collapse.

"Glasses, calm down." The monkey also had an ugly expression on his face, so he held Luo Yinghou back.

"Tricking? So what? Playing is your woman." Liu Chenya said naked, without any regard for the face of the Wang family.

What he wants is this effect. In front of the Liu family, what is the Wang family?Even if it's the new inspector, please be more polite to you, give you a three-pointer, if you're not polite, just let you pack up and leave.

Although Wang Xuanfeng felt dissatisfied in his heart, he didn't dare to say anything.

This is the confidence of the Chaofan family, so even on such occasions, they have no scruples.

Such a move is to show an attitude that the Liu family not only does not praise this new inspector, but also tramples on it to death.

drop by drop...

At this moment, the monkey's communicator rang, and he checked it briefly, and immediately changed his expression.

"Boss, our Sun family has been seized."

"what happened?"

"Someone reported that our Sun family violated the Basic Law, conducted prohibited research, and all our shares in the five major technology companies were frozen. Many key personnel were arrested for review, and even all assets under their names were seized." Monkey looked ugly.

In one night, such an accident happened, like a violent storm, one hand after another, without even leaving time to react.

"You guys did it?" Monkey gritted his teeth and looked at Liu Chensha and the others.

"What? Haven't you heard such a saying? Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Do you think that hugging the inspector's thigh is a blessing? But you don't know that disaster is imminent." Liu Chensha sneered.

"Very well, the Liu family is worthy of being an extraordinary family, with a tough attitude and a ruthless style." Qin Yu said coldly.

Liu Chensha and the others smiled slightly: "Master Inspector, don't worry, this is just a meeting ceremony today, and the fun is yet to come."

Qin Yu shook his head: "Unfortunately, you won't be able to see it."

"What do you mean?" Liu Chensha and the others were startled.

However, Qin Yu didn't give them any time to think, and raised his hand: "Surround this place, everyone is allowed to enter and not allowed to leave, but anyone who resists will be killed on the spot."

A loud sound rolled, like a deafening thunder, resounding in the golden hall.

Everyone was startled and looked at it one after another.

At this moment, the roar of spaceships in the sky could only be heard, and the door of the golden hall opened.

Rong Yuan, Yu Xuanji, Ghost Warrior, and Mo Kongshan rushed in with a large number of troops. These people were resolute, and each of them had a bloody ruthlessness. Their eyes showed that they had lived and died on the battlefield.

There were more than 800 fighters, all of whom were just awakened, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded the entire golden hall tightly.

"My lord, what's the meaning of this?" Hall Master Xiahou was taken aback. Although he was a heaven-shattering expert, he couldn't get angry in front of Qin Yu, so he could only ask patiently.

"Liu Chensha, you practice evil skills, disregard the basic law, wantonly capture lives in the territory of the human race, and slaughter wantonly. In the name of inspectors, I order arrests, but if you resist, you will be punished as treason and killed on the spot."

Qin Yu's voice was like a thunderstorm, shocking everyone.

"What... what's going on here? What does the new inspector want to do?"

"On the first day of taking office, he made a big move, and even attacked the members of the Liu family? Is he crazy? He doesn't want to hang around anymore?"

The forces of all parties were shocked. The Liu family is an extraordinary family. It has been operating in the Galaxy Star Field for many years. It is deeply rooted and has long been like an emperor. Even the inspectors have to give some face.

They don't know what happened, but it's really unwise to have such a confrontation.

"You want to frame him?" Liu Chensha gritted his teeth. He never imagined that Qin Yu would dare to use weapons in such a situation.

"You want evidence? I'll give it to you." Qin Yu said coldly, a small metal ball flew out, and a real virtual image was projected.

On it, Liu Chensha was practicing some kind of kung fu in an ancient cave. The lives of those he kept in chains like livestock were kept in chains. Every once in a while, he would suck their blood essence until he dried it up.

The images kept skipping, but there were already mountains of corpses in the ancient cave.

"You... how could you have..." Liu Chensha was inexplicably shocked, but he did it very secretly, how could he leave images?
Qin Yu didn't even look at it, and continued: "Liu Chenya, you stole the secret technology of the Tianji Martial Arts School privately, took it for yourself, and even sold it to the border areas. You deserve to be punished, so let me take it. "

Qin Yu resounded loudly, and within a few moments, all the criminal evidence against the four geniuses of the Liu family was released in front of the large audience.

Everyone in the Liu family was terrified, and their faces changed instantly. They found that the development of the matter deviated from their imagination.

"Your Liu family wants to play, yes, I will accompany you." While speaking, Qin Yu turned on the communicator.

 Thank you for your original intention, don't make a fuss about rewarding, thank you every handsome guy who voted and subscribed, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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