super magic

Chapter 35

Chapter 35
Qin Yu finished training.

"Brother Yu, why did today end so early?" Ye Xiu asked.

Qin Yu just smiled, and Sister Feng cast her eyes without asking any further questions.

The eyes of the two met, and everything was tacitly understood. From the calm smile, Sister Feng had already got the answer she wanted.

"Let's stop here today. Next, I will prepare for the mock exam. I may not come again for a long time."

Qin Yu walked up to Sister Feng and bowed deeply, this bow came from the bottom of his heart.

Sister Feng smiled, turned and left, the voice came from a distance.

"Boy, don't let me down."

Qin Yu looked at the free and easy woman, and the hot flame in his chest seemed to be ignited.

Whether it's for the person who placed his expectations, or for the father, on this road, he cannot allow failure.

In the evening, on the way back, Qin Yu turned on the smart bracelet, and messages came one after another immediately.

Monkey: "Brother, where are you? The rules for the mock exam have come out, and it will definitely subvert your three views. This time, you really played too hard, come back quickly."

Meng Xiaoyun: "Are you there? Just get back to me if you are here. I have something important to ask you."

Nine Swords Shinichi: "This mock exam is unusual, come to me quickly."


There are more than 20 pieces of information, most of them are classmates in the class, and almost all of them are about mock exams.

"The rules for the mock test have come out? Is it different from the past? Why does it feel like a big earthquake?" Qin Yu looked strange.

In the past, the mock exams were nothing more than testing various indicators of physical fitness, physical fitness, and finally simulating actual combat.

It's the same every time, nothing new.

Qin Yu was thinking.

Suddenly, a shadow came in front, like the darkness of the universe, under the illumination of street lamps, extending infinitely, it seemed to swallow everything.

Qin Yu raised his head and frowned. In front of him, a burly man walked towards him. It was the one who practiced Tiger Leopard Lei Yin that day.

"Boy, we meet again. Let me introduce myself. My name is Heisha." The big man grinned.

Qin Yu remained silent and was not moved by the name.

Heisha smiled, but he was a little embarrassed. In the underground world, no one would be indifferent to his name. Mentioning it every now and then would make people terrified.

"Who the hell are you? What's your purpose?" Qin Yu was on guard, fearful to the extreme.

Those who dare to do something to the Qiao family in Zhenyu City are definitely not kind people, and there must be an amazing Beijing behind them, otherwise they simply cannot afford the price they have to pay for doing such a thing.

"I'm from the underground world." Heisha laughed.

"Underworld?" Qin Yu asked doubtfully.

"Boy, you caused a big disaster in the case of the Qiao family last time, but I think you are a talent to be made. Now I give you a chance to join our organization. Not only can you forget the past, but you can also get the best resources , trained and cultivated with the best."

Heisha looked at Qin Yu with great interest: "You come from the ancient mine star? It's a miracle that a seedling like you can grow out of such a poor place. Don't waste this rare talent. You can become more powerful than me. the strong."

Heisha's words were deeply bewitching, but such an invitation was more like an order that could not be refused.

"Come with me now."

Qin Yu didn't move, looked at him and said, "I refuse."

"So, I can only use strength?" Heisha smiled, as if he had expected it.

"Last time I showed mercy, don't force me."

While speaking, Heisha rushed towards him like a fierce tiger, his fierce fingers and claws glowed coldly, before he could reach him, the strong wind blocked all directions.

Qin Yu was thrown out like a cannonball, his fists pumped, and the terrifying force sent out a sonic boom, tearing the air in front of him.


Heisha was terrified, only felt a force coming from all directions, like raging sea waves, trying to overturn the world in a trance.


A splash of green metal emerged from Heisha's chest like flowing water, and soon covered his whole body.

Almost at the same moment, Qin Yu's fist landed on it.

bang bang bang...

After a few explosions, the violent punch suddenly exploded, ripples burst out, and a strong wind blew up.

A series of cracks appeared on the armor body, and Heisha's whole body was like duckweed in the wind, swaying and swaying, he was directly blown out, and smashed into the wall.

The smoke and dust scattered in all directions, submerging the ruins.

Qin Yu fixed his eyes and stared deeply. Sure enough, a moment later, a burly figure stood up unsteadily and walked out of it.

"It's really surprising that you've grown to this extent after just over a month."

Heisha was a little embarrassed, his body was covered with dust, and his green armor was broken.

He walked slowly, seemingly unharmed, but his expression was extremely solemn.

"One hundred thousand catties! If I'm not mistaken, the strength of your punch just now has reached one hundred thousand catties, what a monster." Heisha turned his arms, his eyes became more and more fierce.

"Intermediate fighters have reached this level. In my life, I have only seen two young people like this." Heisha's eyes darkened slightly: "One of them is also named Qin, just like you."

Qin Yu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly asked, "Who is he? Where is he?"

"Oh? So anxious? Do you have something to do with each other?" Heisha laughed.

"Tell me, where is that person?" Qin Yu asked coldly, that person probably came from the same place as the person who took his father away that day.

How could he let go of such clues.

"Sorry, I'm not here to answer your question today, come with me."

Suddenly, Heisha's body trembled slightly, his clothes moved without wind, and an invisible force surged around him, like a raging wind, exuding ferocity and violence.


Qin Yu was stunned: "You are...a capable person!?"

"In my capacity, I was just playing with you, but you are a monster. If you want to capture you effortlessly, you can only use your energy." Heisha stepped forward, and the ground under his feet was cracked. , spreading to the distance continuously, like an earthquake.

"You should know that in front of those with abilities, you are as weak as an ant."

With a light flick of Heisha's finger, an invisible force immediately entangled Qin Yu like a chain.

At the same time, the power pierced into his body like an awl, sealing all the seven major acupoints on his limbs and torso.

"Explode me." Qin Yu gritted his teeth, but his blood was completely sealed, and he couldn't even move his muscles.

The power of the ability user is beyond his imagination. In front of them, no matter how powerful a warrior is, they are like ants, and they are vulnerable.

"The capture was successful." Heisha smiled.

At this moment, a figure came out from the darkness, blocking his way.

(End of this chapter)

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