super magic

Chapter 83 Punishment

Chapter 83 Punishment
At this moment, Chi Yueying returned to her cave.

Although she has no fear in her heart, she still has a little fear. After all, in this Yandao Mountain, the only one who can understand the first three pictures is the legendary monster Bo Xun.

Qin Yu was the only one.

"The Qiao family's luck is really good, they found a monster." Chi Yueying looked ugly.

"But it's okay, it's just a small person, I'm not afraid of Qiao Jingyan, but you?" Chi Yueying comforted herself.

As long as she doesn't become a title warrior, she can use her contacts and resources to kill the opponent. As the little princess of the Chi family, she can't cause any big waves to kill a high-level warrior.

Besides, in Yan Dao Mountain, no one dared to do anything to her.

"Have the people sent to Qiao Jingyan come back?" Chi Yueying asked.

Yue Qingshan shook his head: "Not yet."

"Get in touch, let them clean their hands and feet, don't leave any excuses, that kid is in the limelight now, let him be arrogant for two days." A cold light flashed in Chi Yueying's eyes, and he was already thinking about it.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the protective membrane suddenly shattered.

"What's going on?" Chi Yueying was startled and hurried out.

As soon as she walked out of the cave, two bloody figures landed in front of her.

Chi Yueying took a closer look and her heart trembled.

"Wang Xiong, Li Feng?"

She raised her head abruptly, only to see not far away, Qin Yu standing there like an ice peak, with a severe chill in his eyes, staring at her firmly.

Qiao Jingyan stood obediently behind her.

"Qin Yu, what do you mean?" Chi Yueying calmed down quickly after all, she came from a wealthy family.

"You let these two wastes snatch Jing Yan's purple electric beads, and let Shi Tian take action to kill me, what do you mean?"

Qin Yu roared sharply, and the sound spread in all directions, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Qin Yu, don't spout blood, show evidence." Chi Yueying gritted her teeth.

"Sophistry?" Qin Yu sneered, "You really don't know how to die."

When he stepped out, the earth cracked, and the terrifying aura came layer upon layer like a pillar of shocking dragon.

Chi Yueying, Yue Qingshan's complexion changed drastically, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"Qin Yu, you want to force people with force? Aren't you afraid that people's hearts will be hard to convince?" Yue Qingshan roared.

"Nonsense." As soon as Qin Yu pointed out, the terrifying power caused the air to fluctuate, as if an invisible big hand had directly slapped Yue Qingshan into the rock wall.

Immediately, blood spattered, Yue Qingshan let out a scream, and passed out.

Chi Yueying was shocked.

"I'm here to settle accounts, not to reason. I just wanted to let you speak, and I didn't convince you." Qin Yu stepped forward, domineering without boundaries.

"I'll ask you again, did you do it?"

There was a cold light in Qin Yu's eyes, like a sharp sword, pointing directly at people's hearts.

Chi Yueying couldn't help feeling a chill in her heart, and immediately gritted her teeth and said, "Qin Yu, you brought this bitch to me..."


After the words were spoken, Qin Yu raised his hand and was slapped.

Chi Yueying flew out, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his cheeks were red and swollen.

"If your mouth is not clean, if you talk nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart."

"You hit me? How dare you hit me?" Chi Yueying covered her protruding cheeks, she was absent-minded for a while, and then crazy hatred appeared in her eyes.

She has grown so big that no one has dared to touch a single hair of her hair, let alone be slapped in public.

"This kid really dares to do it."

"Nonsense, the peerless genius who understood the first three pictures in three months, who doesn't have a bit of arrogance?"

"Chi Yueying is too much. She actually asked Shi Tian to make a move. If she provokes such a monster, if he doesn't come to find a place, he will be a ghost."

One after another looked at this place, sighing in succession.

"Little bastard, how did I do? If you have the ability today, kill me, otherwise I will make you and this bitch die." Chi Yueying yelled sharply as if she was going crazy.

She was sure that Qin Yu didn't dare to do anything to her, and the person who killed the Chi family would bear the responsibility of the day, and Qiao Yu couldn't even protect him.

"Qin Yu..." Qiao Jingyan showed a worried look on his face, and he could clearly see it.

"Okay, just admit it."

Chi Yueying sneered, so what if she admitted it?This is Yandao Mountain, without any consequences, let alone direct evidence, who dares to touch the members of the Chi family?
This kind of thing is all over in the end.

"Kneel down."

"What?" The sneer on Chi Yueying's face gradually froze, and she couldn't believe her ears.

Not to mention her, even Qiao Jingyan was taken aback.

"I said kneel down."

Qin Yu let out a stern roar, a terrifying aura shot up into the sky, and the air around him was distorted and deformed.

That coercion is like a ferocious beast, revived from the ancient times, revealing naked bloodthirsty and violence.

Chi Yueying's heart trembled, her body trembled instinctively, and finally she couldn't take it anymore, and fell to her knees with a "plop".

"Where's Shi Tian? You might as well ask him to come out." Qin Yu said coldly.

At this moment, he has just developed supernatural powers, he is domineering and invincible, looking at Yan Dao Mountain, only the king Bo Xun can fight against him, how can Shi Tian dare to rob him of his edge?He had already heard the news and fled far away.

"Qin Yu, how dare you humiliate me like this?" Chi Yueying roared sharply, the corner of her mouth was even bleeding from the bite, as the little princess of the Chi family, she had never been so humiliated.

"People who humiliate others will always humiliate them. Do you just feel that you are superior to others? Today, you can also taste the feeling of being trampled underfoot." Qin Yu said coldly.

"But it's not enough."

Chi Yueying's heart skipped a beat, and she felt an invisible force tear her armor, and several streaks of light flew out and landed in Qin Yu's hands.

""Seven Paths of Cloud Flow", it's good to comprehend the secret technique of the flame map." Qin Yu looked at the secret book in his hand, and after a glance, he saw the mystery in it, and threw it to Qiao Jingyan.

"With this cheat book, it's only a matter of time before you penetrate the flame map."

"Then mine." Chi Yueying gritted her teeth, knelt on the ground but couldn't move.

Qin Yu didn't even look at it, he spread out his palm, and there were seven purple lightning beads inside, but he carried them into his arms.

"Chi Yueying, this time should be a lesson. If there is another time, I will let you know what regret is." Qin Yu snorted coldly.

Chi Yueying flew out and fell heavily from the midair, landing on both knees, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

Shame, an unprecedented sense of shame welled up from the bottom of my heart and filled my whole body.

Immediately afterwards, this sense of shame turned into a murderous intent.

"I want to kill him, Qin Yu, in this life, I will never end with you." Chi Yueying roared in her heart.

Qin Yu watched indifferently, but didn't say much. This woman's body has been completely distorted, her mood has been completely destroyed, and it is impossible to make any progress in this life.

This is the greatest punishment he can give.

(End of this chapter)

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