super magic

Chapter 890

Chapter 890
The Dragon Realm is one of the most powerful different worlds in the heavens.

Hong Tianwang was so powerful that he pierced through it directly, and Zhulong's body collapsed immediately, his strength could no longer bear it, like a flood, flooding the world.

"Hong Tianwang, how dare you break the rules and rebel against the sky!" Zhulong let out a shocking roar.

The black and white two-color brilliance revolved crazily, as if yin and yang were born together, and the terrifying fluctuations could no longer be suppressed, and seemed to swallow it.

"This kind of power really has to bear a huge risk and price." Qin Yu's eyes narrowed, feeling the heavy pressure.

The power of nothingness and hell was not born in this starry sky at all, and even the origin of the universe cannot interfere.

It is a miracle that this kind of power can be obtained, and it requires a heaven-defying fortune.

Being able to master the power of nothingness and the underworld at the same time is rare in ancient times, and only a few of these people can stand out and become the breakers, that is, monsters like Candle Dragon, Ao Tianyi, and Old Man Time.

"Have you ever seen the courage of the world's number one master?" Hong Tianwang said softly. At this time, he was no longer as deep and restrained as usual, arrogant and shocking, and he did not talk to others.


Hong Tianwang stretched out his right hand, directly piercing through Zhulong's body, and then he grabbed a mass of flesh and blood in his hand.

That ball of flesh and blood is crystal clear, containing black and white colors, gestating good fortune, shaking heaven and earth.

Hong Tianwang operated the magic method, and golden streamers intertwined, he sealed the ball of flesh and blood, and immediately threw it to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu was startled and took it over.

"The void is the same as the underworld. Their body is just a mass of will, but the two are also very different."

Hong Tianwang's words resounded in Qin Yu's mind. The latter was startled and did not dare to be careless. He held his breath and listened quietly.


Zhulong's power was completely rampant, his body could no longer bear it, and he would be swallowed at any time.

At this time, Ao Tianyi and the old man of time came together, civilization revolved like a wheel of light, and the ancient coffin was like a monument of time.

Hong Tianwang's fists were mighty like God's will, they were easily blocked, crushing and sharpening Zhulong.

"The successful arrival of nothingness is similar to seizing a house. It has absolute will and memory, and its power will skyrocket, and its aptitude will undergo earth-shaking changes. It will break through the limitations of the original life race, but once the descended creatures fall, they will also be annihilated."

"As for the underworld, they must also combine with the creatures in this starry sky to exert their power. This process is called fusion."

"Fusion?" Qin Yu was stunned, he knew almost nothing about the creatures of the underworld, but Hong Tianwang seemed to know the bottom line.

"That's right, it's fusion. The consciousness of living beings will merge with the consciousness of living beings in the underworld to give birth to a new consciousness." Hong Tianwang's voice sounded again.

Qin Yu was startled suddenly: "New consciousness!?"

"This new consciousness is attached to the physical body, so the physical body of the underworld creatures is very special, almost immortal. Even if they really fall, they still have a chance to recover after a long period of time, but this process is extremely slow, and there is only a certain amount of time. It's just a chance."

If Qin Yu realizes something, both the void and the underworld need to be united with the creatures of this universe in order to be truly born.

The consciousness of nothingness is independent, but the physical body is still shackled by the life body, and once it falls, it will be truly annihilated.

The consciousness of the underworld is fused, the physical body is strong, it breaks through the limitations of ordinary life forms, and has the opportunity to regenerate.

"After the death of a creature from the underworld, even if the physical body recovers, the original consciousness may not be able to truly recover. This is the so-called fall." Hong Tianwang added.

"But because of this, those completely fallen bodies become extremely precious, known as the most peculiar corpses in the universe."

Hong Tianwang's method was simply astonishing. He treated Zhulong as a turtle in a urn, and slowly took the essence from his body and injected it into the ball of flesh and blood in Qin Yu's hand.

"The most peculiar corpse!?" Qin Yu muttered to himself, digesting Hong Tianwang's words.

"That's right, the corpses in the Underworld almost surpass the structure of all living beings, and they can refine artifacts!?"

Qin Yu was startled, his eyes flickered, the so-called divine weapon was the supreme magic weapon of the age of gods.

"In the universe, every corpse in the underworld is a treasure from heaven and earth, extremely rare, but this thing has another purpose." Hong Tianwang's voice became heavy and startled.

Qin Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously asked, "What's the purpose?"



In the cage of heaven and earth, Zhulong's huge body shrunk to one millionth of its original size. Although it was still astonishing, its strength and aura had weakened to the extreme.

What's more, his body began to gradually become less like a dragon. His white bones were like white jade, with a part exposed, which looked like hand bones, human hand bones.

"That's..." Qin Yu's eyes widened suddenly, showing horror.

"That's his container."

"An odd number that can resist the coming of nothingness. If we can obtain the corpses of the creatures from the underworld and fuse them together, we can have these two extreme powers at the same time." Hong Tianwang's voice sounded again.

"But even so, it is impossible to survive. They need to pay a huge price to create a new road to carry this power. But in the long years, this power is like a curse."

"Because of this, whether it is the corpse of the underworld or the emptiness, it is a rare material for these shadows hidden in the years."

Hong Tianwang's words echoed in Qin Yu's mind, lingering for a long time.

At this moment, he finally knew how these game-breakers were born, and at the same time, he also understood why they focused on Jiujian Guiyi.

The aliens who have resisted the coming of nothingness, if they fuse with the corpses of the underworld, they have a chance to become their companions. Although this process is accompanied by great risks, it is an important test for these people to be able to pry into their own secrets.

They don't care whether new companions can be born, they just hope to find out the mystery and break the curse of immortality.

"Ah... ah... Hong want to strip me..." Zhulong's voice was piercing, shaking the world, that kind of venom corroded the void like its substance, even if it was contaminated by the supernatural, it would fall into the world of mortals forever.

I saw an invisible consciousness shaking violently, as if it was about to separate from that terrifying body.

At this time, the exposed corpse became more and more clear. The human figure was taller, with deep eye sockets between the brows, like the third pupil.

However, this corpse is only seven or eight out of ten, and some parts have already been broken, and the black rust embedded in the wound can even be seen.

"This is the underworld corpse fused with the candle dragon!?" Qin Yu was startled. Once it was really peeled off, he would no longer be immortal, but enough to kill.

But can Hong Tianwang do this kind of thing?Qin Yu was a little puzzled.

"Quick, stop him quickly, this process is absolutely irreversible, otherwise the law of cause and effect will be interfered, and the world will be overturned." Zhulong roared sharply, revealing infinite fear.

He knew that this man was invincible in the world, had no taboos, and there was nothing he dared not do.

At this time, Ao Tianyi and Old Man Sui Yue were also red-eyed, and they all came to kill, but they couldn't break through the cage of heaven and earth at all.

"Beheading those who break the game, Ye Chen was not so courageous back then."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and the world was horrified, as if returning to the barren years, everything withered and no grass grew.

Everyone was stunned and looked around one after another, only to see the end of the sky, thousands of miles away, a terrifying figure approaching the ground.

He has a stalwart body, which is [-]% to [-]% similar to human beings, with red hair like flames, eyes as dark as an abyss, and a thumb-sized skull pendant on his chest.

Hong Tianwang looked at the person coming, raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "Han Ba!"

(End of this chapter)

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