super magic

Chapter 895

Chapter 895
The light and shadow dissipated, and the divine thunder flickered in the void, like the sword of heaven's punishment, shaking the world.

The ancient scrolls are unfolded, annihilating the sky full of divine thunder.

At this time, not only Qin Yu, but also Hong Tianwang's face showed horror.

"The first world unparalleled in the ages, he... actually did it!?" Hong Tianwang looked serious.

"Big Brother..."

Qin Yu's eyes trembled, and he couldn't believe what he just saw. He must be confused if he didn't know the secret, but they knew the mystery of nothingness and the underworld, so they fell into deep shock.

Since ancient times, there are only two ways to control the power of nothingness and the underworld at the same time.

First, it is like a breaker, devouring nothingness, and then seizing the remains of the underworld.

Second, it is like a ghost, with no will, directly descending to the corpse of the underworld.

Even with these two methods, there are huge risks, it is difficult to survive one, and they have great limitations.

Even if it succeeds, it will be cursed by the years, constantly suppressed and punished by the origin of the universe, and needs to be constantly transformed, and it is no longer the original self.

But Emperor Changsheng, he swallowed nothingness first, and then directly merged with the creatures of the underworld, obliterating everything, maintaining his true self, and stepped out of the third road, making the only miracle in ancient and modern times.

The danger and mystery involved are simply unimaginable.

" did he do it!?" Qin Yu said shyly.

The observer shook his head: "My branch doesn't know everything!"

"That man is rare in ancient times. He pushed the era of practice to the peak, sealed the nothingness, opened the end of the Dharma, opened the only prosperous age in the past and the present, stood above the heavens, overlooking the fate of all lives, and his Dharma reached the realm of ignorance. spying."

Observers lamented that their lineage was hidden in the world, recording the years and observing history.

In this long river, the era of the Changsheng Emperor is definitely one of the most brilliant eras in ancient and modern times, and the life of that man is also the most colorful stroke.

"That man's secret doesn't stop there!" Hong Tianwang said in a deep voice.

The observer raised his eyes slightly, took a deep look at him, and nodded.

The crystal brush is waved, the ancient scroll is unfurled in the air, the sun shines, and countless lights and shadows pass by.


The blue starry sky is as magnificent as a treasure in the endless starry sky.

Suddenly, a terrifying coercion spread from the depths of the earth, and countless streamers flew to all parts of the universe.

"Emperor's Edict! In the first battle of Fengtian, that man proved to be the emperor, and issued the Emperor's Edict so quickly!?"

"He wants to recruit the world's orthodoxy and exterminate the nihilistic clan!?

"This is to use the power of the heavens, the ultimate battle? Is he crazy?"

"The courage is astonishing, I am afraid that some people will disobey the order!"

In the starry sky, a strong man screamed, unbelievable.

Light and shadow flow, deep in the earth, the ancient Kunlun Mountain stands majestically, which is very different from the present.

That man stood on the top of the mountain, still dressed in civilian clothes, hunting against the wind, his deep eyes cast into the distance.

"You are so willing to spare no expense. The Bone City, Jade Emperor's Gate, Tianji Palace... These traditions are passed down from the age of mythology, and they will definitely not come here under the imperial edict."

A slow voice came from behind.

In the strong wind, a man strolled over. His complexion was as gentle as jade, and his temperament was natural, as if he was integrated with the heaven and the earth.

"Do you remember? Back then when Qin Chuan fought, I was still a little bastard..." The man whispered, his eyes filled with reminiscence, but his face was neither sad nor happy.

"I swore that day that even if they are descendants of gods, one day, I will let them fall into the mortal world."

"Over the years, we have been slaughtered, walked through mountains of corpses, and waded through seas of blood. Instead, I am not so serious about doing it."

Having said that, the man behind him looked up at him.

"You have become a general trend, and you are as chaotic as the sky. You don't kill them not because you have a good heart, but because your heart is like the sky..."

"The Dao of Heaven is vast and encompasses all things. Whether it is good or bad, it is a part of it. There is no difference between killing and not killing." The man sighed leisurely.

"The law of heaven is ruthless, it tolerates all things, but it does not hesitate to kill!" said the man behind him.

"So, if they don't obey the order, they can only kill them."

"Aren't you afraid of infamy from all ages if you act like this?"

"Hahaha..." Suddenly, the man laughed: "Do people like you and I still care about such a false name? We are seeking the foundation of eternity, no matter what kind of infamy we can bear, besides..."

"Time is ruthless, after all ages, who will still remember me?"

Having said that, the man turned his head.

"Over the years, I have hunted and killed many creatures from nothingness and the underworld. How is your Eternal Spring Kung Fu progressing?"


"Eternal Eternal Spring!? This man is a spiritual master!" Qin Yu was horrified.

He had heard of this miraculous skill as early as when he was in the Longevity Realm.

It is said that in the later years of Emperor Changsheng, Lingzun came, and the two looked at each other from a distance, drawing seals in the void.The Emperor Changsheng wrote that he would live forever, and the Lingzun was compared with the eternal spring.

The pair of lifelong friends parted from each other and never saw each other again.


"You really want to do this?"

"Eternal life is immortal, and there will be catastrophe! Eternal Changchun, instant youth!"

"My old age will be unlucky, and I need you to use this miraculous work to let the years flow in my body!" The man sighed softly.


The light and shadow shattered and stopped abruptly, and the expressions of the three were different.

"Eternal Changchun Kung Fu was created to suppress the Great Emperor Changsheng!?" Qin Yu was in shock.

"That man has embarked on an unprecedented path. How could there be no catastrophe? He merged nothingness and the underworld, and imprisoned the years. He was afraid of attracting catastrophe, so he asked Lingzun to use the Eternal Spring Palace to make the years flow and erode his body."

The observer whispered, this is a secret. From ancient times to the present, only this lineage knows the root cause, even the Qin clan may not know it.

"What happened next? I want to know the ending of the Great Emperor!" Qin Yu said impatiently.

I am afraid that only by seeing the ending of the Changsheng Emperor can we gain insight into the biggest secret of this No. 1 in the ages.

"as you wish!"

The observer waved his hand, the ancient scrolls were unfurled, and the light and shadow converged.

The ancient Mount of Everlasting Hate stands majestically, and in the depths of the mysterious time and space, a portal emerges, the whole body is shrouded in chaos, and the terrifying breath is about to come out, affecting the four dimensions!
"Ancient Bronze Gate!?" Qin Yu's eyes flickered, and he could hardly control himself.

This is the origin of everything, the beginning of all things, the source of cause and effect.

In front of the bronze door, an old figure sat cross-legged. His white hair was loose, his eye sockets were sunken, and his face was haggard. The years had left deep marks on his face and body.

"Emperor Changsheng, this is his old age!?" Qin Yu clasped his hands tightly, finally seeing the last time of this ancient giant.

He just sat like that, one day, one year, ten years...

Let the years flow by without moving.

During this period, with a wave of his hand, the old man took the materials from the heavens, stripped a will from his body and merged it into it, and forged an ancient seal, which was so radiant and dazzling.

"Eternal Life Emperor Seal!?"

With a flick of the old man's fingers, the seal of the Emperor of Longevity pierced through the air and disappeared, and then he returned to his original state, sitting there, letting time flow.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, a pleasant bell rang in front of the bronze door.

The old man's disrespectful eyes finally showed a hint of expression, and he slowly raised his head.

Not far away, in the mist, a figure came slowly, walking lightly, revealing a young man.

The old man was a little surprised, but relieved.

"Who are you!?"

"The poverty is as high as the sky!" the young man said with a smile on his face!

(End of this chapter)

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