super magic

Chapter 933 Qin Yu's Madness

Chapter 933 Qin Yu's Madness

Desolate beast!
This is an unprecedented creature, with the origin of the wild beast as the core, such a power, it is difficult for the heavens and the world to find materials to carry it.

For this reason, Hong Tianwang did not hesitate to travel all over the world, hunt and kill those who broke the game, and used them as flesh and blood to create a body and fuse with them.

Finally, this supreme existence containing the power of nothingness and the underworld was born.

It is born to be Heixu's nemesis, devouring Heixu can make the power of the desolate beast even stronger.

When the body dies and the dao disappears, everything becomes empty, and those black heads are swallowed up by the desolate beasts, which become the food for his growth.

Immediately, the desolate beast continued to transform, his body became more majestic and vast, the stars flowed, and he did not hesitate to live or die, just like the unicorn auspicious beast in the ancient Chinese civilization.

Heaven and earth decay, but my body is immortal.

The desolate beast stepped out, shaking the starry sky, and the countless alien armies were all shattered.

Its power originally came from the nihilistic race, and now it has merged with the breakers, achieving immeasurable and unprecedented achievements.

In front of the desolate beasts, the army descended by the Void Clan is not even as good as ants.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, it is really the legendary Yuanshi Tianzun, he has come to save us."

"Hahaha, the Nihility Clan is a bird, kill them all."

"We survived, we don't have to die, hahaha!"

The human army immediately boiled.

Even Chu Beiming's eyes revealed the joy of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"Qin Yu, I really have you."


The starry sky trembled, and every head and head of the black void was buried, and the alien army also became the food of the desolate beasts.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll have a drink with you after the war is over." Qin Yu looked at Chu Beiming and said with a smile.

"It's a word."

"Survive!" Qin Yu said.


The two looked at each other, silent for a long time, surviving is the greatest hope and luck of this war.


Qin Yu took the Desolate Sky Beast and stepped out in one step, disappearing into the vast starry sky.

On this day, Yuanshi Tianzun wandered the starry sky and haunted the territory of the human race.

The killings shocked the heavens, burying and reaping the lives of Heixu.

The terrible monster has truly come to an end, and it is no longer immortal.

The territory of the human race, a star that is about to collapse.

The flames soared into the sky, the earth cracked, and all the living beings had long been buried. In this doomsday scene, there were only two figures facing each other.

Outside the planet, there are countless alien armies.

"Chen Xuan, it's a pity that you lost in the end." Fang Wanxiang sneered, his eyes were evil, and he exuded a domineering and cold temperament.

"You bastard, you actually turned to the Void Clan." Chen Xuan gritted his teeth.

"Merging with nothingness is the ultimate of evolution." Fang Wanxiang said mercilessly: "Since high school, we have been fighting each other and have been entangled to this day."

"Now, I have found the magic way of evolution, but you are still struggling for the ridiculous group, relatives and friends, you are destined to perish." Fang Wanxiang looked at him contemptuously, and sneered: "Between you and me, in the end I won."


The sky shook, and Chen Xuan's eyebrows shed a trace of blood.

Countless images flashed across his mind.

His thoughts flew back to Earth, to Qianyu High School.

That year, he was still a rich dude who only knew how to bully those classmates who were born as commoners all day long.

Until he met Fang Wanxiang, the other party's strength and leadership were amazing, and his talent was even more amazing. Even if he tried his best, he was still helpless.

At that time, Fang Wanxiang was at the height of his power. He was everyone's trusted partner and the brightest star in Qianyu High School.

On that day, in the campus, the two fought again, but Chen Xuan was still defeated.

But at that time, he met a man.

At that time, he naturally didn't know that it was the legendary master of Yuanshimen.

"He is your lifelong enemy. If you can realize your shame and be brave enough to defeat him, your fate may be different from now on."

The words of that day were engraved in Chen Xuan's heart like a brand.

From that day on, he left Qianyu High School, left the earth, concealed his identity, and ventured into the universe and starry sky.

The hard years and sufferings have sharpened his character, and when the two meet again, they are already evenly matched opponents.

They fought all the way, triumphantly, and became the most amazing and unparalleled existence among their peers.

Along the way, after almost dying, Chen Xuan's light finally ceased to be sharp. He could illuminate himself and envelope others.

Gradually, a group of close friends gathered around him.

However, Fang Wanxiang became more domineering and ruthless.

In the end, he sank in power and hatred towards Chen Xuan. He personally buried his old friends and relatives, and walked into the embrace of nothingness.

"The people I guard, I hope to be able to meet you again in the next life." Chen Xuan gritted his teeth, the power in his body violently rioted, and he wanted to sublimate as much as possible and burn the last trace of power.

"You want to blow yourself up?" Fang Wanxiang sneered, appreciating the last moments of his opponent in his life.


The alien army invaded the starry sky, and Heixu screamed, devouring everything.

At this moment, Chen Xuan only had destruction in his eyes.

"In the end, you have been favored by fate, young man, you still have a great future, so you don't have to rush to die." At this moment, a contemptuous voice sounded.

The violent power in Chen Xuan's body calmed down immediately.

The sword light of destruction surged like a tide, engulfing the alien army.

The wild beast opened its mouth wide, and regarded Heixu as a gift.

"Yuanshi Tianzun!?" Fang Wanxiang's complexion changed suddenly, and he shouted.

"You have also been favored by fate, but it's a pity that you have gone to nothingness." Qin Yu looked at it indifferently.

On the campus of Qianyu High School that day, he could see that these two people were extraordinary, with strong luck and entangled fate. One of them would definitely step on the other's blood and bones to climb to the top and become his comrade in arms.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, human beings are doomed, and through the ages, the lineage of the earth will eventually come to an end, even you can't stop it." Fang Wanxiang roared sharply.

"Yes or no, you can't see it anymore." As soon as Qin Yu pointed out, his body suddenly exploded, and a ball of brilliance like a soul shot up into the sky, and Qin Yu detained him.

"Let go of me!" Fang Wanxiang roared.

"Your luck is so strong that you can even be the protagonist of a human being. The Nihility Clan values ​​you very much and would not hesitate to let you enter the ancestral land." Qin Yu said indifferently.

"You...what are you going to do?" Fang Wanxiang's voice became frightened.

"Didn't you guess it?"

"You can invade the territory of the human race, and I can naturally go straight to the void!"

"'re could such a thing be done?" Fang Wanxiang roared sharply.

"I can do it after sacrificing you. Don't forget, I took the throne of the original sin king." Qin Yu was indifferent, with only killing in his eyes.

Possessing Fang Wanxiang's memory, coupled with the power of the desolate beast, and sacrificing countless alien armies, he will be able to find the ancestral land of nothingness.

The decapitation action kills the foundation of nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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