Chapter 103 Saying the Wrong Word

Shen Moyan went to the car and directly stuffed Ye Wu into the car.

He really waited for Ye Wu all night last night, but he didn't know that Ye Wu didn't return all night.

At dawn, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

After such a search, it turned out that Ye Wu and Bai Ze went to the hotel.

He also struggled to see that he was just using Ye Wu. Ye Wu was not really his own woman, so what Ye Wu did had nothing to do with him, but he still came in the end. Fortunately, when he kicked away, Ye Wu and There is nothing irregular about Bai Ze.

"Can you drive slowly, I'm dizzy." Ye Wu couldn't help but said, "If you're driving so fast, then I'll vomit on your car."

With these words, Shen Moyan stepped on the brakes.

The space in the car is so small, of course he could smell the alcohol on Ye Wu's body.

"Ye Wu, as a woman, don't you know what shame is?" Shen Moyan said almost gnashing his teeth.

When Ye Wu heard this, she looked at Shen Moyan.

When Ye Wu looked at her, Shen Moyan continued: "I drank all night with a strange man!"

"It's not unfamiliar, I know him, and Yiyi is also there, and Bai Ze will definitely not do anything to me." Ye Wu's mind is really a little empty now, a little froze, and she drank too much yesterday. Yes, causing my brain to be a little hard to use.

Ye Wu felt that drinking with Bai Ze should be avoided in the future. Although it is fun, drinking too much will also affect the brain.

Shen Moyan looked at the woman in front of him. He really wanted to kill the woman in front of him. He said it lightly. If he didn't know, he would think that he was making trouble here. He felt that even if he was Ye Wu's teacher, Also responsible.

After all, if something happened to Ye Wu, it would really be over.

Yes, it is for Ye Wu's future.

So Shen Moyan said: "Drinking with a strange man, Ye Wu, I really can't figure out why you can say it so naturally, didn't your parents teach you what is shame? You don't have any sense of shame. There's none?"

When Ye Wu heard this, all the laziness was swept away immediately, and anger flashed in her eyes: "My parents really didn't teach me what is shame, after all, they died a long time ago, and there was no time Teach, Professor Shen, if you have the ability to let them teach, then you let them teach me, so that there is one less shameless person in this world."

Shen Moyan suddenly realized that he had said something wrong.

The space in the car suddenly became silent.

Ye Wu didn't want to stay here, so she planned to open the door, but the door was locked: "Professor Shen, please open the door for me, don't let me, a shameless person, tarnish your nobility here." While speaking Ye Wu already had a hundred or even more methods in Ye Wu's mind to make this Shen Moyan so desperate that he could not survive.

"I'm sorry," Shen Moyan said.

"Drive" Ye Wu said dumbly, in fact, she was also controlling her anger in her heart, controlling her thoughts of wanting to use supernatural powers to kill this guy now.

Did she give Shen Moyan too much face, making this Shen Moyan so bold.

The last person who talked about her parents, she dug that guy's ancestral grave several times.

It was the first time for Shen Moyan to see such an expression on Ye Wu's face, and he also knew that he had said something wrong: "I'm sorry, I'm just, I'm just." Shen Moyan wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to say it, He took a deep breath: "Ye Wu, I am your boyfriend, I hope you can respect me."

(End of this chapter)

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