Chapter 373 Rage

Of course, Shen Moyan would not trust this person so easily.

Although I know this person is telling the truth.

But if it is so easy to believe, then I am not a fool.

He just knew why Ye Wu did this, but it was to be able to cooperate with Ye Wu.

When she returned to Ye Wu's side, Ye Wu hadn't woken up yet.

Seeing Ye Wu sleeping soundly, he couldn't help laughing.

Maybe only Ye Wu has such a heart.

Thinking of the person named Jiang Xun saying that Ye Wu's ability, Ye Wu is a test product in Bai Lao's laboratory, he felt a faint pain in his heart, and immediately held Ye Wu.

He found that he was becoming more and more greedy.

Before, he just thought that he could become a stranger and be qualified to be by Ye Wu's side, but now Shen Moyan became greedy, he wanted to protect Ye Wu, and he wanted more power.

But Shen Moyan knew very well that he was capable and couldn't do such a thing.

It can almost be said that he is not qualified to protect Ye Wu.

Thinking of this, he held Ye Wu's hand tightly.

Maybe it's because of Shen Moyan's strength, Ye Wu opened his eyes: "What's wrong."

Shen Moyan approached Ye Wu, and then whispered in Ye Wu's ear: "Why are you doing this?"

Ye Wu was slightly stunned when she heard this, but she smiled when she saw Shen Moyan's anxious look, then wrapped her arms around his neck, and whispered in his ear: "The three years ago At that time, some people in our company died in one place, but there was no news about the murderer. They just left clues about the Gao family, and I didn't pay much attention to it, but people from the Gao family are always in front of me recently. Bounce, I don't think things are that simple."

That incident caused a friend of hers to be seriously injured.

But no matter how I searched, I couldn't find out whose handwriting it was.

Ye Wu remembered it in her heart. ,

It is not good news to know the people who are remembered by Ye Wei.

Moreover, they were the ones who attacked the company overseas, and judging by the handwriting, it didn't look like they were people who didn't know they were the company.

So this involves the Pan country.

Ye Wu remembered the Gao family in Yuncheng, who just happened to come and dance in front of her.

The appearance of Jiang Xun also let Ye Wu know that the things inside are really not that simple.

After hearing this, Shen Moyan knew why he couldn't think of Ye Wu's purpose after thinking about it for so long.

"So you have to help me next." Jiang Xun knew the role of Shen Moyan, so of course Ye Wu knew, Jiang Xun could use it, so couldn't Ye Wu use it?

Shen Moyan also understood what Ye Wu meant, and he kissed her on the brow.

And Ye Wu also hugged him, and her heart felt a little more stable.

In addition, Jiang Xun asked Ye Anguo to meet Shen Moyan.

After all, in Jiang Xun's eyes, Ye Anguo and Shen Moyan were two ordinary people with similar roles, so there was no danger at all.

When Shen Moyan saw this Ye Anguo, he was in a bad mood.

He really didn't understand how a man who could give birth to Ye Wu could be so stupid.

Of course, Shen Moyan also got the information about Ye Anguo from Zhao Wei, and also knew what happened to Ye Anguo in these years, but he can understand that in more than ten years, this Ye Anguo is no longer the all-powerful Ye Anguo more than ten years ago. Ye Anguo.

Maybe Ye Anguo was not a fun thing from the beginning.

Otherwise, how could Ye Wu be left alone when Ye Wu was six years old.

Ye Anguo felt Shen Moyan's gaze, and he didn't know what mood to use to face Shen Moyan.

Because he knew very well that this man was going to take his daughter away.

After all, as a father, no one wants their cabbage to be raped by pigs.

"Shen Moyan." Ye Anguo knew that this Shen Moyan would never hurt Ye Wu, he was in the same mood as himself, and wanted to make Ye Wu happy.

Shen Moyan chuckled lightly: "Mr. Ye, I really don't know what's going on in your mind, and let Ye Wu fall into a dangerous situation. If something happened to Ye Wu because of you, then what should I do? You kept saying Saying that you love Ye Wu, is this the kind of love you have for Ye Wu?"

Ye Anguo didn't know what to say when Shen Moyan said this.

Jiang Xun didn't feel anything wrong with Shen Moyan, because if Shen Moyan really loved Ye Wu so much, then he would never let Ye Wu suffer any harm.

Moreover, the people around Ye Wu had a subtle attitude towards Ye Anguo, a father who appeared out of nowhere, but now because of Ye Anguo, Ye Wu was in a restless place.

Shen Moyan knew that by doing this, Jiang Xun would not think about it.

He is really angry now. Although Ye Wu's ability is very strong, this situation really makes Shen Moyan uncomfortable. Since it won't make Jiang Xun feel suspicious, then there is nothing to worry about, so He just started to say: "If I'm not wrong, it must be Jiang Xun who told you about Ye Wu's life before. This is the only way to save Ye Wu, but you really didn't think of it." Just in case, in case something happens, what should Ye Wu do? This is what you keep saying, is your love for Ye Wu? I can't see it at all. Your love for Ye Wu is because of love Where."

If it was someone else's words, then Shen Moyan would have punched him long ago.

Ye Anguo's heart ached when he heard Shen Moyan's words, but there was nothing he could do.

He didn't like power in the early days, and only wanted to live the life of ordinary people.

But now he realized that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake.

But he really has no other way, he only has this chance, only this chance can lead Ye Wu out of this hell on earth: "I don't know if you believe it or not, the purpose of my life is to atone for my sins."

"You atone, you atone for the shit." At this moment, Shen Moyan has lost his reason: "You are called atonement, do you know what I want most, I want her to be able to rely on me, to be able to tell me She was suffering in her heart, but you, you never thought about really caring about Ye Wu, what you thought was that Ye Wu suddenly called you dad happily, how could there be such cheap things in this world, Ye Wu in those years Is all the pain you suffered in vain, is it because your blood is flowing in her body, so she has to bear everything about you?"

Shen Moyan really doesn't know what that so-called company thinks. If they really care about Ye Wu, how can they let such a person stay in this world.

Maybe Jiang Xun is right, Ye Wu is just one of their test subjects, so there is no need to be responsible for the test subjects.

(End of this chapter)

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