Boss, your little craftsman has fallen off the horse again.

Chapter 379 No Habit of Giving Up Halfway

Chapter 379 No Habit of Giving Up Halfway

After Jiang Xun got such news, he was very happy.

Because Ye Wu is like this, she has almost completed the first stage.

Everyone knows Ye Wu's cruelty and Ye Wu's lack of discipline, so even if the company wants to keep Ye Wu, it is impossible.

Ye Wu does not belong to the company at all.

After Ye Wu went through that incident, she seemed to become a lot more relaxed.

Even Jiang Xun could feel Ye Wu's ease, a very relaxed kind.

Although Ye Wu didn't say anything these days, even though he told Ye Wu all the recent things, Ye Wu didn't take it to heart.

But this company is really not a fun thing, it's just killing people casually, as for that?

What are you saying that Bai Lao's heirs are all heirs, can't even such a small thing be done?
Jiang Xun came to Ye Wu's side, Ye Wu was reading a book.

In fact, Jiang Xun really found out that the company obliterated Ye Wu a lot.

When he came to Yuncheng, he found out that Ye Wu was so lively, but after seeing Ye Wu's real situation, he realized that Ye Wu's so-called lively was just Ye Wu's faking.

Hey, the company really has no humanity.

It was because of such inhumanity that Ye Wu finally became his possession.

"Miss Ye, you are in good spirits today." Jiang Xun said.

"Guess how long it will take for the person sent by the company to kill me." Ye Wu casually flipped through the book in her hand: "Or how long I can survive the hunt."

Jiang Xun also knew that the company had started to transfer people to Yuncheng recently, and all the masters had come.

But yes, an important person like Ye Wu has turned against the company now.

So how could the company let it go.

He patted Ye Wu's shoulder lightly: "Don't be afraid, no matter what happens, I will protect you, Miss Ye."

Ye Wu couldn't help but chuckled when she heard this: "Just like you, you still protect me. Have you ever killed someone, have you crawled out of a corpse? I pretended to be a refugee in Jinshan when I was seven years old. Horn to ambush the enemy, where were you at that time?"

In a casual tone, he said a cruel thing.

"I really want to know how you felt when you killed someone for the first time, Ms. Ye." Jiang Xun was curious about this question. Now Ye Wu can really be said to be a murderer.

And when he found the scene of Ye Wu killing people, it was really fascinating.

This is what a queen should look like, as if the whole world is going to crawl under Ye Wu's feet.

Ye Wu paused when she heard this, and then smiled: "I was six years old, after all, if people like us dare not even touch human lives, then how could we become the company's biggest weapon, you know Who is the person I killed, the person who betrayed the company, I am very curious now, who will come to me and kill me. "

"How do you feel?" Jiang Xun then asked

Ye Wu put down the book and looked at Jiang Xun: "Do you know what despair is like?"

In fact, she knew what Jiang Xun wanted to hear, but she really had nothing special about her. You must know that she was really a marionette at that time, and she had no hope at that time.

So whatever the old man asked her to do, she would do it.

She remembered that the old man said in her ears that she could actually be regarded as a dead person, and since that was the case, then she had nothing to be afraid of, so if she killed her, she would kill her.

But of course she couldn't just say that, if she was so foolish, how could he believe it.

Ye Wu is very smart, so at this moment, a story popped up in his mind, and he said immediately: "At that time, my grandfather handed me a knife and took me to the place where the betrayal company You know, I was still young, and I cried at that time, and my grandpa was beside me with a livid face, just looking at me like that."

In fact, Ye Wu didn't know if she was in that novel or saw something else, anyway, it's just the tone, almost, and the meaning is almost the same.

Jiang Xun followed Ye Wu's words, and a scene seemed to emerge in front of his eyes. A tearful little girl was holding a knife and walking towards a person under the urging of the people next to her.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, this company is really a hell on earth.

Really beast.

"Miss Ye, you are really suffering." Jiang Xun looked at the woman in front of him. She may have let go of the shackles in her heart these days, so she even hummed a song occasionally. This lively Ye Wu is Ye Wu. : "It won't happen in the future. As long as it's something you don't want to do, Ms. Ye, no one will force you to do it."

Ye Wu shook her head: "It's not that I don't want to do it, I don't know what I should or shouldn't do, but when I saw him, I just felt that it was meaningless to do so." Ye Wu said here The book was put on his lap: "Don't look at me with such eyes, I don't think I have suffered anything, but my hope is gone, my expectation is gone, if possible, I hope Ye Anguo will never appear In front of me, even if I am a chess piece for the rest of my life, then I have reasons."

And when Ye Wu said this, Ye Anguo just came.

Ye Wu's words made Ye Anguo's heart ache.

He knew that the most sorry thing in his life was his daughter, the woman he swore to protect all his life.

However, Ye Anguo quickly sorted out his emotions and walked to Ye Wu's side: "Ah Wu, are you thirsty? I'll pour you a glass of water."

Ye Wu looked at Ye Anguo, then gave Ye Anguo a cute smile, and then took the water from Ye Anguo's hand.

Although Ye Wu's attitude was okay, but throughout the whole process, Ye Wu was cold, as if she was treating a stranger.

"Then where do you want to live in the future, after all, this is not a long-term place, Miss Ye, please tell me, where do you want to live, I will find it according to your preferences." Jiang Xun knew Ye Wu was like this It looks like you bury all your sorrows in your heart.

But Ye Wu chuckled lightly, and then said, "Do you think we can escape the company?"

"It's up to people, and it's not whether I think it or not, but whether you want it or not. If you think about it, then this matter is easy for you, Ms. Ye." Jiang Xun reminded with a smile: "You really are I have my own life to live.”

Ye Wu now really feels that the whole game is her own arrangement, and she is still promoting it by herself. Hey, if she didn't have the habit of giving up halfway, she would have abolished this game long ago.

I just hope that this Jiang Xun can be a little stupid and show some of his abilities.

(End of this chapter)

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