Chapter 47 Is This Ye Wu Still Human?
Ye Wu left Shen Moyan's residence and went outside.

She breathed hard, trying to calm herself down.

Isn't it just that he was underestimated by that hateful man.

Who is she, Ye Wu, unrestrained is her motto.

It's not just being kissed, at worst, just kiss that man back by yourself.

At this time, Zhao Wei appeared behind her: "Miss, Bai Ze was hospitalized today because he drank with you yesterday."

It may be because of a guilty conscience, Ye Wu was taken aback.

Seeing Ye Wu like this, Zhao Wei asked suspiciously: "What's the matter, Miss."

Ye Wu sorted out her emotions: "It's nothing, why is Bai Ze like this."

"It's just a simple gastrointestinal problem, but it's stomach bleeding. My suggestion is that we go and take a look. After all, we just came to Yuncheng now, and other strangers are watching. We must also show sincerity." Zhao Wei suggested .

Ye Wu doesn't like to hear these words, when will she, Ye Wu, be going to do such scene work.

Before Ye Wu had time to say anything, Zhao Wei said: "I know your identity, miss, but since you want to return to the capital as soon as possible, you must get things done in Yuncheng well. If so, then Bai Lao is happy, maybe he will let you go back to the capital, as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and the strangers in Yuncheng are so right after all."

Ye Wu could only swallow what she wanted to say.

After arriving at the hospital.

When Ye Wu saw Bai Ze, seeing Bai Ze's pale face, she asked with concern: "Young Master Bai, what's wrong with you, why is your face so ugly."

Bai Ze raised his head when he heard the voice, and after Ye Wu, who was alive and kicking, appeared in his line of sight: "Miss Ye, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, look at how good I am." Ye Wu walked to Bai Ze's side, sighed slightly, and then patted Bai Ze's shoulder: "Young Master Bai, although you are still young, you still have to be careful. The body, after all, is the most important thing."

White Pond:.
Is this Ye Wu still human?

He can't stand a man, he is hospitalized today, this woman is so alive and kicking.No matter what he thought, Bai Ze felt uncomfortable in his heart, so Bai Ze said: "My body is not bad, but I didn't follow Ms. Ye's example last night and exercise at night. If I do exercise, then the alcohol Just let it out."

Ye Wu naturally knew what Bai Ze meant: "Then I'll send you a few to Young Master Bai tomorrow, so that you can do exercises with Young Master Bai."

At this moment, the doctor came in.

"Young Master Bai, I am actually responsible for this, so let me be responsible for Bai Ze's body." Ye Wu walked to the doctor's side, and then took the medical record from the doctor's hand: "Oh, Young Master Bai, you This stomach is really riddled with holes, if this is the case, then cut it off."

cut off? ? ? ? ? ? ?

What, what's the matter.

The doctor sees someone messing around and wants something.

But at this time Zhao Wei appeared in time and dragged the doctor away.

After being pulled out, Bai Ze showed a serious look: "Actually, I think meeting Ms. Ye is the luckiest thing in my life, because after meeting Ms. Ye, I really encountered a lot of luck." things."

Sure enough, those who know current affairs are heroes.

Ye Wu just laughed, and then took out a bottle of medicine from her pocket: "Eat this, Young Master Bai, you will be able to live and dance like me. After all, I am not familiar with Yuncheng, and I hope you can bear with me a little bit, Young Master Bai." He put the medicine in Bai Ze's hand.

Bai Ze's eyes lit up when he saw the medicine bottle, he was indeed the person in charge of the company, and even this medicine could be obtained.

This is the new drug H40 developed by the company, which can relieve all kinds of pain, and can treat almost all fatal diseases. It can relieve pain and has a price but no market in the world.

This Ye Wu actually picked it up as soon as she said it.

It can be seen that the company attaches great importance to Ye Wu and Yuncheng.

(End of this chapter)

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