Chapter 72 You Hate Me Too Much

"Ye Wu, I'll kill you." At this moment, a loud shout sounded.

Ye Wu turned her head and saw a man in his 20s lying on the ground with a knife in his lower abdomen.

She walked up to the man slowly: "You have a little bit of hatred for me."

Zhao Wei explained from the side: "Miss, according to the information given to us by the people below, this gentleman seems to be dating his girlfriend when the effect of the medicine expires."

"Oh, it turned out that I had diarrhea when I was with my girlfriend." Ye Wu looked at the person with a half-smile, then squatted down, and gently put her hand on the dagger stuck in his body: "It's really Sorry to embarrass you in front of your girlfriend."

In the next moment, lightning appeared in Ye Wu's hand.

The man fell to the ground.

Ye Wu stood up slowly again.

Zhao Wei will take care of the rest.

Now that the matter is settled, Ye Wu doesn't need to waste time here.

After Ye Wu washed the blood off her hands, she left.

She was walking on the street, and the pedestrians on the street were in a hurry, with smiles or anger on their faces. Compared with them, Ye Wu was like a walking dead.

Ye Wu stopped in front of a street performer.

A girl with short hair is singing "The Thief of Time"

If you can hold it tight, don't let it go

If you can hug, don't pull

Time rushes away
what's left

forgive those twists and turns

All that's left is real

Even if it's like a dream, half awake
Happy to laugh and cry

After watching for a while, Ye Wu smiled.

Then he continued to walk slowly forward.

Ye Wu casually hummed The Thief of Time.

Not long after he left, the phone rang.

She took out her phone, and saw the words Shen Moyan displayed on the phone.

After answering the phone, before Ye Wu had time to say anything, she heard an indifferent voice on the phone: "Turn back."

Ye Wu turned around and saw Shen Moyan.

Ye Wu panicked when she saw Shen Moyan.

It's as if you are slowly floating in the sea of ​​people. You have decided to float up and down at will, but you didn't expect that at this moment, a piece of driftwood appeared.

But in just a moment, Ye Wu sorted out her emotions.

How could Shen Moyan be her driftwood?

Immediately, a smile appeared on Ye Wu's face, and she ran towards Shen Moyan.

Seeing Ye Wu running towards him, Shen Moyan felt a ripple in his heart.

He didn't know why, he just heard Sheng Rui say that he saw Ye Wu here, so he came to look for her.

Seeing her aimlessly walking in the crowd, he couldn't help calling Ye Wu.

The smile on her face really made Shen Moyan couldn't help but smile.

Did he have a bad mind just now, and he actually felt that Ye Wu was so pitiful.

But when Ye Wu came in front of him, he subconsciously stretched out his arm.

Ye Wu threw herself into his arms: "Professor Shen, I didn't expect you to be here, do we have a special destiny?"

When Ye Wu threw herself into Shen Moyan's arms, she started chattering non-stop. Shen Moyan is a person who doesn't like others to bother him, but I don't know why, when he heard Ye Wu's chattering voice, he didn't feel at all feel annoying.

Ye Wu originally thought of simply hugging her, but she didn't expect that at this moment, she frowned.

The next moment, she turned around.

Shen Moyan felt that something was wrong with Ye Wu, and then Ye Wu's voice: "I seem to be unlucky to be with you."

(End of this chapter)

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