Chapter 91
After hearing the news that Ye Wu woke up, Liu Yiyi rushed to the hospital in the shortest time.

When she arrived at the hospital, she directly grabbed Ye Wu's neck: "You woman, you actually made me so worried, and you were injured, so why didn't you tell me, luckily you didn't die, if you were to die, then I'm sure I won't even burn paper for you."

Although it is menacing, but there is no strength.

Ye Wu felt warm in her heart when she heard what Liu Yiyi said.

The reason why she chose to be friends with Liu Yiyi was because Liu Yiyi lived a life that she would never be able to live.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong." Ye Wu begged for mercy.

Liu Yiyi was also concerned about Ye Wu's body, so she let Ye Wu go: "If you have anything to do in the future, then you must tell me, and you have kept it from me this time, you have to make it up to me."

"Can I give you Bai Ze's contact information?" Ye Wu said flatteringly.

Liu Yiyi pretended to be ignorant.

Shen Moyan didn't bother watching the two girls fighting, but just watched quietly.

However, his eyes were always on Ye Wu.

Ye Wu teased Liu Yiyi: "May I treat you to dinner, shall I cook for you?"

When Liu Yiyi heard this, she immediately said: "Farewell, you cook, do you cook for people to eat? I have to live for a few more days. You should take a good rest. Your health will recover. Then it is the best repayment for me, you know?" He hugged Ye Wu as he said: "Professor Shen, you have been guarding Ah Wu for the past few days, and you are also tired, go and rest, I am here to watch Ah Wu flatter."

Shen Moyan knew that they were all women, so it was still a bit inconvenient for him to be here.

So get up and leave.

After Shen Moyan left the ward, Liu Yiyi's eyes were full of gossip: "Ah Wu, do you know that Shen Moyan has been guarding you every step of the way during your illness, I really never thought that you would put your Shen Moyan is so obsessed."


When Ye Wu heard this, her heart tensed up.

"That's right, I originally thought that Shen Moyan just agreed to see Ah Wu because you look good, but I didn't expect this man to be so serious, Ah Wu, you really found a treasure." Liu Yiyi said He poked Ye Wu's arm with his arm.

Ye Wu didn't know what to say, and felt guilty.

After all, from the beginning, she just wanted to have fun, but she didn't expect Shen Moyan to be so serious.

Liu Yiyi felt Ye Wu's emotions, and she also knew how Ye Wu and Shen Moyan were together: "Ah Wu, I actually think Shen Moyan is very good, he became a professor at a young age, so cherish it."

Ye Wu didn't respond, she clearly knew what was on her body.

Even if the people in the company above want her to die immediately, she will die without hesitation.

When she chose to go with Bai Lao, her life was not her own.

"Besides, you didn't go to school for a few days, so it can be seen that you are good at this and that." Liu Yiyi suddenly changed the subject.

Ye Wu really didn't know what to say when the subject changed like this: "You changed the subject too quickly, you just drive when you say you want to drive, do you really think you are a race car driver, are you not afraid of hitting a tree?"

"I'm talking to you very seriously." Liu Yiyi chuckled.

Now Ye Wu really doesn't want to talk to this guy, this guy is really enough.

(End of this chapter)

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