Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 104 Starting to live together

Chapter 104 Starting to live together
Although Xu Wenping didn't know who these people were, he still wanted to use these people to get rid of Takeshita Maixiang, which would be like getting rid of a trouble.For Xu Wenping, this is what Xu Wenping wished for. It can make Qing Shui have one less helper, and no one will watch him anymore.

Xu Wenping is very confident in his acting skills, the acting is really shocking, everyone should be impressed by his acting skills.Xu Wenping was ready to start acting, but the group of people suddenly shouted: "The devil is here, let's go."

This group of people came and ran fast, and they didn't forget to take away the people who were knocked down by Takeshita Wuxiang, and they took them away quickly.Takeshita Wuxiang didn't choose to chase them because she still wanted to protect Xu Wenping, and she didn't understand what happened today, how could someone suddenly want to kill her.

Looking at the group of people who left, Xu Wenping shouted in his heart, I'm all ready and I'm about to start acting, why are you all leaving.Xu Wenping yelled in his heart to tell them to come back quickly, but they were destined not to hear them. They yelled and killed for a long time, but took away nothing but a few wounded.

Xu Wenping looked at the empty street and sighed in his heart, "It's so unprofessional."

The belated devil finally arrived, but was sent away by Xu Wenping and Takeshita Wuxiang, but Takeshita Wuxiang asked one of the devils to go back and tell Shimizu what happened today.

"Wuxiang, who have you offended? Why do so many people want to kill you?" Xu Wenping asked, because he knew that these people didn't come to kill the anti-Japanese elements of Takeshita Wuxiang for the purpose of killing the Japanese.

If that's the case, they should also attack Xu Wenping, because Xu Wenping is a traitor.But they didn't, they were very purposeful, and they didn't attack Xu Wenping at the beginning, but they had no choice but to implicate Xu Wenping, so it can be seen that they had a purpose.

Takeshita Maixiang was also very confused, she had only come to Beiping City not long ago, how could this happen.But that group of people had already run away, and it was impossible to guess now, but the words Qi Yuanshan popped up in Xu Wenping's heart.

"Let's go." Xu Wenping didn't say anything, but continued to walk towards the security team. Originally, the devils wanted to protect him, but Xu Wenping refused.

Although Takeshita Wuxiang had just arrived in Beiping City, it wasn't that she had offended no one, at least she had offended the Qi family.It's just that Xu Wenping didn't expect that Qi Yuanshan would dare to send someone to kill Takeshita Wuxiang in broad daylight, but unfortunately, it didn't work.

The security team was relatively deserted today, because it was busy all night yesterday, so apart from the necessary training, the security team had a holiday today and let everyone go to bed and rest.So Xu Wenping brought Zhuxia Wuxiang to the security team, but he didn't see anyone. Deng Wu seemed to want to come up and say something to Xu Wenping, but when he saw Zhuxia Wuxiang, he turned his head and left.

Xu Wenping has been thinking about Song Xiaoxian in his heart, but Takeshita Wuxiang is not far away, so he has no chance to ask Chu Fei to inquire about it.Qing Shui's move was poisonous enough. Although Xu Wenping's personal freedom was not restricted, it made Xu Wenping unable to do anything.

In the security team looking for an opportunity all afternoon, Xu Wenping failed to have a few words with Deng Wu alone, even when going to the bathroom, Takeshita Wuxiang had to wait outside.

Forget about going home, Xu Wenping checked the time, it was time to go home.She has lost interest in chatting with Takeshita Wuxiang for a long time, because she doesn't eat hard and soft, and doesn't eat oil and salt. Although she is obedient to Xu Wenping on the surface, she still doesn't know what she is thinking in her heart.

Xu Wenping didn't expect that Song Xiaoxian was at home, but Su Qiaoniang disappeared. After returning, Xu Wenping found that Song Xiaoxian was the only one at home.Takeshita Wuxiang also met Song Xiaoxian, that night, so when she saw Song Xiaoxian now, she remembered it.

Seeing Song Xiaoxian and Xu Wenping dragging Song Xiaoxian into his room, Takeshita Wuxiang also wanted to come in, Xu Wenping blocked the door and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Protect Head Xu." Takeshita Maixiang said.

"Didn't you say you don't sleep in the same room at night? Besides, we two want to do some fun things, do you want to be together too?" Xu Wenping said with a smile. She could only endure the good show in front of her.

Takeshita Wuxiang looked surprised, looked at Xu Wenping, and said subconsciously: "It's not even night yet."

"I just love this time, can't I?" Xu Wenping asked, you don't care if I am at night or not, I like to come at this time, what's the matter.

"Well then, head Xu, please go ahead, I'm next door, please call me if you need something." Wuxiang Takeshita said, Wuxiang Takeshita has nothing to do about this matter, she can't restrict Xu Wenping, right?

Qing Shui only asked her to protect Xu Wenping, but did not ask her to restrict Xu Wenping. Now that Xu Wenping is willing, she can only let Xu Wenping do it.

As soon as the door was closed, Song Xiaoxian threw a bench at Xu Wenping. What he said just now, he likes to come at this time. Why do you come here? You want to die.However, Xu Wenping was agile, moved beautifully, and dodged.

Takeshita Wuxiang, who hadn't gone far outside the door, heard this voice, and spat: "Woman." She thought it was Xu Wenping who couldn't wait anymore, and the two of them didn't know what they were doing inside to make such a noise. strange sound.

"What are you doing, stop making trouble, why are you here, Qiao Niang." Dodging the stool thrown by Song Xiaoxian, Xu Wenping asked, what is going on.

Who made a fuss, Song Xiaoxian was upset, he gave Xu Wenping a hard look and said: "Why can't I come, I miss your Qiaoniang sister, it's a pity that your Qiaoniang sister left you."

Xu Wenping didn't bother to argue with her, and asked, "Are you all right there? How is Qiuming? Don't you need to take care of him? Come here by yourself."

"You think I'm thinking that I ran back because I was afraid that something might happen to you here." Song Xiaoxian said, last night they followed Bai Fengya to escape the devil's search, and Qiuming's injuries were much better.

But today they knew the news that Takeshita Wuxiang personally protected Xu Wenping. This news was sent by Chu Fei. After the security team met Xu Wenping, Chu Fei took the time to send the news.Of course, Chu Fei couldn't find Bai Fengya and the others, so he just told Su Qiaoniang the news, but Song Xiaoxian just came back to find Su Qiaoniang, and wanted to tell her the news that she was safe, and asked her to pass it on to Xu Wenping.

In this way, they all knew the news that Xu Wenping was under personal protection.In the end, Song Xiaoxian was going to come back, because Takeshita Maixiang had seen them both, so the Japanese would not doubt that Song Xiaoxian and Xu Wenping were together.

Now that Song Xiaoxian is here, of course Su Qiaoniang can't be here. It just so happens that the school at Haruko Yamazaki needs someone, and Su Qiaoniang just happens to be there.That's why when Xu Wenping came back today, he only saw Song Xiaoxian, but not Su Qiaoniang.

(End of this chapter)

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