Chapter 118

Xu Wenping walked towards the devil who fell on the ground step by step. The devil did not give up resistance, picked up a long bench beside him, and swung towards Xu Wenping.Xu Wenping kicked the stool, and the devil holding the stool almost sat on the ground again due to the force from his hand.

"How many people are there in Beiping City and where are you?" Xu Wenping asked in Japanese. Now the two of them were facing each other, but the devil knew that he was not Xu Wenping's opponent.

"Who are you?" The ghost didn't answer Xu Wenping's words, but asked, they came very carefully and acted very carefully, who is this person, and why did he know them.

Xu Wenping said with a smile: "You can only answer my questions now, you are not qualified to ask questions."

The devil obviously didn't know how to answer Xu Wenping's question, roared angrily, and rushed up again, Xu Wenping didn't hold back his hands anymore, he raised his foot to kick.But this time, the devil really wanted to die, so he sent him up to kick Xu Wenping, and then grabbed Xu Wenping's feet tightly, not letting go no matter what.

Suddenly Xu Wenping felt a black shadow flash in front of his eyes, and there was another person in front of his eyes, and the black cloth covering his face was grabbed off.The person who grabbed Xu Wenping's scarf, looked at Xu Wenping's staring boss, and obviously recognized it.

After seeing Xu Wenping's face, the man immediately stepped out of the room, just one word, run.He knew that he was not Xu Wenping's opponent, and he wanted to live to make Qingshui happy with this news. This news was too important, so all he could think about right now was to run away.

In fact, there were four people in this room. After he heard the gunshots, he did not shoot with the other two, but hid.After all, Xu Wenping was not familiar with the environment in the room, so he didn't notice him in the first place. The people in the special high class were indeed not ordinary soldiers. He watched his companion die in front of his eyes, and hid himself motionless, waiting. Just this time, he took off Xu Wenping's face towel.

The devils who hugged Xu Wenping's feet tightly were also to create opportunities for him, but they didn't expect them to succeed.It's just that the face under the veil surprised them all, and they couldn't believe it.

When he saw Xu Wenping, the first thing he thought of was to report to Qing Shui, so he didn't care about the life and death of the devil who was holding Xu Wenping, he walked out of the room and started running.

When Xu Wenping saw it, he immediately raised his hand to deal with the devil holding his leg, and chased him out.I just saw Chu Fei and Deng Wu come out after finishing off the devil in another room, and shouted while running: "Go back to the security team, the devil should come as soon as he hears the gunfire, don't worry about me."

After yelling, Xu Wenping ran after the devil with all his strength. This should not make him run away. If he told Qing Shui the news, the consequences would be unimaginable.That devil knew that he was not Xu Wenping's opponent, so he didn't stop at all, just kept running.

But how could he run faster than Xu Wenping, Xu Wenping's horsepower was fully activated, and his speed was not ordinary fast.The devil looked back, Xu Wenping was about to catch up, he was surprised, what kind of speed is this, so fast.

Xu Wenping glanced at the watch on his wrist, the time was running out, Song Xiaoxian didn't know what to do, hurry up.Xu Wenping made another effort. At this time, Xu Wenping didn't have any ideas. He just wanted to make a quick decision, and he didn't give the devil a chance to talk, and he didn't even ask him about the situation of the special advanced class. After losing his breath, Xu Wenping started to run all the way back home.

Run, finally arrived, even if Xu Wenping tried his best, it took about four or ten minutes from going out to coming back.Before entering the room from the window, Xu Wenping heard Song Xiaoxian's coquettish voice. After more than half an hour of practice, he became more proficient, up and down, tossing and turning.

This is indeed a woman's innate skill, Xu Wenping can only sigh to himself, this is really incomparable.

"You're back." Seeing Xu Wenping, Song Xiaoxian stopped and shouted, holding a glass of water in his hand, it seemed that he was a little thirsty after shouting for a long time, shouting while drinking, really dedicated, Xu Wenping thought to himself.

"Well, Wuxiang Takeshita has no doubts." Xu Wenping asked.

Song Xiaoxian put down the tea in her hand and said, "Probably not." Although she yelled hard, she didn't know if Takeshita Wuxiang would suspect it, but Takeshita Wuxiang didn't move, so there should be no doubts.

After Xu Wenping came back, he also made a little noise, telling Takeshita Wuxiang that he was there.After finishing all this, Xu Wenping sat on the edge of the bed to rest for a while. He ran all the way just now, but he didn't spare any energy. He really ran, otherwise he wouldn't know where he was now.

"What happened, how did it work?" Song Xiaoxian had the chance to ask at this time, because Xu Wenping sat on the bed because she was so curious about it that she didn't respond.

Xu Wenping smiled casually, and said, "I don't even look at who is going to do it, you say it's successful or not."

Hearing what Xu Wenping said, Song Xiaoxian knew he had succeeded, but he just couldn't stand Xu Wenping's complacent look, and said, "Can you succeed without me?"

This is a big truth, without Song Xiaoxian himself this plan would not be easy to implement, but for some reason Xu Wenping suddenly said, "Yes, yes, it's all thanks to you, you are very good, you are very talented. "

After saying this, Xu Wenping felt that the room was quiet, and looked up at Song Xiaoxian looking at him with a dark face, what's the matter, he was not happy to praise her.

"Get out of here." Song Xiaoxian pulled Xu Wenping, pulled Xu Wenping off the bed, lay down on the bed by himself, and went to sleep, ignoring Xu Wenping.

Ignore it and ignore it, Xu Wenping also went to the ground to sleep.

But Chu Fei and Deng Wu were not as lucky as Xu Wenping, because the store was very close to the security team, so the security team had to be dispatched.As soon as Chu Fei and Deng Wu returned to the security team, they followed them out again. There was no peace.

Of course the gendarmerie also came, but after hearing the news, Shimizu came faster than Naoki Yamazaki, and ran here with Muto early.Looking at the few people who died on the ground, Muto said in surprise: "Section Chief, isn't this Yamada and the others? How could they be killed here?"

Dead, looking at the dead man on the ground, Shimizu knew that he had met his opponent.In other places, Qing Shui's achievements are very remarkable, otherwise he would not be allowed to come to Beiping City, but after he came, everything was beyond his expectation, and everything went wrong, including the special high school students. People have been killed so many unknowingly, this opponent is not easy.

"Let Takeshita Maika and Xu Wenping come to the gendarmerie tomorrow." Shimizu said to Muto, now Xu Wenping is the only object he suspects, and this base was originally used to monitor Xu Wenping, and now there is a problem, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible It was Xu Wenping who was most suspected.

(End of this chapter)

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