Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 120 It's a pity that I can't eat any more

Chapter 120 It's a pity that I can't eat any more

is it wrong?Qing Shui had to ask himself again, is he careless, is there still someone in the dark.In fact, when he first came to Beiping City, Qing Shui believed that Xu Wenping did it. As for not directly arresting Xu Wenping, he also wanted to see if he could catch more people through him.

But what happened during this period made Qing Shui have to think again. He felt that he had mastered Xu Wenping a long time ago, which was equivalent to mastering that person, but now it seems that this is not the case.

It's because I'm too arrogant, I was not like this before, I was serious about everything, but now I'm a little too confident.With more halos on his head, he lost himself instead. After tidying up his mentality, Qing Shui was full of confidence again instead of arrogance.

"Since you want to play, I'll play with you. Beiping City is only so big. Let's see what you can do." Qing Shui said silently in his heart, he was already looking forward to the person he had never met, and His fight should be interesting.

Shimizu called Takeshita Wuxiang to her side and muttered for a while, obviously asking about Xu Wenping.

After asking, Qing Shui raised his head, looked at Xu Wenping and said, "Commander Xu, although it's good to be young, you must know how to control yourself."

Temper your sister, temperance, I haven't done anything, okay, but now I can only say: "What the section chief said is right, I will pay attention."

"That's good, I just don't know who your wife is?" Qing Shui asked pretendingly, Takeshita Wuxiang must have told him that Xu Wenping and Song Xiaoxian were not married, but Qing Shui still asked, she just wanted to ask about Song Xiaoxian.

It seems that Qing Shui really never let go of the opportunity to doubt himself, Xu Wenping said shyly, "I'm not married yet."

"Oh, I'm not married, the one in the family is." Qing Shui asked in surprise, why are you so surprised, it's too boring to pretend.

"You understand." Xu Wenping gave Qing Shui a look that a man should understand, and then only said three words, Qing Shui smiled and did not continue to ask.

Qing Shui said: "Captain Xu is indeed a man of temperament."

Xu Wenping didn't answer, but smiled embarrassedly. This time he killed several people in the special high class.But there are obviously more than a few people in the special high school in Beiping city. After this incident, they will definitely be more careful. How can we find a way to find them all, Xu Wenping looked at Qingshui in front of him and wondered in his heart.

Qing Shui definitely knew it in his head, but even if Xu Wenping kidnapped Qing Shui, Qing Shui might not say it.If it doesn't work out, you will have to expose yourself, so this method will definitely not work, but if you don't find them out, there will be countless eyes watching you in the city of Peiping, and if there is a slight mistake, it will be lost forever.

"I don't know what Captain Xu thinks about this matter." Qing Shui asked.

Xu Wenping said without thinking, "What can I say, but I won't be able to eat that dim sum in the future, section chief, do you know? It's a pity that my favorite is that dim sum."

"You." Muto pointed at Xu Wenping and said angrily, the elite soldiers of the empire are all dead, yet you still want to eat.Could it be that soldiers of the empire are not as good as your favorite snacks?Wu Teng wanted to teach Xu Wenping a good lesson.

Xu Wenping also looked at Mu Teng, and would clean you up sooner or later, Shimizu waved his hand, let Mu Teng put his hand down, and said, "It's all right, Captain Xu can leave."

"Then I'll leave, and you can come to me again if you have anything to do." Xu Wenping and Takeshita Wuxiang left, saying that you are not as good as Dim Sum, a bunch of beasts.

Where is the original owner of the pastry shop?When Wang Da went to ask, no one knew about it, and there was no news at all.No matter whether he left Beiping City or where he went, there must be some rumors, but there is no news yet.Xu Wenping didn't need to look to know that he was killed by those devils. Now he can't even find the body, and he doesn't know where he was thrown.

What Xu Wenping regretted just now was the snacks, but those few lives. In the final analysis, he was the one who killed them.If he didn't go to that shop to eat, the devils wouldn't be following them, nor would they attack them.

In fact, Xu Wenping couldn't be blamed for this matter, the devil couldn't do anything, it's just that Xu Wenping just felt uncomfortable.

"Sooner or later, I will let you go down and kowtow to them to confess your guilt." Looking at the gendarmerie behind him, Xu Wenping said in his heart.

After Xu Wenping and the others left, Muto said to Shimizu: "Section Chief, you have indulged Xu Wenping too much. Today he is so arrogant that he doesn't take the soldiers of the empire seriously."

Muto wasn't talking nonsense, what Xu Wenping said today was indeed a bit arrogant.But it was because of this arrogance that Qing Shui felt that Xu Wenping was not that person. If so, according to the hearts of normal people, of course it was well hidden. How could he be like Xu Wenping.

But Qing Shui didn't think about it the other way around, Xu Wenping did it on purpose, but if this is the case, isn't it just looking for trouble?
"You don't need to worry about his affairs, just leave it to Takeshita Maixiang. The actions of our special high school are now being hindered like never before in Beiping City. I need you to help them." Qing Shui said.

"But the section chief, what about your safety?" Muto asked. The main duty of him and Takeshita Maika was to protect Shimizu. Now Takeshita Maika went to monitor Xu Wenping, and he was the only one protecting Shimizu.If he also leaves, there will be no one to protect Qingshui, and safety will be a big problem.

Qing Shui shook his head and said, "I am safe in the gendarmerie. If I need to go out, I will notify you to come back."

Hearing what Shimizu said, Muto agreed to come down, and now the special high school urgently needs to open up the situation in Beiping City, and it is in great need of manpower.

As soon as Xu Wenping and Takeshita Wuxiang returned to the security team, they received a call from Qi Mansion, and Bai Fengya couldn't wait any longer.After I gave Xu Wenping a note that day, I originally thought that Xu Wenping would reply to me soon, but who knows that there is no news yet.

In fact, it didn't take long, the total was less than 24 hours, but Bai Fengya was impatient.Because Qi Yuanshan has been urging her, when receiving her call, Xu Wenping only said three words, "Wait a little longer." Then he hung up the phone, and now it is not convenient for Zhuxia Wuxiang to talk, another problem is, He really didn't have a plan in mind right now.

Holding the phone that had already been hung up, Bai Fengya was so angry that she dared to hang up her own phone.I haven't finished my words, okay, what else is there to wait, I can wait, Qi Yuanshan can't wait.

I didn't bother with you about the dance last time. You are still capable now. Next time I see you, I must look good to you.Bai Fengya definitely wouldn't be like this in front of other people, she always hides her emotions very well, always with a smile on her face.

But in front of Xu Wenping, she had unknowingly removed her disguise, and all she showed was her true side.

 Thank you Yuda, for the recommendation last night

(End of this chapter)

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