Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 130 Who Doesn't Know Who

Chapter 130 Who Doesn't Know Who

It's not night yet, and there will probably be more people who want to come to the security team to rob people at night.

"Captain, someone is looking for you, and they say what school you are from." At this moment, a soldier from the security regiment ran in and said.

"Please come in." Xu Wenping said, needless to say, the school should be Su Qiaoniang and Yamazaki Haruko.

Su Qiaoniang originally wanted to find Xu Wenping to be troublesome, because she was afraid of being suspected, but now she has no such worries at all.Because there was Haruko Yamazaki as a cover, even if people found out, they only thought that Haruko Yamazaki wanted to come and accompany him.

"Munping-kun, are you okay?" Seeing Xu Wenping, Haruko Yamazaki asked, she was still a little girl, she liked to have fun, it was really difficult for her to be a teacher.In the past few days, the school has already had a few students. At the beginning, she was very happy teaching, but after a long time, she became a little absent-minded.

Originally, it was necessary to vigorously recruit students, but Beiping City just happened to catch up with this matter, so we had to wait a little longer and teach as many as we had.

They also heard about the security team, so Haruko Yamazaki asked Xu Wenping if he was okay, but Su Qiaoniang knew that there was nothing wrong when she saw Xu Wenping standing here in good order.

"Of course I'm fine. The city of Beiping is not peaceful these days, so you don't want to come out and run around." Xu Wenping said, Haruko Yamazaki is ignorant, so does Su Qiaoniang also?Running around at this time, what to do if there is any problem, in fact, Xu Wenping didn't know that Su Qiaoniang wanted to come to him today, and Haruko Yamazaki was just a cover.

When Haruko Yamazaki heard what Xu Wenping said, she lowered her head and said, "I just want to come and see you."

"Go in and have a meeting." Xu Wenping said, hearing Xu Wenping's words, Haruko Yamazaki walked inside first.Su Qiaoniang and Xu Wenping lagged behind, "What does that person know?" Su Qiaoniang knew that time was limited, so she didn't want to talk nonsense, so she asked directly.

Although I don't know why Su Qiaoniang cares about this, Xu Wenping explained it to her, and Haruko Yamazaki talked with Xu Wenping about some interesting things that happened in the past few days.She also revealed that she doesn't like being a teacher because she feels that she is useless and can't teach students at all.

Xu Wenping comforted her, told her everything would be fine, and asked her to persevere.Haruko Yamazaki was pestering Xu Wenping, and since the security team came today, she seemed to have no intention of leaving, chatting happily.

But Su Qiaoniang didn't speak much, she didn't know what she was thinking, she seemed to have something on her mind.But because Haruko Yamazaki is here, Xu Wenping can't ask, so he can only plan to talk about it later.

After leaving the security regiment, Xue Changgui returned to his home in Beiping City, Qi Yuanshan returned to Qi Mansion, Qing Shui and Yamazaki Naoki returned to the gendarmerie of course.But Li Sixing didn't go back to his mansion, but went to a house under his name, he didn't come here often, so he didn't know what he was going to do today.

After Li Sixing came here, he explained to the people behind him: "Keep an eye on the door, don't let anyone in."

"Yes, sir."

Li Sixing came to the door of a room, opened the door and went in, then turned around and closed the door.

I only heard a voice from inside the room, "How's the matter?" A voice rang out, but this voice was not Li Sixing's. It seemed that there was a second person in the room.

"Hmph, you even dare to kill your business partners, why are you looking for me?" Li Sixing said in a bad tone.

The other person was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "Don't forget how you got into this seat. There are many more people who died than me. Neither of us knows the other, so don't fucking talk about me."

"You..." Li Sixing seemed to be in pain when someone talked about it, and he was speechless for a while.

"What's going on?" The man asked again after finishing his sentence. It seemed that he was more concerned about this matter.

"Kill all of them and leave one behind. You are asking for trouble." Li Sixing said.

Another voice said: "At that time, I didn't think that he helped me and kindly spared his life. I knew that I would kill him together."

"You have good intentions too?" Li Sixing said with a smile, his tone was full of teasing, as if he heard a joke.

"Brother, you are ashamed to talk about me. You took my second brother. This seat is not yours, but my second brother's. How you got there, you know better than me." The man also said with a sneer.

"Shut up." Li Sixing shouted angrily.

"Shut up? Why should I shut up? Did I say something wrong? There are three of us, your eldest and my third. I am the most disappointed. The president of the chamber of commerce was supposed to be for the second brother, so why did he fall behind?" It’s up to you, the second brother actually died of illness, what a big joke, do you think I don’t know how the second brother died?” The man said, unexpectedly the person inside was Li Sixing’s own brother, Li Sixing’s family Three brothers.

But the second child had already died of illness, and the third child also died on a delivery trip a few years ago, so why did he suddenly appear again now?

"Oh, by the way, of course you know, otherwise why would you find a killer to kill me when I was delivering the goods? Is it because I knew your secret that you couldn't eat or sleep, and you couldn't wait to get rid of it later?" Hurry up." Li Sixing's younger brother continued to provoke him, and it could be heard from this man's words that Li Sixing, who has always been a kind person in the eyes of the people of Peking, would actually kill his two younger brothers.

Knowing people, knowing the face but not knowing the heart, who can see that Li Sixing is such a person, it's a fantasy.

"Li Siming, stop talking." Li Sixing said.

Li Siming is also Li Sixing's younger brother, but he said with a smile: "Li Siming is dead, call me Mr. Li, the third one, hehe."

If Xu Wenping and the others were here now, they would be very excited, Mr. Li, isn't the medicine that person said today is in the hands of a man named Mr. Li?

No wonder just now Li Sixing said that he killed all of them and kept one, so that's how it is.

"Now you are in danger, you should leave Beiping City first, I will arrange for you to leave." Li Sixing said, now Beiping City is looking for Li Sanye everywhere, it is good to leave.

But Li Sanye ignored Li Sixing and said, "Leave? You're thinking beautifully. You have to sell that batch of medicine to me, give me the money, and I'll leave again, or I'll tell you what you did. , ruin your reputation in Beiping City."

"No one dares to ask for your medicine now, the rumors are so tight, you are dying." Li Sixing shouted angrily, what time is it, and he still thinks about money.

"Then I don't care. If no one wants it, you want it. You give me the money. Anyway, those medicines are good things, and you won't lose money if you take them." Li Sanye said, it is impossible to ask him to leave Beiping City empty-handed. of.

Li Sixing cursed inwardly, I want your medicine?Those medicines are indeed good things, and there is no disadvantage in holding them.But now it is different from usual, when they can get these medicines, if the Japanese check them strictly, they will not be able to sell them for three and half a year.

 Thank you Feihu 1974, last night, where are you aha for your recommendation and support
  Still the same sentence, ask for an assist tomorrow, thank you Ergou

(End of this chapter)

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