Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 136 The Midnight Murder in Beiping City Part [-]

Chapter 136 The Midnight Murder in Beiping City Part [-]
Xu Wenping looked at Takeshita Wuxiang, so what if he understood, it was too late, do you still have a chance to tell Qing Shui and the others?

I followed Xu Wenping for so long and didn't realize this, and from this, Song Xiaoxian in his family was also an anti-Japanese element.The security team also has his people, although not all of them, but definitely there are, and this Chu Fei is not just an example.

"I didn't expect Head Xu to hide it deep enough, but Section Chief Qing Shui has already suspected it. It will be a matter of time before you are exposed." Wuxiang Takeshita said, she wanted to hit Xu Wenping's self-confidence, as long as Xu Wenping's letter was shaken, Everything is easy to handle.

"Whether I expose or not is my business. You should worry about yourself." Xu Wenping said, Wuxiang Takeshita is hard to protect herself now, and she still has the mood to control herself.

"As long as Head Xu and I go back to see Section Chief Shimizu, I think Section Chief Shimizu will not embarrass Head Xu, please trust me." Maixiang Takeshita said sincerely.

Come on, Xu Wenping smiled disdainfully, thinking I was stupid.

Seeing the disdainful smile on Xu Wenping's face, Wuxiang Takeshita reached out and took out the pistol at her waist. A gunshot sounded so piercing in the silent night.

A wild cat passing by was so startled that its hair stood up all over its body, it bowed its waist, and howled in a low voice.

Takeshita Wuxiang still maintained the posture of pointing the gun at Xu Wenping, but it was herself who got down. Xu Wenping blew on the muzzle of the gun and hid the gun again.

"Moving the gun, don't you know that the gun is all left over from my playing?" Xu Wenping looked at the fallen Wuxiang Takeshita, and said in his mouth, Wuxiang Takeshita opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he could only be unwilling I died.

Deng Wu who heard the gunshots ran over quickly, and Xu Wenping said, "Hurry up, wait for the devils to come and catch them, hurry up." The gunfire will definitely attract the devils soon, so Xu Wenping and the others must leave as soon as possible. But what Xu Wenping and the others didn't know was that the first person to come here after they left was not a Japanese, but a reporter.

Things went well, Xu Wenping didn't inform Bai Fengya, let her hear the news by herself.

"You killed the devil without taking me." Hearing that Xu Wenping had actually eliminated Takeshita Maixiang today, Song Xiaoxian said that she was going crazy, and she would not let herself participate in this action.

"Next time, I will definitely take you with me next time." Xu Wenping, who just opened his mouth to come with this empty note, who knows where it will be next time.

But Song Xiaoxian also let Xu Wenping go, she didn't expect him to kill a devil in a super high class without making a sound, she thought Xu Wenping was very powerful.Looking at Xu Wenping's side face, Song Xiaoxian had a lot of thoughts for a while, remembering the first time we met, he kicked him down from the second floor of the hotel...

"By the way, are the people from the Rape Suppression Society still in Beiping?" Xu Wenping asked.

Song Xiaoxian was interrupted by Xu Wenping, and replied: "I don't know, but I should be here. It's just that the president didn't come. The devil already knows the president. It's very dangerous to come."

It seems that the anti-rape society is still not giving up, but there are many people who have ideas. Besides, it is better to get the medicine than the devils to get the anti-rape society.Killing Takeshita Wuxiang is equivalent to cutting off Qingshui's arm, Xu Wenping wants to see who really owns the world in this Beiping city.

At night in October, I could already feel a bit of coolness, but Xu Wenping still lived in the same room with Song Xiaoxian, but he still slept on the floor.

After bidding farewell to Song Xiaoxian in the morning, Xu Wenping came to the security team as usual. Don't expect Song Xiaoxian to cook breakfast, that's cooking.Xu Wenping could only buy some breakfast on the road, and then joined the security team.

Because they killed the devil last night, today Chu Fei and Deng Wu seemed to be in high spirits and full of energy.

I'm lazy to care about the two of them, one is on the lookout, and the other is still being beaten. I'm the one who killed them.

Picking up the newspaper delivered today, Xu Wenping browsed through it, but there was nothing worthy of attention.Either it is some big matter, which is too big for everyone to care about, or it is some small matter, which is too small for everyone to care about.

There are also great benevolent people in Beiping City, how many people have been rescued by Li Sixing, how many people have spontaneously expressed their gratitude, written articles for newspapers and signed their signatures, and so on.

As soon as the newspaper was turned, a report attracted Xu Wenping's attention "Midnight Murder in Beiping City", and it also included a picture of a woman, but the clothes were a bit messy.

Is it for money?Or for sex?Is it a vendetta?Or he killed?Is it a coincidence?Or is it inevitable?A murder case under the curtain of night will tell us what is the distortion of human nature or the result of reality.

The title and title were all fascinating, Xu Wenping couldn't help but look at it, but no matter how you look at that photo, it was the place where they killed Takeshita Maixiang last night.Although Takeshita Maixiang's face was not visible in the photo, Xu Wenping would not be mistaken in that place, and the person in the photo looked like Takeshita Maixiang, but why the clothes were messy.

Xu Wenping remembered that when he killed her yesterday, he didn't touch her clothes, so what happened.The report actually said that some people robbed money halfway, and then suddenly became lustful. They raped and then killed, killed and then raped, and killed and then raped.

"Baga, Bagaya Road." Qing Shui angrily slapped the newspaper in his hand on the table, causing the tea on the table to overflow from the cup.When he heard the news of Takeshita Maixiang's death, he was already very angry, but now he didn't expect to see such a report again, what was written about it.

"Chairman, please let me kill the people in this newspaper, everyone." Muto stood up with red eyes. He was interested in Takeshita Maika, but now that Takeshita Maika is dead, someone still wrote that she was raped first After killing or something, Muto couldn't bear it.

"Stop." Qing Shui shouted.

Now it's just a report, no one knows who the dead person is, and there is no face in the photo. At this time, the Japanese will come to the door or tell others who the person is.Shimizu can't let Muto go, the Empire of Japan can't afford to lose this person, and can't lose this person.

"Don't we just ignore it? Let them write indiscriminately and discredit our Great Japanese Empire." Muto shouted excitedly.

"What we have to do now is to find the murderer who killed Takeshita Maika, not the person who wrote this report. He doesn't know that this is a person from the Imperial High School, otherwise he would not dare to write if he had the courage Do you understand such reports?" Qing Shui shouted, and he lost his composure, after all, a series of defeats made him physically and mentally exhausted.

After calming down, Shimizu said: "Secretly find the person who wrote the report, kill him, and then do his best to track down the murderer who killed Takeshita Maika." He knew that if Muto was not allowed to go, Muto must be unhappy, and he might be overheated when doing things , So after thinking about it, Shimizu decided to let Muto go.

 Thanks to book friends, Hollow Snail, Sheath Sword, Obstruction 001, Cat's Fascination, Finalstory, Purple Sword Alex's recommendation and support

  Thank you for your encouragement, I will continue to work hard, thank you


(End of this chapter)

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