Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 140 Wanlong Mountain Rescue Plan

Chapter 140 Wanlong Mountain Rescue Plan

Qing Shui thought so in his heart, but Xu Wenping didn't think so in his heart. A traitor, in order to please the Japanese, actually betrayed his compatriots. Xu Wenping is really not ashamed to be with Li Sixing.

"Yes, yes, Section Chief Qing Shui is right, right." But in a blink of an eye, Xu Wenping started flattering, no different from Li Sixing, but Xu Wenping told himself that the difference lies in the essence.

"Xu Sang, your task is very simple. It is to lead people to hide in Li Sixing's house secretly. As long as people from Wanlong Mountain show up, you will catch them. Of course, not everyone is caught. If you want to catch, you have to catch big fish. You know Is it?" Yamazaki Naoki concluded.

Xu Wenping was thinking about spying on Li Sixing, but he never had a chance, now he has a fair opportunity, how could Xu Wenping let it go.

"Yes, I understand Captain, so don't worry, as long as people from Wanlong Mountain dare to come, I will tell them to come and go." Xu Wenping patted his chest and assured, Li Sixing, Li Sixing, you can't blame me for this, yes The Japanese mean, if you want to blame you, blame the little devil.

"That's good, Li Sixing, we have already let him go home, you can bring people there now, there should not be too many people, as long as there are enough." Naoki Yamazaki said, the gendarmerie and the people from the special high school couldn't leave, so It can only be handed over to Xu Wenping's gendarmerie.

Xu Wenping accepted the order happily, and went back to the security team to recruit people. He had never been so happy when carrying out the devil's order like today.This time, Xu Wenping did it voluntarily, and he didn't mean to force him at all. Whoever won't let him go is in a hurry.

Of course, the people who took the lead were Chu Fei and Deng Wu, as well as a few brothers from the security team. Wang Da stayed at home to manage the security team.

However, before Xu Wenping acted, he handed a note to Chu Fei. At the same time, when there were no outsiders, he said: "Send it to the inn and give it to Li Chunsheng. Li Sixing betrayed them. He will understand after reading the note." .”

"Yes, Captain." Chu Fei went to inform Li Chunsheng, but Li Chunsheng was not there at the time, so Chu Fei put the note in the room and came back.They have always been in contact with Li Chunsheng in this way, so there will be no mistakes. Besides, Xu Wenping is not stupid.

Although there was something written on the note, Xu Wenping didn't leave anything related to himself. Even the handwriting was treated specially. Even if the devil found out, he wouldn't be able to find it.

When everything was ready, they quietly came to Li Sixing's house. Since it was a secret operation, of course they couldn't do it with much fanfare.They were dressed in casual clothes, and after entering Li Sixing's mansion, Li Sixing was already waiting for them inside.

"Captain Xu, I'm going to trouble you this time. It's been a lot of hard work." Li Sixing said politely. Although he was beaten a few times, it was not a serious problem. After changing his clothes, he looked like the decent Li Sixing before.

Xu Wenping only now knows what kind of person Li Sixing is, but he still doesn't fully understand it, and he will really understand it later.But what he knew now was enough for Xu Wenping to despise Li Sixing. Who are these people?

But he still said: "Where there, Chairman Li is serious, they are all serving for the imperial army. When the people in Wanlong Mountain are captured, the credit will not be yours, Chairman Li, do you think so?"

"How can it be mine that is said by Commander Xu? Isn't there a share of Commander Xu and the brothers in the security team?" Li Sixing said.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Then the two laughed at the same time, who knows what they were laughing at. After laughing, Li Sixing said: "I also invite Commander Xu to have a cup of tea. There is no rush to arrest people. Come, please."

"Let's set things up, arresting people is our second priority, and protecting President Li's safety is the most important thing, you know?" Xu Wenping shouted to the people who brought him.

"Understood, Captain."

Hearing Xu Wenping's words, Li Sixing smiled even more happily, and he and Xu Wenping seemed to have become good friends for many years, and went to drink tea together.

Qi Yuanshan's family is big, because people on the road talk about face, but the connotation seems thin.Although Li Sixing's place is not big, there is an elegant and exquisite decoration everywhere, with various flowers, plants, and trees.

Inside the room are also solid wood tables, chairs and benches, which look good at first glance. Xu Wenping doesn't know what kind of calligraphy and painting are hanging on the wall, but the atmosphere of the famous family is rushing towards his face.

"Come, come, sit, sit, Captain Xu, once we see each other like old friends, don't be polite to me." Li Sixing pulled Xu Wenping and said, let Xu Wenping sit down, and then sat down himself.

Xu Wenping felt disgusted, this is the first time we have met, and you didn't look at me too much before.This is the first time we have met today, if you tell me what hits you like old friends, then I can only hit it off.

Xu Wenping immediately said directly: "That's right, I also feel quite destined to meet President Li today, fate."

"Why is President Li not President Li? I am crazy about how old you are. If you don't mind, just call me Brother Li." Li Sixing said amiably while pouring tea.

"Then I won't be polite, I'll call you Brother Li, and don't call me Commander Xu, just call me Wenping." It's not like Xu Wenping doesn't know how to say such nice words, it's a trivial matter.

"Okay, Wen Ping, let's drink tea." Li Sixing handed over the teacup, Xu Wenping took a sip and praised the tea, which made Li Sixing laugh heartily.

The two chatted casually for a while, Li Sixing suddenly said: "Wen Ping, do you know about the death of Wu Xiang Zhuxia?"

Do you think I know?I don't know if I killed it with my own hands, but Xu Wenping still pretended to be ignorant and said, "Why, there is such a thing?"

"Isn't it? For some reason, the imperial army suspected me, and even arrested my elder brother for interrogation. Do you think I can do such a thing?" Li Sixing said aggrieved.

"Brother, of course you can't. The captain and the others must have misunderstood it. Didn't you let it all go back to you, you might be able to get promoted and get rich this time." Xu Wenping said, secretly scolding the old fox in his heart. It's on my head.

Li Sixing meant what he said, of course Xu Wenping understood, he just wanted to use his own mouth to tell Yamazaki Naoki and the others again, this matter really has nothing to do with him, but Xu Wenping didn't care, did I eat too much to support myself? ?

The two have their own ghosts, but their conversation is in full swing, and they hate seeing each other late, and they can't wait to have a long talk tonight.But that was just thinking about it, and in the end Xu Wenping returned to Chu Fei and Deng Wu.

"Captain, the arrangements have been made." Deng Wu said to Xu Wenping, Xu Wenping nodded, talking to Li Sixing all afternoon today was really no fun.

"Is there any news over there?" Xu Wenping asked.

Deng Wu replied: "Chu Fei has already gone to see it, and he should be back soon."

 After coding, there will be another chapter

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(End of this chapter)

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