Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 148 Brainwashing to clarify beliefs

Chapter 148 Brainwashing to clarify beliefs
To Li Chunsheng's question, Xu Wenping just said: "It's the same as what you think."

"Are you going to follow us now?" Xu Wenping asked, and Li Chunsheng was troubled when he heard Xu Wenping's words.What Xu Wenping and the others do are all things that will lose their heads at any time, why should I follow them, I am a person who wants to do big things.

But where is your big deal?Wanlongshan himself will definitely not be able to go back, so it's possible that he can only live on the streets in the future.He doesn't want, he doesn't want his life to be like this, he wants a little change.

"Don't you want to do something for the country and the nation? Don't you hate the Japanese?" Xu Wenping said to Li Chunsheng, do you hate?He hated, when he saw the little devils committing crimes, he wished he could go up and kill them, but he didn't dare.

"Didn't you always want to do big things? This is a big thing, a big thing that concerns the survival of the country, and a big thing of national dignity." Xu Wenping wants to brainwash Li Chunsheng. will not change.

What Xu Wenping has to do now is to give him a belief, let him have a pursuit, so that he will know what he should do.

"In the future, everyone will remember you. You are an anti-Japanese hero, and your son will be proud of you." Xu Wenping's words hit Li Chunsheng's heart like a hammer.

The little devil has bullied so many people, and he has more than enough heart but not enough energy. Now that he has the opportunity in front of him, whether he wants to seize it or not.Moreover, this is a major event, a major event for the survival of the nation. There should be no greater event than this, and you can do the biggest thing if you want to.

Li Chunsheng suddenly made up his mind and said, "I did it with you. I, Li Chunsheng, want everyone to remember me and make my son proud of me, even if it means death."

Xu Wenping knew that Li Chunsheng would agree. Sometimes faith is really scary. He can turn a person who is greedy for life and fear of death into a strong person.It is also possible to turn a muddle-headed person into a person with lofty ambitions, and Li Chunsheng is obviously the latter.

"Our identities are quite special, so you can't tell others, do you understand?" Xu Wenping said.

"I understand, I will be careful about this, but what do you plan to ask me to do? Do you also join the security team?" Li Chunsheng asked. He saw that Deng Wu was also in the security team, so he wondered if Xu Wenping would also let him join .

But this time Xu Wenping didn't intend to ask Li Chunsheng to join the security regiment. It was enough for Chu Fei and Deng Wu to be there. He had other plans for Li Chunsheng.The reason why Xu Wenping fell in love with Li Chunsheng was because he asked Li Chunsheng to help him find out about Wanlong Mountain. He was doing him a favor, and Xu Wenping couldn't leave him alone.Another point is that Xu Wenping can see that Li Chunsheng is still very capable, at least his acting is good.

Xu Wenping said: "You don't need to join the security group, you will know when the time comes, you stay here for now, the people in Wanlong Mountain are definitely looking for you, it's not safe for you to go out. Also, don't fight too many people with the security group." Contact, there are all devils here, and when the matter is settled, I will arrange for you."

Hearing Xu Wenping's words, Li Chunsheng nodded in agreement. He also knew that the people in Wanlong Mountain were looking for him now, so it would be safer to be in the security team.And since he had followed Xu Wenping, he believed in Xu Wenping unconditionally. This was the most basic thing, and he knew it very well.You don't trust others unconditionally, and others will not trust you unconditionally. Now he doesn't have the capital to make Xu Wenping believe unconditionally, so he can only trust Xu Wenping unconditionally first.

"Captain." Chu Fei shouted from outside the door. Xu Wenping let him in. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after seeing Li Chunsheng.

Seeing this, Xu Wenping said, "Let's talk, they are all our own people."

Li Chunsheng was moved. He didn't expect Xu Wenping to trust him so much. He suddenly felt that everyone was his own.

Hearing Xu Wenping's words, Chu Fei didn't hide anymore, and said, "Captain, I went to see it last night, and there is a person living there. But this person never leaves the house, and Li Sixing asked him to eat when he was eating." Send it to someone special."

Sure enough, there were people inside, Xu Wenping became more certain about his conjecture, it should be correct.

"Captain, should we do something?" Chu Fei asked.

A conjecture is a conjecture after all, and it needs to be confirmed, so it seems that we must do it now.Can't wait any longer, wait any longer, who knows what will happen.

"How many people are there?" Xu Wenping asked.

"There are only three." Chu Fei said, it seems that Li Sixing didn't want to be too ostentatious, so he didn't send many people, which was exactly what Xu Wenping wanted.

Li Chunsheng couldn't understand what Xu Wenping and the others were saying, but it seemed that there was an action. He was thinking about this action, would he take himself there?

Li Sixing just went there yesterday, thinking he will not go today, as long as Li Sixing doesn't go, he won't lead others there.So Xu Wenping planned to do it tonight to see who lived there, and whether it was the Mr. Li he thought of.

"What about me?" Li Chunsheng asked.

Xu Wenping glanced at Li Chunsheng and said with a smile: "This kind of thing is not your part, so you can stay at ease, you have what you should do when the time comes." Li Chunsheng's skills are really bad, so with It would be cumbersome for him to go, but he has something he should do, but he hasn't started yet.

Of course Li Chunsheng knew his own situation, so he followed Xu Wenping's suggestion, but he couldn't figure out why Xu Wenping kept him by his side because his skills were so poor.

Originally, he wanted to discuss the action plan for the night with them carefully, but Su Qiaoniang and Haruko Yamazaki came to find him, so Xu Wenping had to go out to see them.When they came, the members of the security team already knew each other, and with Xu Wenping's instructions, as long as they came, they could just bring them in.

"Why are you here?" Xu Wenping asked after seeing them.

"Mr. Wenping, you still said you would visit us at school, but you never came." Haruko Yamazaki said wrinkling her nose. She had been waiting for Xu Wenping at school, but Xu Wenping never came.

She wanted to look for it, but she was a little embarrassed, it was Su Qiaoniang who suggested it, and she came here by herself.

"Aren't you busy these days? Captain, you gave me a mission, and I can't leave." Xu Wenping explained, hearing that it was his brother who gave Xu Wenping the mission, which made Xu Wenping have no time to see him. He whispered in his heart, "I forgive you."

Su Qiaoniang on the side looked at Xu Wenping, and Xu Wenping could tell that she came to find him for something.So after chatting with Haruko Yamazaki for a few words, he took the opportunity to go out, and Su Qiaoniang followed after a while, and the two went to another room.

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(End of this chapter)

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