Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 153 Controversy for the President of the Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 153 Controversy for the President of the Chamber of Commerce

A few days later, Li Chunsheng died without a doubt and was killed by the Japanese.Because he knew the news about penicillin, he didn't tell the Japanese, and he said everything after he was arrested again.Because it is impossible not to say, the news has already spread in Beiping city, but the medicine cannot be found.It was taken away by others, and finally fell into the hands of others, how could the Japanese keep him.

For a person like Li Sixing who, for his own benefit, killed his own younger brother, Xu Wenping didn't feel it a pity to die.The Japanese did this to tell everyone that this was the result of hiding something from them. The matter of medicines was over, and the people in Beiping City also stopped.The plan to seal off the city was also lifted. It wasn't that the devils didn't look for those medicines in the city, but that they couldn't find them at all, and they might have left the city long ago.

Although the devils ordered the city to be closed, who knows how they got out, since there is no control now, those who came to Beiping City for these medicines have all started to leave.Among them, of course, were the people from Wanlong Mountain. It can be said that Wanlong Mountain escaped a catastrophe in Beiping City and escaped death, but when they finally left, Li Chunsheng was missing.

Although Li Chunsheng seems to be different from before, most people don't know that he sent the information, so if there is less, there will be less, anyway, he is not welcomed by people.It's gone now, except for a few parties who know it clearly, others don't notice it at all, it's too non-existent.

It's just that this matter stopped, but when the news of Li Sixing's death was released, the people in the Chamber of Commerce became even more chaotic, and it was out of control.

"How long are they going to fight?" In the gendarmerie, Naoki Yamazaki said with a headache, there is no way for them to keep fighting like this.He also wanted to intervene in this matter, but the people from the chamber of commerce didn't say anything on the surface, but they must have opinions.

Their requirement is that the president must be formed among them. This requirement is also reasonable. If you have an outsider to manage them, how can they obey.It's even more impossible for you to come to a Japanese. Even if they are playing tricks, the Japanese will probably not know it, and they will definitely be isolated by the Chamber of Commerce in the end, and they will be useless.

"The captain never thought about supporting anyone to take over the position." Xu Wenping said from the side, he came to the gendarmerie today, and he didn't have anything to do, just to report the work.

Naoki Yamazaki said: "A lot of people have come to me these days, but their status in the chamber of commerce is not high, how can I support them?"

"That's true, otherwise it's all trouble." Xu Wenping said, those who are not qualified to compete for the chairmanship of the Chamber of Commerce, some of them want to use the power of the Japanese to take the position.But their own foundation is too shallow, even if the Japanese help them to the top, the Chamber of Commerce will definitely not accept it.

Although I dare not express it due to the coercion of the Japanese, there must be many hands and feet that deviate from it, and the president should not try to control them.Is it possible that Naoki Yamazaki still has to manage the affairs of the chamber of commerce every day?So Naoki Yamazaki did not agree to them and let them choose by themselves, but there is a condition that they must be loyal to the emperor, otherwise everything will be discussed.

"It's been a few days, and there should be results soon. I hope they will hurry up." Yamazaki Naoki said, Li Sixing's family property was confiscated by the gendarmerie, which is a lot of money.As for the shops, title deeds and the like, they were also sold by the gendarmerie, and the price was really not high.Because they didn't care about those things, they were snatched up by the merchants. Li Sixing, who was in his prime, could no longer find a trace in Beiping City.

There wasn't even a funeral, and no friends came to pay their respects. The corpses were thrown indiscriminately in mass graves outside the city by members of the gendarmerie.A lifetime of glorious scenery, but in the end it ended up like this, which made many people sigh.

"Isn't there anyone with a little foundation who came to you, Captain?" Xu Wenping asked. There should be quite a few people who want to rely on Naoki Yamazaki, and it's impossible for them to be just small fish and small shrimp.

Yamazaki Naoki said: "Of course."

"Then why didn't the captain agree to him?" Xu Wenping asked. The person who approached Naoki Yamazaki must surrender and help him become the president of the Chamber of Commerce. He is Naoki Yamazaki, and Naoki Yamazaki shouldn't not help ah.

"Qi Yuanshan, can I promise him?" Naoki Yamazaki said with a smile, Qi Yuanshan came to him, but he could only refuse.Qi Yuanshan can no longer serve as the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, so he denied this question without even thinking about it.

But Qi Yuanshan was not the only one who came to him, but Qi Yuanshan denied it, and he was too embarrassed to help others.They can only make their own elections, but Qi Yuanshan is definitely not good, even if they are elected.But Naoki Yamazaki knew that they would definitely not recommend Qi Yuanshan, and everyone knew this in their hearts.

After Xu Wenping heard what Yamazaki Naoki said, Qi Yuanshan came to him and wanted to be the president of the chamber of commerce.He didn't know whether Qi Yuanshan really wanted to be the president, or just came here to put on a show, because he knew that Naoki Yamazaki would reject him, so why did he still come.

I'm afraid it's just to make Naoki Yamazaki reject him, so it's hard for him to help others, so that those people don't even want to use the power of the Japanese.

"That's impossible. His influence in Beiping City is already quite large. If he becomes the chairman of the chamber of commerce, he will become the dominant family." Xu Wenping said, his dominant power is a force other than the military.

Seeing that Xu Wenping could figure out the reason behind this, Naoki Yamazaki felt that he was not stupid, at least his mind could still figure things out.

"Captain, don't care about this anymore. No matter who they become the president of the chamber of commerce in the end, they all serve for the emperor." Xu Wenping said again. Hearing Xu Wenping's words, Naoki Yamazaki also smiled, which is not bad. .As the president of the Chamber of Commerce, if you don't serve the Japanese, you probably won't be able to be a few days.

The previous Li Sixing was an example, it was put there alive, who would dare to mess around, Naoki Yamazaki was very satisfied with the effect of killing one and others.

"Go to the chamber of commerce for me to see what's going on with their discussions, and ask them to select candidates as soon as possible, or invite them all to the gendarmerie for tea." Yamazaki Naoki said to Xu Wenping, but the last sentence was obviously It's a joke, but it's true that he asked the Chamber of Commerce to elect the president as soon as possible.

Originally, he wanted to go to this matter, but thinking about where he went, his opinions would not be effective, and maybe he would rebound, so he wanted to find someone to go for him.This doesn't mean that Wenping just came, so he's the only one, and he doesn't worry about doing things.

"It's the captain. I'll go there right away and let them vote quickly. It won't be too long." Xu Wenping stood up and said, the time is indeed not too short, but this group of people just can't choose a result, and it seems to be deadlocked .

This kind of thing is sure to easily fall into a stalemate. Although Xu Wenping promised very well, he also knew in his heart that it is not that you can choose quickly if you say choose quickly.

 It was three o'clock yesterday, and no tickets were requested.

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(End of this chapter)

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