Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 162 Slaughter Village

Chapter 162 Slaughter Village
It has been a few days since we parted ways with Bai Fengya last time, and Xu Wenping finally understood why Wang Da always secretly looked at him.That is, Wang Da's father found him a daughter-in-law when he went to the countryside, and asked him to go back to get married.Wang Da's mother left early, so his father wanted him to get married as soon as possible, and then carry on the family, so he wanted to ask him to go back and get married.

This is a good thing, of course Xu Wenping didn't stop him, he approved the leave on the same day and asked Wang Da to go back to get married.He also gave a lot of Dayang to make him look more decent. Deng Wu and Chu Fei also sent congratulatory gifts, which is a major event in life anyway.

However, like Xu Wenping, they did not go back with Wang Da. First, Zhang Zheng's banquet in the chamber of commerce was about to begin, and Xu Wenping agreed to Yamazaki Naoki, so he couldn't leave.More importantly, they are traitors. If the people in Wangda Village find out, it will not cause trouble for them.Wang Dadu didn't tell his father what he was doing outside. He was afraid that his father would break his leg, so he went back alone.

Marriage is now the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, so there is nothing to say, just go back and get married.During the two days when Wang Da left, Xu Wenping took care of the security team's affairs. As for Deng Wu and Chu Fei, don't mention it, as long as they can take care of themselves.

The banquet prepared by Zhang Zheng was about to start, and it was very grand, and the place was at the Liuguo Hotel.This is the top hotel in Beiping City, most people can't get in, Zhang Zheng actually reserved the hall and held a banquet, the Chamber of Commerce's people are rich, Xu Wenping can only say so.

Li Chunsheng's reputation in Beiping City has also been opened up. Now that Zhang Zheng is mentioned, Li Chunsheng has to be mentioned.Although it appeared suddenly, Zhang Zheng had nothing to say about his ability. Many things were left to him.It was also rumored that he and Zhang Zheng's only daughter were a bit ambiguous. If this was the case, Zhang Zheng would probably let Li Chunsheng marry into the Zhang family.

So everyone was becoming more and more polite to Li Chunsheng, as if he had been regarded as Zhang Zheng's son-in-law. Some people joked that this time Zhang Zheng's inauguration banquet would become their engagement banquet.

"Captain, Wang Da is back." Chu Fei ran into the office and said to Xu Wenping.

Xu Wenping looked at Chu Fei strangely, and came back as soon as he came back, just come in, so he said: "Let him come in, did you bring his wife here, if you come here, don't stay with the security team, go find a house outside Alright, I'll pay for it."

If Wang Da came with his wife, the security team would be all men, so it would be inappropriate to live here, so Xu Wenping wanted to get them a house outside.

After hearing Xu Wenping's words, Chu Fei had a strange expression on his face, and said, "Captain, you should go out and have a look, Wang Da is a bit strange, we won't tell him no matter how we ask him."

Xu Wenping got up and walked outside, Chu Fei hurriedly followed behind, when he saw Wang Da, Wang Da's expression was dull, his eyes were dull, Xu Wenping knew something had happened at a glance.

Someone beside him was teasing Wang Da, saying that he would become stupid if he went back, Xu Wenping told them all to get out, "Bring him in for me." Xu Wenping shouted to Deng Wu and Chu Fei, and the two carried him. Wang Da followed Xu Wenping into the office.

After closing the office door, Deng Wu asked Wang Da: "Wang Da, what's the matter, you talk." He had asked many times, but Wang Da just didn't open his mouth, and he always looked stupid.

Although he didn't want to see Wang Da at the beginning, but Wang Da treated him well. When he first arrived, Wang Da helped him with everything.Seeing Wang Da like this now, he couldn't bear it, and so did Chu Fei, after all, they had been together for such a long time.

"What happened." Xu Wenping asked, he knew something must have happened, otherwise Wang Da wouldn't be like this.This kind of expression can only be seen after people are overjoyed and sad. Wang Da is obviously not overjoyed, so it must be overjoyed.

Wang Da, who had been silent all this time, heard what Xu Wenping said, and burst into tears. A big man, the one who sat on the ground crying was heartbroken.Deng Wu still wanted to pull him, but Xu Wenping stopped him and made him cry. It's no good to suppress it for a long time.

"Woo..." Wang Da choked up in a low voice, tears streaming down his face, it would not be a good thing for a big man to cry like this.

"Speak out, it will be better if you speak out, no matter what happens, we will find a way for you." Xu Wenping said in a low voice, the first person he met was Wang Da, Wang Da has always been very kind to himself. That's right, judging by his appearance now, how could Xu Wenping not help him.

"They're all dead, they're all dead, the captain and the others are all dead, the village is gone." Wang Da said while crying. When he returned to the village full of joy, what greeted him was only ruins, lifeless.

Chu Fei pulled Wang Da by the shoulder and shouted: "It's a man, you stand up and tell us what's wrong, everything is dead, what's wrong with the village." Chu Fei used to wander outside the city, so he saw After many things, Wang Da said that when the village was gone, he could have guessed it, but he didn't want to believe it.

Wang Da said with a sobbing voice: "Our village is gone, and the people in the village are all dead, all killed by the Japanese."

During Wang Da's intermittent narration, Xu Wenping and the others finally figured out that everyone in Wang Da's village was killed by the Japanese, including his father and his unmarried daughter-in-law.The reason is that the Japanese said that there are eight roads in their village and asked them to hand them over.But when they searched, they saw beautiful girls and daughter-in-laws, and they raped them in public. Some people in the village couldn't bear it and said a few words, and the Japanese massacred the village in a fit of anger.

"These bastards, sons of a bitch, they're so fucking useless." Chu Fei clenched his fists and shouted, he had seen this kind of thing outside the city before, the village that was fine today, passed by the next day It was already in ruins.

"Wang Da, who did it, that devil." Deng Wu asked, his temper was relatively impulsive, and he already wanted to find the Japanese to do it.

When Wang Da saw the situation of the village at that time, he asked people in the surrounding villages, only to find out that the village had been massacred by the Japanese.It was the devils from one of their strongholds in the blockhouse. The fire burned for a whole night, and the screams of old and young women and children continued all night, scaring the people in the surrounding villages so that they dared not go out.

The devils stood at the entrance of the village. When the fire started, they stood there. When they saw someone running out of the village, they shot with their guns.When one came out, they knocked down one, and when no one came out, they knocked down one. They laughed and left when no one came out.

It seems that this is a game, it is their boring venting, the darkness of the night cannot cover up their crimes, but when they leave gracefully, everything seems so powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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