Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 167 Are You Going To Treat Me Like This?

Chapter 167 Are You Going To Treat Me Like This?

"Captain Xu is here today on behalf of Captain Yamazaki Naoki. Please forgive me if there is anything wrong with the hospitality." Zhang Zheng came over and said to Xu Wenping.

Of course Xu Wenping knew what he meant, and said with a smile: "What's wrong with President Zhang, today is just a good day to congratulate President Zhang, what's wrong with the hospitality there?"

Hearing Xu Wenping's words, Zhang Zheng smiled with satisfaction. He was just worried that Xu Wenping would spoil the situation here today by relying on Yamazaki Naoki's face.But looking at Xu Wenping's current attitude, he knew that his worries were unnecessary, so he felt relieved.

As long as Xu Wenping doesn't take advantage of Yamazaki Naoki's prestige to command randomly here, Zhang Zheng will be very satisfied.As for what Xu Wenping wanted to eat, drink, and play, he could do whatever he wanted, and Zhang Zheng didn't care.

"Then let Chunsheng accompany Captain Xu here, I will go there first, there are still some old friends to entertain." Zhang Zheng said, since Xu Wenping has already expressed that he will not take advantage of Naoki Yamazaki's prestige If he messed around, Zhang Zheng would not be interested in continuing to accompany him.Leaving Li Chunsheng with him is not considered a disgrace to him, after all, Li Chunsheng is now a big celebrity by his side, which also means keeping Xu Wenping in check.

"President Zhang, please go ahead, I have no problem here." Xu Wenping said with a smile.

"How is it? Did he suspect you?" After Zhang Zheng left, Xu Wenping asked Li Chunsheng in a low voice. This was the first time Xu Wenping communicated with Li Chunsheng after he left the security team.

Li Chunsheng also seemed to be having an enthusiastic conversation with Xu Wenping, and said: "These days are in turmoil, families are ruined, and there are too many people without fathers and mothers. Although he is suspicious, it is just human nature and there is no serious problem."

"That's good. Be careful yourself. You should pay more attention to Cao Dafu." Xu Wenping said.

"Well, I will be careful, but Captain, what am I going to do and what is my next plan?" Li Chunsheng asked Xu Wenping.

Xu Wenping said, "It's not that I said not to be called captain."

"I know, but I will be careful, and only call it when no one is around." Li Chunsheng said, he didn't know what to call Xu Wenping unless he was called captain.But he knows what he is doing, so be careful, he will be careful, and will not be discovered.

"Just stay by Zhang Zheng's side, pay attention to the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, and try to grasp as much real power as possible." Xu Wenping said to Li Chunsheng. Li Chunsheng's foundation is really too shallow, otherwise Xu Wenping would have wanted him to be the president of the Chamber of Commerce. .

"Come, come, Captain Xu, let's have a drink."

After the people beside him passed by, Li Chunsheng said again: "I know the captain, don't worry, give me a little time and I will be fine."

Originally, Xu Wenping wanted to chat with Li Chunsheng for a while, but when he caught sight of the person coming in from the door, Xu Wenping said, "You go first."

Li Chunsheng knew that Xu Wenping didn't want others to know about his relationship with him, so he left and went to greet others.Walking and shuttling among the crowd, being able to chat with anyone, is really all-round.

The person Xu Wenping saw was also walking towards him, "Mr. Wenping." Haruko Yamazaki pulled Su Qiaoniang over and Su Qiaoniang kept her head down as if she didn't dare to look at Xu Wenping.

"Qingzi, you're here too." Xu Wenping said to Yamazaki Haruko, Xu Wenping opened his mouth to Su Qiaoniang, but didn't make a sound.Su Qiaoniang, who was waiting for Xu Wenping to ask questions, was a little lost for a moment, and it seemed that he was really angry.

"Yes, Wenping-kun, I heard that the Liuguo Hotel is the most luxurious hotel in the city, so I wanted to come and see it." Haruko Yamazaki said cheerfully, every time she saw her, she was so cheerful, as if there would be no worries Same.

Although she was not invited by Zhang Zheng, no one knew that she was Naoki Yamazaki's younger sister. If she wanted to come in, anyone who was not open at the door dared to stop her.

"Men Ping-kun, the school has started enrolling students now, and I am almost overwhelmed with so many more students." Haruko Yamazaki said, she is also very busy these days, although she doesn't teach many things, but there are many trivial things .

"Pay attention to rest, don't be too tired." Xu Wenping said, the school has already started, Xu Wenping would like to ask Su Qiaoniang what's going on.But after thinking about it in the end, their organization should also consider this matter, so they didn't say anything.

"Well, thank you, Wenping Jun, for your concern." Yamazaki Haruko said with a smile, Su Qiaoniang didn't talk to Xu Wenping, and Xu Wenping didn't talk to Su Qiaoniang, it was just that Xu Wenping and Yamazaki Haruko were chatting, and Su Qiaoniang was just watching.

Suddenly Su Qiaoniang said in Chinese from the side: "Are you going to treat me like this all the time?" She was asking Xu Wenping again. Originally, when Haruko Yamazaki asked her to come with her today, she didn't want to come.

But when she finally found out that Xu Wenping was there, she changed her mind and came with Haruko Yamazaki.Originally, when she first met Xu Wenping, she was full of joy, but Xu Wenping's neither far nor near attitude made her helpless.

Seeing him chatting so happily with Haruko Yamazaki, isn't he as good as a Japanese woman?So Su Qiaoniang said, "Are you going to treat me like this all the time?"

After she finished speaking, she regretted it. She came to apologize. How could she say that?It's not getting worse.But seeing him chatting so happily with Yamazaki Naoki, she couldn't help it, it's over, it's really over this time.

Xu Wenping looked at Su Qiaoniang speechlessly, what was going on, it seemed reasonable.I didn't even blame you, it's good that I didn't ask you for the batch of medicine, now how come she is asking me.Making trouble for no reason, this is how Xu Wenping feels now, is it clearly making trouble for no reason?

"What are you talking about? I don't understand Chinese. Can I use Japanese?" Haruko Yamazaki said with a confused face. She didn't know what Su Qiaoniang said just now, why Xu Wenping just looked at her but didn't speak.

Fortunately, now that Haruko Yamazaki came out to rescue her, Su Qiaoniang really loved her so much, she took her hand and said, "It's nothing, let's go over there and have a look, let's go." She has to leave quickly, she can't stay here in embarrassment Otherwise, I really don't know how to see Xu Wenping in the future.

Haruko Yamazaki stretched her arms and wanted to stay here, but Su Qiaoniang ignored her resistance and pulled her away.

Seeing them leaving, Xu Wenping smiled silently. Did her organization let her approach me again, or...

In fact, Xu Wenping didn't know at all that Su Qiaoniang's organization didn't know his existence, or in other words, didn't know what his existence had to do with Su Qiaoniang.

Zhang Zheng's speech began. Xu Wenping, on behalf of Yamazaki Naoki, also went up and said a few words to encourage Zhang Zheng.Qi Yuanshan didn't come today, I don't know why, logically he should have come, but he just didn't show up.

All the people present were wondering if Qi Yuanshan didn't become the president of the chamber of commerce and had a stalemate with Zhang Zheng, but he didn't have a chance in the first place, and what was the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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