Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 172 Human Nature

Chapter 172 Human Nature
This matter cannot be done separately, because only Wang Da knew Li Zhuzi's appearance, so they had to act together.I started to go to the major casinos in Beiping City, but I searched for several, but there was no sign of Li Zhuzi.

When will it be a long time to search like this? There are not many casinos in Beiping City, and there are not many, and it is too slow to search one by one.In the end, Xu Wenping decided to narrow down his target. With Li Zhuzi's status, he should not be able to go to those big casinos, because he can't afford to play either.

So Xu Wenping felt that he should start with some small casinos. Although there are quite a few of them, at least they have a certain scope.You can't be in a hurry to find someone. The more urgent you are, the harder it is to find them. However, Xu Wenping and the others were lucky. After searching more than a dozen companies, they finally found them.

"Captain, that's the one." Wang Da said to Xu Wenping, he has already found it, and Li Zhuzi is in this casino.

Xu Wenping followed Wang Da's gaze. Li Zhuzi was standing there with a cigarette dangling from his mouth and one foot on the stool, and he kept yelling.Because he was playing dice, but it seems that Li Zhuzi's luck is good today, he has a lot of oceans on hand, and it seems that they all win.

"You ask him out, and he's in that restaurant. Let's go there first." Xu Wenping said, they couldn't reveal it, and couldn't let Li Zhuzi know, so Wang Da had to go alone.Their plan is to let Wang Da tell Li Zhuzi this matter alone, and then give Li Zhuzi a sum of money to let him leave Beiping City.

Because even if Wang Da didn't say anything about this matter, Li Zhuzi would know about it sooner or later, so it's better to let Wang Da decide.Sending him away early is a kind of protection for him and Wang Da, otherwise both of them may be in danger.

Wang Da nodded to look for Li Zhuzi, Xu Wenping and the others left first, and waited for Wang Da and the others at the hotel they had made an appointment with.

"Zhuzi, are you still playing?" Wang Da approached Li Zhuzi and said.

"Hey, that gust of wind brought you here, why don't you come and play two games." Li Zhuzi said seeing Wang Da.

Wang laughed and said, "You know, I'm not good at this. I want to talk to you about something today. Let's find a place to talk."

"What are you talking about, don't you see that I'm lucky now? I don't have time." Li Zhuzi said directly, how could it be possible for you to let him go when he is so lucky now.

Wang Da had no choice for a while, he couldn't gossip in a place like a casino where people talk a lot.

"It's really urgent." Wang Da said.

"If there is something urgent, I have to wait. I am the most urgent thing, and I don't want to wait for you to leave first." Li Zhuzi said, how could Wang Da leave? I finally found it today. Who knows if there will be such a good chance next time.

But I don't know if it's God's fault, Li Zhuzi's luck is getting worse and worse, and he lost all his winnings.In the end, he borrowed a lot of money from Wang Da, but lost all of it. In order to take Li Zhuzi out early, Wang Da lent him all the money he had.

"Is there any more?" Li Zhuzi said to Wang Da as he lost again.

"No, let's go." Wang Da patted his pocket and said to Li Zhuzi.

Li Zhuzi looked at his mouth and said cursingly: "It's you. I'm very lucky if you don't come. Once you come, I'll kill you. I won't pay back your money. Who told you to make me unlucky."

"Okay, don't pay it back." If you don't pay it back, you won't pay it back, as long as you can leave here, Wang Da doesn't care where the money is.

The two finally left the casino. Although it took a long time, Xu Wenping and the others were not in a hurry.Because Xu Wenping knew the heart of a gambler, and with Li Zhuzi's luck just now, it's no wonder he could come out immediately.

"Here comes the captain." Chu Fei said, and Xu Wenping also saw that Wang Da and Li Zhuzi really came to the hotel they had agreed upon.

"What are you doing here? Go in even if you have no money. How will you come out later?" Li Zhuzi shouted. The two of them have no money now.
"Don't worry, someone will send you money later, just come in." Wang Da said, Xu Wenping and the others are inside, so Wang Da won't worry about not paying the bill.

Of course Li Zhuzi didn't mind when he heard that someone was offering a free meal. He happily followed Wang Da into the restaurant, and Wang Da asked the boss for a private room.

"Boss, change a private room for us, the hall is too noisy." Xu Wenping shouted to the boss, and asked the boss to change a private room for himself and others, which was next to Wang Da and the others.

"Come on, today I'm looking for me at the casino again, and I'm treating guests to dinner again. What do you want to do?" While eating, Li Zhuzi asked. They hadn't contacted for a long time. He didn't know that Wang Da suddenly What are you looking for him for.

Xu Wenping and the others were over there, eavesdropping with teacups on the wall. The sound insulation in this small restaurant is not good, so you can hear it with a snack.

"Do you know anything about the village?" Wang Da asked Li Zhuzi.

"I know, isn't it just gone?" Li Zhuzi said indifferently as he ate his food.

Wang Da questioned: "There is no one in the village, and everyone is dead, so you don't care at all."

"I don't care what I can do. That's what the Japanese did. I can do what I can. If I have time, I might as well gamble more." Li Zhuzi said. He didn't have any relatives in the village anyway, so he didn't bother to care.But what it says there is that they are also fellow villagers who have lived together since childhood, but Li Zhuzi just doesn't care.

Wang Da didn't bother to talk to Li Zhuzi, and said directly: "The Japanese are now looking for the survivors in the village."

Hearing Wang Da's words, Li Zhuzi stopped eating, looked at Wang Da nervously and asked, "What are they trying to do? Why are they looking for us? They don't want to kill us, but we didn't do anything."

"What are the folks in the village doing?" Wang Da said.

"Then they really want to find us and kill us. Should we run away?" Li Zhuzi asked. He was afraid that the Japanese would kill him, and he planned to run away after hearing Wang Da's words.

"By the way, I heard that all the ghosts and puppet soldiers who burned down our village were killed. Do you know that?" Li Zhuzi said suddenly again. He also heard the news, so he didn't know if it was true.

"Well, I know, I'll give you some money and you leave Beiping immediately, and don't let the Japanese find you." Wang Da said.

Originally, Li Zhuzi wanted to run away, but when Wang Da returned the money, Li Zhuzi was of course happy, and said, "Thank you, Wang Da, you really came from a village, and I didn't misunderstand you."

Although Li Zhuzi is fond of gambling and greedy for money, he is not stupid.Turning his head around, he thought again why Wang Da wanted to give him a sum of money now, he had never treated him so well before.And what he said just now, he gave himself a sum of money to let himself leave, so why didn't he run away by himself.

"Wang Da, tell me honestly, are you hiding something from me? If you don't tell the truth, I won't leave. At worst, I will be killed by the Japanese together." Li Zhuzi threatened Wang Da. He thought there was something wrong with it. Perhaps it is possible to blackmail Wang Da for a good sum of money.

(End of this chapter)

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