Chapter 176
Xu Wenping knew very well that Wan Longshan must have known about this matter, so they would be as anxious as himself, not knowing what to do.The Japanese sent the security team over this time, so they were not afraid, but if they called the security team back, wouldn't the Japanese send others?What will they do about Wanlong Mountain? Although they have an advantage in terrain, the Japanese really want to get them. They have no choice but to abandon the mountain and flee, but this Wanlong Mountain is their family business. How willing.

So Xu Wenping knew that they would definitely not fight him, so he dared to go up the mountain alone, otherwise no matter how powerful Xu Wenping was, he would not come up the mountain alone.Even if he can hit ten or twenty, but once he enters the cottage, he can't get out.

At this time, Xu Wenping saw that it was almost done, and pretended to have no choice but to say: "You two masters don't know, and I don't want to come, how can we be your opponents at Wanlongshan, but the Japanese have lives We can't come either."

"It seems that Captain Xu doesn't want to be an enemy of our Wanlong Mountain anymore." Zhao Fengtong said.

"That's, that's, of course I don't want to." Xu Wenping said hastily.

"Then please head Xu to take someone back." Zhao Fengtong said directly, and Xu Wenping showed embarrassment when he heard Zhao Fengtong's words.

Xu Wenping looked at the head of the family and said: "Just go back like this, I can't explain to the Japanese, don't you think so?"

"If you don't leave today, you don't even think about going down the mountain. I'll let someone send your head down." Zhao Fengtong said, he was just dangerous Xu Wenping. slaughter.

It seemed that the pot was broken, Xu Wenping said: "If you want to kill, you can kill me. Anyway, I will die if I go back like this. I might as well be killed by you."

It is of course impossible to ask myself to go back like this. Why, the Japanese will blame me when the time comes, and I will not be the one who is unlucky.Moreover, Xu Wenping knew that the matter would not end like this, so he would not leave and see what Wanlongshan could do.

"You don't want to toast and not eat fine wine." Zhao Fengtong looked at Xu Wenping and said, this kind of traitor is most afraid of death, but now if Xu Wenping takes people away, he will still die, no wonder they don't want to leave.

"Master, you have to be kind. We're going back like this. I'm afraid we're going to die. That's not okay. Besides, even if you kill me, aren't you afraid of revenge from the Japanese? Their regular army, But it's very powerful, even if you don't talk about the regular army, I'm afraid the puppet army will be enough for you." Xu Wenping said,

Although Zhao Fengtong knew that Xu Wenping's words were threatening, they were telling the truth. Otherwise, he would have killed Xu Wenping long ago, why would he bring him to the mountain.What they are worried about is to provoke the Japanese in a hurry. Now the Japanese don't want to care about them, but they jump over the wall when they are in a hurry, let alone the Japanese?
At that time, the Japanese army will be overwhelming, and they will be trapped to death even if they are sleepy. They will have no other way but to run.This was something they didn't want to see, so they arrested Xu Wenping and wanted to make Xu Wenping withdraw his troops on his own initiative, but it didn't seem so easy now.

"Then what does head Xu think should be done." The head of the family said, telling Xu Wenping to go back like this, he must not be happy, let's see what he wants to say.

Xu Wenping said with a smile: "As long as it makes sense for me to go back, and the Japanese can live there, that's fine."

"How?" Zhao Fengtong asked.

"Let's have a discussion. I don't know if you agree or not." Xu Wenping said, now that Wanlongshan has no choice but to listen to himself, he knows very well.

Zhao Fengtong and the boss looked at each other, nodded and agreed with Xu Wenping's statement. Anyway, Xu Wenping is in their hands now, if he dares to talk nonsense, he will be killed directly, at worst, he will run away.

"Okay, tell me." The boss said, he wanted to see what Xu Wenping could do.

"It's not easy. Let the people from Wanlong Mountain fight with the people from our security team. I won't be able to explain it." Xu Wenping said. It's not that he doesn't want to fight, but it's still too big now, so it's hard for Xu Wenping to play with them again.

"Commander Xu's joke isn't funny." The boss bared his teeth and said, he felt that Xu Wenping was challenging himself and his endurance.

Xu Wenping said solemnly: "How can this be a joke? You don't want to fight, because you are afraid that if you win, you will cause more trouble. But we have to fight, and there is no way to explain it to the Japanese, so why don't we fake it?" Let's fight. Since I can explain it here, you won't cause big trouble, so why not do it."

After hearing Xu Wenping's words, Zhao Fengtong and the big master realized that it was a fake beating.It's a good way, but there are too many loopholes, will the Japanese believe it?There are also fake fights, whoever wins loses, Wanlongshan can't lose, otherwise it will get a bad reputation, but he can't win either.

"It's simple, let's make a tie. As for whether the Japanese believe it or not, it's not our business." Xu Wenping said, he didn't care whether the Japanese believed it or not. The Japanese sent them here this time, to put it plainly, to eat full.

He had thought about attacking Wanlong Mountain. If he went back this time, he might never come to Wanlong Mountain again.When the time comes, I will say that all the ammunition, food and grass are gone, and I will go back to supplement and rest, what can the Japanese say.

"Captain Xu is such a good idea. We will listen to you if we can, and accompany you to perform this scene well." Zhao Fengtong said, this idea is good. Anyway, even if the Japanese find out by then, Xu Wenping will be the one to blame. It has nothing to do with them.

Although it was a fake fight, it was impossible not to get injured, so Xu Wenping made an agreement with them.At that time, let Wanlongshan have a few good marksmanship and injure a few people from the security team.In any case, they were all skin traumas, and they would not be life-threatening. As for who was injured, it depended on luck.

"Commander Xu, if you need me for Wanlong Mountain for anything in the future, just ask." When he was about to send Xu Wenping down the mountain, the head of the family said, Xu Wenping thought to himself, I'm afraid I will do you a favor if I find you.

But he didn't speak, just exchanged a few words, Xu Wenping originally wanted to secretly write down the route of Wanlong Mountain.But when I went down the mountain, I was still blindfolded. It was called a rule, not because I was afraid that I would see it.

It was Zhao Fengtong who sent Xu Wenping down and untied the cloth at the foot of the mountain. Zhao Fengtong said, "I will send Commander Xu here. Tomorrow everything will go according to plan. Commander Xu will be fine."

"Master Zhao, please don't worry, everything is fine, and I hope we can cooperate happily." Xu Wenping said, isn't it just regretting himself?Xu Wenping himself worked so hard to make it into what it is now, and he regrets that he is stupid.

"Well, head Xu, please go slowly, I won't see you off in front." Zhao Fengtong said, let Xu Wenping go by himself, the front is the place of the security team, it is difficult for him to pass, he is mainly worried that Xu Wenping will call someone I caught myself.

 Thanks to the book friends who have been diving for a long time, riding a donkey to make soy sauce, losing weight rats, lucky knights, and last night's recommendation and support

  The third update is over, weakly ask for a ticket and collection, hope everyone supports

(End of this chapter)

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