Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 179 Xu Sang, You've Worked Hard

Chapter 179 Xu Sang, You've Worked Hard
When he entered the gendarmerie, the guards almost didn't recognize Xu Wenping. The current state was so miserable that he almost stopped Xu Wenping from entering.

Fortunately, he finally recognized it, so he put Xu Wenping in, and Xu Wenping walked towards Naoki Yamazaki's office.It's just that when he walked outside, Xu Wenping subconsciously stopped when he heard the voices of Naoki Yamazaki and Shimizu coming from inside.

"Captain, I heard that the front-line officer is coming to our military hospital in Beiping City to recuperate, and he is almost here." Qing Shui said, they have already received the news that the front-line officer is coming.

Yamazaki Naoki said: "Looking at the time, it is these two days. We must ensure the safety of the Colonel. There will definitely be someone who wants to harm the Colonel."

"How is the hospital?" Qing Shui asked, this matter is a big one, if something happens to the chief, they will all die.

"There is no problem with the hospital. I have sent people to check all the people in the hospital, and every one of them has been recorded. The gendarmerie also sent three small teams of soldiers to block the gate of the hospital and protect the entire hospital. And starting today, everyone who enters and exits the hospital will have to go through strict interrogation, no one will be an exception." Naoki Yamazaki said that although the Colonel has not come yet, he has already prepared in advance, and there must be no mistakes in this matter.

Seeing that Naoki Yamazaki was almost ready, Shimizu said, "After the chief comes, I will ask the people in the special high class to cooperate with the gendarmerie for personal protection."

Xu Wenping listened to what they said outside, as if a devil's official was coming to Beiping City, and he was here to recuperate.Before Xu Wenping had time to listen more, the devil patrol team came, and Xu Wenping hurried in, yelling a report.

Seeing Xu Wenping come in, the two stopped discussing, but seeing Xu Wenping's current appearance, both of them were stunned. Could it be that the fight was so brutal?
"Captain, section chief, this subordinate almost lost sight of you. The grenade exploded right next to this subordinate. At that time, this subordinate was frightened to death. The subordinate was not worried about his own life, but was thinking that he would not be able to see you again in the future." Serving for the emperor, I feel uncomfortable." After Xu Wenping entered, he cried and said a lot without waiting for Yamazaki Naoki and the others to ask questions.

Naoki Yamazaki and Shimizu were both stunned for a while, and the grenade exploded beside you. How can you be fine? This is unscientific.

"The brothers in our security team fought bloody battles with the gangsters of Wanlong Mountain for several days, and they were almost able to take down Wanlong Mountain. It's a pity that there were problems with ammunition and supplies. It's a pity that the success fell short. It's a pity." Xu Wenping Said without changing color.

Naoki Yamazaki and Shimizu don't want to hear it anymore, you are too fake, and you almost won Wanlong Mountain.If Wanlong Mountain was really that easy to take, it would have been taken down a long time ago, and they really couldn't listen to it anymore.

Yamazaki Naoki interrupted: "Xu Sang, you really worked hard."

"It's not hard work. Being able to serve the captain and the emperor, my subordinates never feel hard work." Xu Wenping stood upright, matching the clothes that were baptized by gunfire, it really seemed to be the same thing.

In fact, Naoki Yamazaki and Shimizu knew in their hearts that what Xu Wenping said just now was all nonsense, and it was very likely that he had a firefight with Wanlongshan.Then they ran away directly, not daring to fight at all. As for the outfits, the two of them can only say that they pretended to be good.

"Captain, don't worry. Although the security team has injured many brothers this time, Wanlong Mountain is not going well. We will go to them after we rest." Xu Wenping patted his chest and shouted, as if he had already gained the upper hand this time. , if it weren't for the problem of ammunition supply, Wanlongshan would really be defeated.

Naoki Yamazaki felt that it was necessary to stop Xu Wenping, otherwise he would lose all face in front of Shimizu, and what you said was too far-fetched.

"Xu Sang has worked hard this time. Let the injured soldiers rest well. As for Wanlong Mountain, there is no need to go." Naoki Yamazaki said, Xu Wenping dared to say that someone was injured, so maybe he wanted a bonus.

Naoki Yamazaki doubted why they were injured. They didn't expect Xu Wenping and Wan Longshan to fight.It was beyond their expectations, and the goal had already been achieved, so they were unwilling to investigate whether Xu Wenping led his people to run away immediately after the firefight.

"Why, Captain, don't you fight?" Xu Wenping asked.

Qing Shui said in his heart: "Still beating, do you want us to continue to watch you make up?"

"No need, Wanlong Mountain is not infested. Your task now is to lead the security team to check and guard the streets near the hospital. Don't go close to the hospital. I have sent the gendarmerie to the hospital. You just need to take care of it." The surrounding streets are fine, once you find someone who can, you don’t need to ask for instructions, just arrest.” Naoki Yamazaki said that although the hospital has sent people there, he is still worried, so he asked Xu Wenping and the others to expand the scope.

The gendarmerie is in charge of the hospital, which is the central area, while Xu Wenping's security team radiates to the surrounding area.Every street must have their people, on the one hand to investigate, on the other hand to guard, try to be foolproof.

"It's the captain, but I don't know what the mission is this time." Xu Wenping asked, he had already guessed that Naoki Yamazaki asked him to do this, and it was related to the matter that the captain was coming, but he still pretended not to asked knowingly.

"You don't have to worry about this, you just need to be responsible for the surrounding streets, remember, you can't let anyone suspicious." Yamazaki Naoki said, there is no need to tell Xu Wenping about this, anyway. Let him go to the hospital for protection.The people in the hospital must be members of the gendarmerie, and people from the special high school, and he is worried about other people.

"Yes, this subordinate understands." Xu Wenping shouted, it seems that the person who is coming is not simple, otherwise Naoki Yamazaki and Shimizu would not be so nervous.

Now the hospital is probably blocked. Except for the Japanese, it should be impossible for others to come and go freely.The Japanese army's hospital was originally a heavily guarded place, but with so many forces strengthened this time, it would be very difficult to do harm to that person.

Now Xu Wenping believes that many people know about this news, Su Qiaoniang's organization should know, they definitely want to assassinate this chief in Beiping City.This is what Xu Wenping is worried about, because Su Qiaoniang is most familiar with the hospital environment, he is afraid that their organization will ignore Su Qiaoniang's comfort and send her in to find out information, which would be too dangerous.

"Hey, forget about me as an outsider, that's what they organize." Xu Wenping sighed, and said in his heart, he, an outsider, should not care about such things.

As for the assassination of the chief, Xu Wenping was not interested at all, because he had already heard about it.So he knows best in his heart that the Japanese are here for real this time, and there must be no return. I hope they don't take any action.

 Thanks to book friends hindering 001, flying tiger 1974, and last night's recommendation and support

  Thank you book friend 0o drizzle oblique wind o0 for your support

  Thank you for your support, Ergou will continue to work hard

(End of this chapter)

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