Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 185 Infiltrate the Hospital

Chapter 185 Infiltrate the Hospital
It is not a problem for a person from a special high school to fight a few ordinary soldiers of the gendarmerie, so they are responsible for the protection inside the room, while the gendarmerie is in charge of the outside of the room.On this floor, there are not only people outside the devil's room, but there are also people from two gendarmerie teams at the top of the stairs, and there are people at the entrance of the hospital.

Moreover, the special high-level staff who were guarding the ward this time were not a group of people who went in with Naoki Yamazaki as what Xu Wenping saw last time.This shows that there are still people hiding in the dark in the hospital in the special high class, and cooperate with them in protection.

In short, everything was well arranged, and they can rest assured that Naoki Yamazaki and Shimizu had other matters and couldn't stay in the hospital forever, so they left.

When passing by where Xu Wenping and the others were, he also told Xu Wenping to be vigilant and not let go.People have already entered, and now they can only follow Xu Wenping's plan, because there is no way back.

When Xu Wenping came to the teahouse last time, Bai Fengya was already waiting here, and she had already received the news that the devil Da Zuo had entered the city today.

"What should I do?" Bai Fengya asked, people have already entered, it is too difficult to see how the devils are guarding now.

"Wait until I go in and find out the situation first." Xu Wenping said, now that the ghost commander has been admitted to the hospital, although Su Qiaoniang told her that she might be in that ward, but it is impossible not to check it out personally.

There are also the bright and dark sentries in the devil's place, the personnel allocation, and the place where the devil guards, all of which need Xu Wenping to go in by himself.

"It's too dangerous." Bai Fengya said, it's so easy to enter the hospital now.

Xu Wenping said with a smile: "What if you don't go in, you don't have to worry about it, let's talk about it after I come out."

"No, I'll go with you." Bai Fengya said.

"I'm not doing anything this time, I'm just going in to have a look. It's dangerous if there are too many people going. You should wait for me outside." Xu Wenping said, this time I just went in to have a look, there is no need to go to so many people, and Xu Wenping has confidence in himself.

Of course Bai Fengya understood this truth, although she was a little worried about Xu Wenping, she could only nod her head in agreement.

"I'll find a way to go in tonight and have a look." Xu Wenping said, it's not too late, the devil's vigilance will not become less with the passage of time, so there is little point in waiting a few more days.Moreover, Xu Wenping and the others didn't know who else in Beiping city wanted to attack this person, what would happen if they ruined their plan, so they could do it as early as possible.

"Okay, I'll meet you outside, you have to be careful." Bai Fengya said, Xu Wenping didn't refuse even if she waited outside.

As soon as possible to meet Bai Fengya, Xu Wenping left, and he still had to prepare to start action at night.Chu Fei and Deng Wu still wanted to follow Xu Wenping, but they were rejected by Xu Wenping. This is not a war, so what do you need so many people for?

It is impossible to enter through the gate, because the devil will definitely let you fill in a series of information, if you can't check it, it means you have been exposed.And even if it was fooled around today, and the devils found something wrong when they checked tomorrow, they would definitely know that suspicious people had entered, which would definitely hinder Xu Wenping and the others' next actions.

So Xu Wenping didn't intend to leave the door, and under the cover of night, Xu Wenping was ready to act.

The devils from the gendarmerie were still guarding the vicinity of the hospital. Xu Wenping didn't plan to contact them, because what he was going to do today couldn't be known.The devils stood there watching the situation on the street. If anyone tried to pass by them, they would definitely not be able to escape their eyes.

It's just that suddenly a searchlight from the security team shone towards them. The powerful light made them uncomfortable for a moment, their eyes narrowed, and they couldn't see anything.Taking advantage of this moment, Xu Wenping jumped out from the dark place, rolled on the ground, hid behind the wall, and entered.

Wang Da from the security team over there hastily bowed and waved to the devils here, signaling that he made a mistake.Because now the searchlights are all hand-cranked, and they are constantly changing positions so that they can be seen everywhere.

Although he was very upset to be illuminated with a light, he couldn't say anything. The devils on guard cursed a few words and didn't bother Wang Da and the others.This was planned by Xu Wenping and them, as long as they shine light on it, the gendarmerie devils will have no vision for a short time.Then, that little time was enough for Xu Wenping to go in. He stretched out a thumb from behind the wall and gestured at Wang Da, good job.

After a perfect cooperation, Xu Wenping began to grope inside. There were devils at the hospital entrance, so Xu Wenping detoured to the side.Along the way, devils could still be seen from time to time, and the time interval between the patrol team passing by was very short. After finding out the interval between the patrol teams, Xu Wenping knew that he could not wait any longer.

Taking advantage of a group of devils passing by, Xu Wenping ran out, and he was going to climb up from the side.What's more, they climbed up with bare hands, without any protective measures or tools, relying on Xu Wenping's own ability.

The window sills one by one are where Xu Wenping borrowed strength, but the hospital's floor is a little higher than ordinary.The height of each floor cannot be reached by Xu Wenping standing on the window sill of the floor below.

I can only jump up, grasp the upper layer with both arms, and then go up with the strength of my arms without using any force on my feet.And when climbing, you have to be on the edge of the window, because you are afraid that people inside will see it, so it will be more difficult.Therefore, it is impossible for ordinary people to go up like this, and even if they can go up, the speed will definitely be very slow, enough for the patrol team to find out.

But Xu Wenping is obviously not in the list, this matter is very difficult for others, but Xu Wenping's arm strength is not a joke.He didn't climb without a purpose, he chose this place because he picked it out, and he didn't find it randomly.

"That's it." Xu Wenping checked that he was right, so he was going to go in through this window, otherwise the patrol team below would definitely see him after a long time.

The window was closed, but Xu Wenping couldn't be bothered, this kind of lock was a child's play in Chu Fei's eyes.Although Xu Wenping became a monk halfway, it was not difficult to learn how to unlock this kind of lock. In addition, he was also holding Chu Fei for dinner, so it was easy to open.

Go in carefully, it's dark inside, because people don't come here often at night.After closing the window, Xu Wenping began to undress, because he had to change into the doctor's clothes in the hospital, otherwise he would be arrested if he went out.

The reason for choosing this place is because this is the changing room of the hospital, which I know from Su Qiaoniang's map.And it was also mentioned above that the doctors here would put the changed clothes inside, and Xu Wenping chose to come in here because of this.

Now that I have changed my clothes, I can't walk casually in the hospital, let alone without changing, it is even more difficult to walk, that's why Xu Wenping came here, changing clothes is the first step in entering.

 Brothers are so naughty, I asked for support at night, but I didn’t even vote during the day

  Don't you guys have negotiated it? Don't tease me. I beg for votes and collections with tears.
(End of this chapter)

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