Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 188 The Perfect Opening

Chapter 188 The Perfect Opening

The wind in late autumn keeps blowing, and the pedestrians on the street are also in a hurry. If there is something to do, they don't want to come out. It's good to stay at home.But I didn't come out to eat, and I was still busy for my life.

Xu Wenping has been climbing the roof of a building with a gun for almost two hours, but the person he is waiting for has not yet come out, so this process can only continue.The gun in his hand was naturally Qiuming's sniper rifle, which was sent by Song Xiaoxian. Xu Wenping still remembered that when Song Xiaoxian gave the gun to him, he still had a word from Qiuming, and she said, "Please be careful."

Qiuming's careful point is not to make Xu Wenping pay attention to safety, but to make him pay attention to his gun and take good care of his gun.Guns are the lives of soldiers, and for a gun lover, guns are more important than lives.It would be a good thing that Qiuming could lend Xu Wenping, but he was still very worried, worried that Xu Wenping would ruin his gun, that's why he said that.

Originally, he wanted to do it himself, and asked him to hand over this link to him, but this link is the first step of the entire action plan, there must be no mistakes, and Xu Wenping is not at ease if it is handed over to others.Moreover, Qiuming was already considered an important arresting figure of the gendarmerie, as long as he appeared, he would attract the attention of others, so Xu Wenping did not agree with his proposal, and decided to come by himself.

Song Xiaoxian is now waiting for him in Xu Wenping's house. She originally wanted to come, but Xu Wenping refused.Because Xu Wenping has other missions for her, which are very important and related to the final result of this operation.

"Why is there no news from the captain?" Deng Wu asked anxiously.

"What's the hurry, wait at ease, the captain will definitely succeed." Chu Fei said after listening to Deng Wu's words, Bai Fengya also nodded, she also felt that Xu Wenping would definitely succeed.

It turned out that when Xu Wenping went to squat to guard, he had already asked Chu Fei and Deng Wu to find Bai Fengya and let them prepare.Xu Wenping climbed on the top of the building for more than two hours, and they had also been waiting for more than two hours. Only when there was news from Xu Wenping could they act.

Xu Wenping didn't appear impatient because he had been waiting for more than two hours, he still waited quietly, aiming his gun at the gate of the gendarmerie, and staring closely at the gate from the sniper scope.That's right, the person Xu Wenping was looking for was in the gendarmerie, because he fully met Xu Wenping's requirements and couldn't be more suitable.

The time was getting later and later, and the sky was gradually getting dark, but the person Xu Wenping was waiting for hadn't come out yet.

"It's been four hours. Is there something wrong with the captain? Should we go over and have a look?" Deng Wu was impatient. He was already anxiously waiting for this meeting. He didn't know what happened to Xu Wenping. , Why is there still no movement.

"No, the plan can't be messed up, we have to wait here." Bai Fengya said, they can't leave, if they leave, even if Xu Wenping succeeds, their plan will be messed up.

Although Chu Fei was worried, he also knew the importance of the plan and had confidence in Xu Wenping, so he agreed with Bai Fengya and continued to wait.

It's here, Xu Wenping cheered up, and after waiting for several hours, Xu Wenping finally waited for him.Muto came out from the gendarmerie, it was true that Xu Wenping was looking for Muto, he was the most suitable candidate.Naoki Yamazaki and Shimizu are both more important than Muto, but they are not easy to get. Xu Wenping hasn't seen them for so long.

Moreover, they are always protected by many people when they come out, which is relatively difficult, and even if their positions are too critical, if something happens to them, who will direct them, and no one will direct them how to send them to the hospital.Therefore, it is more appropriate to choose Muto, because he is a person close to Shimizu. If he is injured and dies, it is impossible for Yamazaki Naoki not to send him to the hospital.

If Yamazaki Naoki didn't send it, it would be as if he was aiming at Shimizu, trying to weaken the power of the special high school.In order not to leave this impression on others, Yamazaki Naoki could only send the person to the hospital for emergency treatment. Although he knew it was dangerous to do so, there was no other way.

Mu Teng came out alone, Xu Wenping didn't know what he was going to do, but it didn't matter, as long as he came out alone.Xu Wenping aimed at his heart, but he couldn't kill him, so Xu Wenping deviated a little.Because time was tight, Muto would walk out of Xu Wenping's sight after a while, so Xu Wenping didn't wait any longer and pulled the trigger.

The strong recoil was offset by Xu Wenping's shoulders, and the bullet was fired steadily. After firing, Xu Wenping turned around and ran away without even looking at it.He has absolute confidence in himself, and time is tight and cannot be wasted.

"Come on, there are enemies, follow me."

"Call someone, someone has been shot."

"Call Captain and Section Chief Qingshui to come over."

There was a mess at the entrance of the gendarmerie, some of them were chasing after the shooting, others were going to check on Muto's injuries, and others were going to call Yamazaki Naoki and the others.

Xu Wenping wrapped the gun in a cloth and ran all the way back home.Song Xiaoxian stood at the door, saw Xu Wenping coming, and wanted to say something to Xu Wenping, but Xu Wenping didn't give her a chance, and said directly: "Put the gun back, remember what I told you, it's all up to you."

Handing over the gun to Song Xiaoxian, after saying this, Xu Wenping left directly, and he had to continue with the next step of the plan.Song Xiaoxian opened his mouth, and before he could say what he wanted to say to Xu Wenping, Xu Wenping had already disappeared without a trace.

She could only put the gun away, and Song Xiaoxian also started her own actions, because her task today was also very important.

"How is it?" Shimizu asked the doctor at the gendarmerie health station, Muto was lying on the ground, the gendarmerie doctor was checking, and Yamazaki Naoki was standing beside him.

"No, the injury is too serious. There is no way to perform an operation here. It must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late." The doctor from the gendarmerie said sweating profusely. The injury is too serious. He is no longer able to handle it.If he is not sent to the hospital for surgery as soon as possible, this person will die soon, so he didn't dare to waste time and said directly.

"Hospital?" Qing Shui became sensitive when he heard the word hospital. Is this a coincidence?

Obviously not, Naoki Yamazaki also thought of this, but he couldn't just watch Muto die, Naoki Yamazaki still shouted: "Call the hospital and ask them to send a car to pick it up, hurry up."

The hospital can only pick it up, they can't send it there, otherwise the person may die on the way.

"Notify the hospital, take precautions, no one can go in." Muto also shouted, he could already realize that someone was deliberately disturbing them, but they had to follow the footsteps of the enemy.

The difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy is that you know there is a problem, but you have to jump in.Just like now, they knew they shouldn't go to the hospital, but they had to send Muto in. They had no choice but to watch Muto die.

But how is this possible? Not only Qing Shui would not agree, but other people would not agree either.

 Strong push on the home page, thanks to the editor and everyone for their support and affirmation
  Thanks to Qingcha Danming, srqg, hindering 001 for their recommendation and support

  Thanks for hindering 001's reward support

(End of this chapter)

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