Chapter 196

All the way to the place agreed with Bai Fengya and the others, the door was locked tightly, Xu Wenping didn't know if Bai Fengya and Su Qiaoniang were inside.

"Bang bang bang... bang" Xu Wenping knocked on the door three times in a hurry, and then a fourth time very slowly. This was the signal they had agreed upon.Although simple, the situation at the time was very tense, and it would be nice to have this simple code.

"I'm going to open the door, it must be Wenping." Su Qiaoniang inside said when she heard the knock on the door, and ran out by herself, trying to open the door for Xu Wenping.

"Wen Ping, you're here." Opening the door, it was indeed Xu Wenping who was outside, following Su Qiaoniang into the room, why Qi Heng was also here.

Of course, Qi Heng didn't look good when he saw Xu Wenping, but Xu Wenping didn't treat him very well. Now he is his rival in love, is he the one Bai Fengya likes, okay?
"Are you all right?" Xu Wenping asked Su Qiaoniang and the others. Su Qiaoniang was about to speak, but was interrupted by Qi Heng.

"So it was you? I thought Fengya was acting with someone. After a long time, she was with you, letting two girls lead the devil away, but she ran away. You can really do it." Qi Heng said to Xu Wenping Said, he kept asking Bai Fengya who else participated in today's operation, but Bai Fengya just didn't say anything, but now seeing Xu Wenping coming over, he understood.

Today's situation is so dangerous, if it wasn't because he arrived, how dangerous Bai Fengya and Su Qiaoniang would be, Qi Heng felt that Xu Wenping was acting too unmanly.

"That's not true. Wen Ping had to leave under the circumstances, otherwise everyone would be in danger, so we can't blame Wen Ping." Although Qi Heng saved himself today, he couldn't just speak ill of Xu Wenping, so Su Qiaoniang stood up for Xu Wenping .

"Hmph, after all, it's not about fear of death, it's about putting girls in danger." Qi Heng said disdainfully, he had always wanted to rob Bai Fengya from Xu Wenping, and now he didn't take advantage of such a good opportunity, That's not too wasteful.

Su Qiaoniang couldn't stand Qi Heng's words, and shouted: "Why are you afraid of death? Do you know who killed the devil's chief today? Do you know who brought us out?"

Qi Heng looked at Su Qiaoniang, and said to himself why Xu Wenping was so excited, but after another thought, did she like Xu Wenping.If this is the case, wouldn't there be no one to compete with Bai Fengya?No, even if she likes Xu Wenping, what does it have to do with Xu Wenping?No, they must have a relationship, so Bai Fengya will know that Xu Wenping is not a reliable man, so she will have a chance.

Thinking of this, Qi Heng said: "Do you like him, why do you always speak for him?"

He said that these are for Bai Fengya, listen, you have to see clearly how philandering the man you like is.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't like that..." Su Qiaoniang didn't know how to answer when she heard Qi Heng's words, she could only say without any resistance.

Originally, Xu Wenping didn't say anything, because what Qi Heng said today was right, he put the two girls in danger.No matter what reason he had, this was an indisputable fact, so he didn't speak, and Qi Heng sneered at him, but he pretended he hadn't heard it.But now Qi Heng turned to attack a woman and said such words to Su Qiaoniang. Seeing Su Qiaoniang fidgeting, Xu Wenping couldn't help it.

Xu Wenping said with a smile on his face: "You are very stubborn, does your lord know?"

Qi Heng didn't react for a while, looked at Xu Wenping and asked in surprise: "What?"

"Does your family know that you're so stupid outside?" Xu Wenping translated again, and then looked at Qi Heng with disdain, why don't you even understand classical Chinese?
"Who asked you to translate, don't I understand? What do you mean by that?" Qi Heng asked. He didn't know what Xu Wenping meant by saying this suddenly. Could it be that he was laughing at himself?
Xu Wenping said with a smile: "It means that you are so good outside, does your father know?"

"Now you know how good I am. There are many things about me. You will know sooner or later. Also, why do you want my father to know? What do you want to say." Qi Heng said with a good feeling about himself, he is very good Ah, I need someone else to say that.

Xu Wenping looked at Qi Heng speechlessly, he has seen such a thick-skinned person today.

Seeing that something was wrong between Xu Wenping and Qi Heng, Su Qiaoniang hurriedly whispered in Xu Wenping's ear: "He saved us today, don't quarrel with him, I know what he said is wrong, you are not that kind of person. "

What's going on, why Su Qiaoniang said that Qi Heng saved them, and what happened in the middle.

"What's the matter?" Xu Wenping asked Su Qiaoniang. Su Qiaoniang just said what happened today. She had wanted to tell Xu Wenping a long time ago, but because Qi Heng made fun of Xu Wenping, she was too busy fighting back and forgot .

Xu Wenping really didn't know that this was the case, that it was Qi Heng who saved them, if it wasn't for Qi Heng, I'm afraid today would be really dangerous.Now that Xu Wenping looked at Qi Heng's face, he didn't hate it very much. At least he did a personnel matter, and the credit was not small. If something happened to Su Qiaoniang and Bai Fengya, Xu Wenping would really feel guilty.

Of course Qi Heng also heard Su Qiaoniang's words, and looked at Xu Wenping proudly, how about today's affairs without me, can you do it?
"Thank you." Xu Wenping gave Qi Heng a rare thank you, but today this thank you is to say, and Qi Heng can fully bear the credit.

When Qi Heng heard Xu Wenping's thank you, he was so happy that he was finally stronger than you.However, he still had to pretend nothing had happened on his face, with a calm and breezy look, and said stinkingly, "I can't stand it."

Hearing Qi Heng's words, Xu Wenping didn't bother to argue with him, whoever told him to save Su Qiaoniang today, Xu Wenping said in his heart, let him be proud for a day.

"Stop arguing, too. Every time you meet, you quarrel, as if you are an enemy." At this time, Bai Fengya also said, Xu Wenping didn't speak, but cursed in his heart, it's not because of you.

I am his rival in love. It would be strange if he had a good impression of him. In the final analysis, it was not Bai Fengya's fault.To come out now, to say such things in a high-sounding manner, Xu Wenping can only say Bai Fengya's face, um...

Qi Heng felt that Bai Fengya's tone today did not favor Xu Wenping, could it be because he was a hero to save the beauty today.And she has already seen Xu Wenping's true face, Huaxin, isn't Su Qiaoniang still standing beside Xu Wenping?Qi Heng felt that his spring was coming, his opportunity was coming, and he was so beautiful in his heart.

"Why didn't you notify me of today's action? Did you pay attention and didn't want me to participate?" Qi Heng asked Xu Wenping. He kept asking Bai Fengya why, but Bai Fengya didn't say anything. Now he thinks it might be Xu Wenping's. Notice.

Xu Wenping wondered why he wanted to inform you. Of course, the fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better. Xu Wenping had already learned his lesson when the gendarmerie rescued someone from a cell, so how could he make the same mistake again.

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(End of this chapter)

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