Anti-Japanese traitor

Chapter 199 Who Is Imitating

Chapter 199 Who Is Imitating
This person couldn't help but want to say that now there are still people treating guests, so it doesn't hurt to talk about it.And it can also greatly satisfy one's own show-off psychology, so why not do it.

"You know the god of death last time, right?"

"Know, know."

"Now it has appeared again, and all the devils and puppet soldiers in another stronghold were killed, and their heads were also cut off, which scared people to death." The man said. A few friends passed by and saw it with their own eyes.

"The god of death has come out again, and the method of killing people is the same. It seems that they are a group of people."

"Is it also a gun tower this time?" Someone asked.

"No, it's a checkpoint to pass by. When I passed by, my legs were weak." Said the person who saw it with his own eyes.


"What timidity, it's because you didn't see it, otherwise you would be no better than me." The man didn't want others to say that he was timid, and argued.

Xu Wenping left after listening. He didn't know who did it.But he knew that he didn't do it himself, but the person who did it was the same as he and others did last time, why?
They deliberately let others misunderstand the reason, and this time they chose a checkpoint, not a gun tower.Xu Wenping knew why, because the blockhouse was too difficult now, and the levels were relatively small.

This matter was definitely not done by one person, so Xu Wenping couldn't figure it out, why did they want to imitate themselves?Xu Wenping's decision last time was also because of the devils and puppet soldiers in the gun tower. They killed innocent people in a village. Xu Wenping chose to do that in a panic, but the same trick appeared this time, it must not be a coincidence.

No one takes this as a hobby, so there must be a purpose for doing this, the purpose is to make people misunderstand that they are the god of death.But Xu Wenping couldn't guess the reason behind this, and he didn't know who did it.

Who is imitating?Xu Wenping thought about it all the way but couldn't figure it out. After reaching the security team, he had no clue.Forget it, it has nothing to do with them, it's just a borrowed name. Anyway, Xu Wenping and the others definitely can't recognize this name, and it's fine if someone takes it away.

Qing Shui left Beiping City, because the god of death appeared again, and he was going to find him.This time is different from usual, he has been forced into a corner, if it doesn't matter this time, let alone Yamazaki Naoki, even he himself wants to commit seppuku.

Naoki Yamazaki is staying in the gendarmerie. He is not in the mood these days, and he is waiting for the people sent from above.That person will take over everything in his place, and he can only take orders from that person in the future. He doesn't feel any dissatisfaction with the general's decision. Who could call it his own mistake?But it doesn't mean that he is not ashamed. He would rather go to the front line to fight the enemy now than stay here any longer, but he can only stay here.

Xu Wenping knew about the medicines that the gendarmerie was going to transport to the front line today, but Xu Wenping was not interested.Because after these few lessons, Naoki Yamazaki sent a lot of people to escort him, and tried his best to ensure everything was safe.Naoki Yamazaki seemed to have been frightened a few times before, and this time he even felt like making a fuss out of a molehill, but the effect was obvious, at least Xu Wenping had no idea about medicines.

As for the news about the replacement, Xu Wenping didn't know that Naoki Yamazaki trusted Xu Wenping very much, so Xu Wenping was able to save himself from danger many times. If Xu Wenping was replaced, he didn't know if he would have such good luck.

Coming to the security group is no different from usual, everyone is used to the life of the security group, they don't bully the common people, and the monthly salary is paid on time.As long as you don't violate the rules of the security regiment, you can stay comfortably in the security regiment, but the daily training is a little bit harder.

And now it's getting stricter, this is Xu Wenping's rule, because it can't always be like that training.The intensity of the training had to be gradually increased. Although they were not expected to fight devils, it would be too much to justify if they didn't have the strength to hit them.

After standing there watching the practice of the security team for a while, Wang Da ran over and said, "Captain, you are here."

Xu Wenping nodded and said, "Well, come to the office with me, I have something to tell you."

Bringing Wang Da to the office, Wang Da closed the door consciously, waiting for what Xu Wenping had to say.

"Are there many people in the security team who were inserted?" Xu Wenping asked.

"Well, yes, captain, there are quite a few." Wang Da said, Xu Wenping and the others knew about this matter a long time ago, but they had no time to deal with it, but now Xu Wenping felt that he had to deal with it.

Because those people are like time bombs, who knows where they will explode, even if they shoot themselves black in the back, I can't stand it.So Xu Wenping planned to rectify it and not allow this situation to continue like this. If they get a firm foothold in the security team, it will be difficult to solve this matter.

"Go and find out. Everyone in the security team, as long as they are inserted in, you have to find out." Xu Wenping said, some people in the security team were sent by others, and some were sent by others. He was recruited by others only after joining the security regiment. Regardless of the situation, Xu Wenping must know.

"Captain, what should we do after we find out." Wang Da asked, it's not difficult to find out, because if you want people to know, you have to do nothing, and most of the security team are their people.If you want to know, just pay attention and put some smoke bombs, and you will find them easily.But what to do after you find it is a problem, and if you don't handle it properly, it will have a counterproductive effect.

After thinking about it, Xu Wenping said: "You should check first. If the Japanese inserted it, then you can leave it alone." This kind of people can't be moved, and if they do, it will cause big trouble, so it's better to let them stay here , the big deal is to be careful in the future, they are.

"As for the others? Find a few reasons and drive them away one by one," Xu Wenping said.

"Captain, like Xue Changgui, they are all in the security team, should we also drive them away?" Wang Da asked, he had actually paid attention to this matter a long time ago, and probably knew it in his heart.

"Hurry up, drive them all away, if anyone takes the opportunity to make trouble, kill them as an example." Xu Wenping said, he can't move the Japanese, but Xu Wenping doesn't care about the others.It doesn't matter if you are Xue Changgui or Qi Yuanshan, as long as you dare to put people in the security team, don't blame Xu Wenping for being rude.

How could the security group belong to Xu Wenping, how could they do whatever they wanted, even Li Sixing's people were able to kill people in the security group last time, if this continues, what will the security group become.

This time Xu Wenping wanted to clean up, and told them clearly, don't send any more people here, even if they can come in, they will be kicked out in the end.

"Yes, captain, I'll do it now." Wang Da said happily, he had wanted to deal with this matter a long time ago, but he didn't dare to act without Xu Wenping's order.Now that Xu Wenping has spoken, he is no longer polite, and the clean-up has already begun.

 Thank you Tianye, zywu, the treasured sword is not old, the long-lasting traveler, 0o drizzle oblique wind o0 for the recommendation and support


(End of this chapter)

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