Chapter 635 Opening, the next task (25)


Welcome reached out and pressed the summoner in his hand, the sound of the machine resounded, and then, red beams of light filled the surroundings.

"Armor fusion!"

"call out!"

The red armor flickered and immediately attached to it.


With a thought in Lin Ming's mind, the Shura armor slowly permeated like flowing water, spreading all over his body in an instant.

"Ghost horse!"

A dark red light beam flickered past, and the shuttle boat, which was as ferocious as a monster, landed in front of the two of them.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the stars!"

Lin Ming swung his hands abruptly, and hugged Welcome in his arms. The moment he jumped, an afterimage flashed across the Nether Horse, and it disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

"Captain, do we need to follow?"

Looking at Lin Ming's disappearing figure, a crowd of Nightmare Star Warriors suddenly appeared in the courtyard of the small shop.

Follow Lin Ming, this is their task and mission.

"No, the king doesn't need us for now!"

Te shook his head slightly, and after finishing his casual orders, the figures of the crowd escaped into the shadows next to him again.

If they followed at this time, Lin Ming would definitely chew them up and swallow them.

"call out!"

The surrounding light beams flickered, and the two rushed out of the water-blue star in front of them in the blink of an eye.

"Start space jump!"

"Hoo!!" The white afterimage flickered, and jumped out of the area in front of me in the blink of an eye.

"Little girl, you can open your eyes now!"

Looking at the welcome who was still screaming, Lin Ming angrily stretched out his hand and tapped the armor wrapped around his body, only then made him stop screaming.

"This... is this in the starry sky?" Looking at the very close stars in the distance, the eyes wrapped under the armor flashed brightly.

"Yes, this is in the starry sky!"

"But this place is not as simple as what you see; it is full of dangers everywhere."

Lin Ming manipulated the shuttle again, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them had arrived at a planet full of barrenness; it was so barren, it was like being in a desert.

"This is the other planet you mentioned?"

As the shuttle boat landed, Welcome was the first to ask; everything around her was still a bit novel to her.

"Not bad!"

"In the Milky Way, too many planets are in the present state, barren stars; but there are also many planets filled with life."

Lin Ming slowly got up and sat among the rocks beside him.

"Look, aren't we very close to those stars?"

Hearing his reminder, Welcome raised her head involuntarily. As Lin Ming said, those stars were so close that she could touch them with her hand.

Looking at the welcome in the distance, Lin Ming's entire body slowly became relaxed.

There is no war, and there is no need to be bothered by certain things.

But this is only a temporary existence, and he will never be in this kind of comfort; for him, he is the king of Ares.

He is responsible for those thousands of fighters.

Because any decision you make is related to the lives of thousands of soldiers.

He can't make any mistakes!
At the same time, the Ares star far away in the central area.

"General, all the legions have been rested; the combat readiness has been fully replenished!"

Looking at Lufa in front of him, Fang Fang took Te's place and opened his mouth to report.

"Not bad!"

"Old man, it's time for us to start the next part of the mission!"

Lufa stood up slowly, and set his eyes on Lord Yan beside him.

Although I hate this old thing very much, I have to admit that even the current him is impossible to be his opponent; being invincible in the world is definitely not as simple as what you see in front of you.

"Old Fox!"

"This Milky Way is still too small!"

Lord Yan opened his eyes abruptly, bursts of light flashed in his tiger eyes.

The burly figure gave people an inexplicable deterrent force for no reason.

"Surrender, or die!!"

The two of them suddenly spoke in unison.

"Everyone has it, gather!"

As the order was delivered, the entire Ares began to boil; countless orders, countless neat footsteps, all of a sudden, they all joined together.

Even the nebula in the sky was completely washed away because of this terrifying fighting spirit.



The dense figures raised their hands in salute, waiting for the orders and summons from Lufa and Lord Yan.

"Soldiers, I order you to dispatch in the name of the king."

"Take those damned guys and let them surrender to Ares; in front of them, there are only two ways, except surrender, and that is death."


Lufa's eyes changed, and he set his sights on the first councilor next to him.

At this moment, he no longer holds any rights, and his proud parliament has also been banned by the training camp.

If he wants to survive, he must serve Ares wholeheartedly; otherwise, he will go to see his companions in the next moment.

"Understood, General!"


Following his order, more than a dozen figures in white robes appeared in front of the armored legions.

They are a warrior!
Warrior of Ares!

"Get out!"

Following the transmission of Lufa's order, one after another, all the armored legions drove out towards the outside world.


As the spaceship lifted off, it was like one after another dark cloud, full of inexplicable majesty.

"Old Fox, do you need to dispatch the Aphas this time?"

Looking at the armored legions, Yan Jun suddenly frowned and asked.


"With these fleets of spaceships, we will be able to subdue them!"

"Unless, they want to perish!"

Lufa's voice was harsh, and the two slowly stepped into the spaceship in the main attack mode next to them.


Following the transmission of the order, the spaceship in the main attack form that shone with metallic luster rose into the sky, and drove towards the outside world.

In an instant, the entire Ares became silent.

"You are now the only remaining combat power of Ares; now I order, everyone is in position, and the garrison mission begins."

Looking at the group of soldiers in front of him, No. 4's eyes were sharp, like falcons.

"Yes, Commander!"

The order was delivered, and all the remaining Ares fighters marched towards the positions that had been assigned.

"Turn on the Sky Eye monitoring system with all your strength!"

"Any feedback data must be probed and then reported!"

"Remember, you are members of the Sky Eye monitoring department, and I don't want you to make any mistakes."


Looking at the members in front of him, the captain in charge of the Sky Eye monitoring department blushed and ordered in a harsh voice.

They cannot make any mistakes.

"Yes, Captain!!"


(End of this chapter)

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