Chapter 731
"What do I think about so much, in short, I am living well now, and the domain will not be scattered for a day!"

Lou Shaobai didn't intend to say any more.

Now that everything has been dealt with, of course tonight
"Boss, all the wine and meat are ready tonight!"

Celebrating the return of the boss, of course, must not return drunk.

Don't get drunk!

In the domain, as long as there is a backbone, it will always be lively.

Without the domain master, they felt that they didn't have much anger even this year.

Not only humans, but even other creatures seem to be welcoming Lou Shaobai back with their hands raised.

The moonlit night in the domain is different from the outside world.

The night in the domain is full moon.

It has a very strong aura than in the world.

The wine and meat pierced the intestines, and it was a pleasure to drink all of them.

Before the storm comes, the night is always extraordinarily calm.


Halfway through the drink, a person suddenly stood up and walked in front of Lou Shaobai, blocking her view of the moon, and knelt down with straight knees.

It is Songyang.

Song Yang, just like his name, was originally a sunny man, but now his eyes are red with tears after drinking some wine.

This is the idiot who loves to talk in his sleep and married the wrong woman.

Songyang's loyalty to the domain naturally needless to say.

It can be said that since the accident with the boss, he blamed himself and at the same time hated that woman and himself.

If it wasn't for his sleep talk, nothing would happen to the boss... No, if he hadn't softened his heart and saved that woman back then.

Songyang thought a lot.

In fact, the people in the domain blamed him too much at first, but later Songyang... was the one who blamed him the most among this group of people, and even vaguely thought of committing suicide and apologizing.

In just one year, Songyang has grown a lot because of this incident.

People in the area believed that the boss was still alive, so naturally they wouldn't be too harsh on Songyang, but Songyang couldn't pass that hurdle by himself.

"Boss, it's all my fault!"

God knows, after seeing the real boss today, Song Yang almost couldn't hold back his tears.

Fortunately, the boss is still alive, otherwise, even if he died ten thousand times, it would not be enough to make up for this mistake.

"Okay, today is a good day, and it's rare to relax before the 'hustle', not to mention, your boss, I'm not standing here properly, if you really feel uncomfortable, just drink more wine, after tonight Some have to be busy!"

"Boss... woo-woo--"

Songyang finally couldn't help crying.

He is obviously a grown man, yet he is crying like a child at this moment.

"Boss, you are so kind..."

"Okay, what are you crying about, Songyang, I'm about to finish this cup."

When people saw Songyang crying, they couldn't help laughing, and then couldn't help their eyes turning red.

They understand Songyang's feelings, and they must know that they don't feel well before confirming that the boss is alive...

As a result, Songyang's crying was the beginning. After drinking the wine, everyone began to cry as if they were infected, either holding the wine bottle or crying with the person next to them.

... To put it bluntly, they are just a bunch of drunken lunatics.


Lou Shaobai watched this scene, although it was noisy, but sincerely warmed his heart.

Looking up at the moon again, she felt that her eye sockets were also a little red.

Damn, a bunch of bastards even infected her with crying.

Want to punch someone.

If you don't want to cry, think of another way.

Clenching her fist, she raised her hand...Looking at this group of guys crying like children, let's forget about today, no more fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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