School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 117 Send a love letter! 2

Chapter 117 Send a love letter! 2
After speaking, Lu Chuan felt a little cold behind him, and it didn't feel so good.

Ji Yifan was staring at him sadly.

"Yes! Please, let me go." Ren Ren nodded with a smile, then threw Lu Chuan aside, took Lu Chuan aside to dry, and looked happily at Ji Yifan who had already selected the bread and was about to go to the cashier to pay. .

"Ji Yifan, you see, I've been chasing you for so long, or you just promise me! If you promise, I don't have to write you a love letter. This thing is really troublesome, eh."

Ren Ren sighed, shaking a stack of letterheads in front of Ji Yifan's eyes like a treasure, and then added, "You see so many!"

The corners of Ji Yifan's eyes twitched, his brows were furrowed, he looked at her, took the bread, and walked away from her to the cashier.

Ren Yijian moved quickly, he raised his foot, and the 150-degree split directly blocked Ji Yifan's way, forcing his foot to go back.

Ji Yifan frowned so much that he could pinch mosquitoes to death, and said maliciously, "Please, let me go."

Ren ignored it, shook his head, raised his chin slightly and said, "You can let me go, OK, no problem. Promise me, and I will let you go."

Ji Yifan's forehead was bulging with veins, he sneered "heh", he simply didn't want the bread, put the bread on the shelf, turned around and walked to the back door.

"Ah hello! How are you going? Hey, stop for me, don't go! If you want to go, you have to give an answer! You can just say yes! Hey, Ji Yifan, surnamed Ji, stop for me."

Ji Yifan walked faster, like a dog chasing him.

Ren Yi didn't want the letter paper anymore, he stuffed it on the shelf, rushed up, made three steps in two, rushed down the steps, didn't pay attention, the sole of his foot directly stepped on the air, and sprained.

The whole person rolled like a ball from the stairs to the cobblestone road below, faster than Ji Yifan.

Ji Yifan subconsciously stopped, stood on the third last step, staring blankly at the sudden situation.

"One by one." Fang Kehan ​​rushed out when he heard that, looked at Ren Ren who was lying under the stairs, was shocked, rushed down the steps hurriedly, helped Ren Ren sit up, and asked nervously: "What are you doing?" Look! Can you still get up?"

Ren Ren's brain was buzzing, he opened his eyes stupidly, sparks were crackling in front of his eyes, and he reacted for a long time, until he felt dull pain in his knees, ankles and arms, as if being cut by a knife, he came back to his senses, "Hiss" He let out a sigh, took a deep breath, looked at Fang Kehan ​​and said "Ah!" in a daze.

It's broken, it's not like breaking the brain!

Fang Kehan's heart skipped a beat.

Seeing this, Ji Yifan was stunned for a moment, and took three steps in one step. When he was about to arrive, he was stopped by a person who jumped out suddenly, and then he slowly retracted his foot, and looked at the third step from the bottom with a blank expression. This scene in front of me.

"Can you stand up?" Qin Yiyang asked worriedly.

Ren Ren turned his head to look at Qin Yiyang who appeared suddenly, blinked his eyes, "I'll try." He tried to stand up, but his knee felt like a knife was being slashed, his body was so painful that he broke out in cold sweat, and directly Sitting down, he quickly shook his head, "No."

"Go to the infirmary." Qin Yiyang picked up Ren Renchao and rushed to the infirmary.

"Xueba, what are you looking at?" Lu Chuan jumped to Ji Yifan's side with the things Ji Yifan had just selected, and asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Ji Yifan looked away lightly, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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