Chapter 130 So Are You Going?

Ren Ren looked at Jiang Zi warningly, and Jiang Zi pointed at Ji Yifan.

Ren Ren took a deep breath, tried to raise the corners of his mouth, looked at Ji Yifan, and smiled subtly, "Yes."

Ji Yifan paused, glanced at any dinner plate, picked up another pair of disposable chopsticks that had not been opened on the dinner plate, took out the chopsticks, just picked up the chicken legs, a white and thin arm came from them Passing through the middle, put the packed lunch box in front of anyone, "No, your favorite chicken stewed mushrooms."

"Thank you." Ren Ren looked up at Qin Yiyang, and smiled.

"It's okay." Qin Yiyang patted the top of Ren Ren's head, "I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

"Yeah." Ren Ren nodded obediently, Qin Yiyang glanced at Ji Yifan, turned and left, taking away the warm and cozy atmosphere along the way.

"I'm done eating, you take your time." Ji Yifan picked up the plate and got up to leave.

"Hey, Ji Yifan." Ren Ren quickly got up and caught up with Ji Yifan.

"What's the matter?" Ji Yifan looked at Ren Ren with cold eyes, Ren Ren was taken aback for a moment, remembering that he was still a lady, paused, put his long hair behind his ears, put his hands behind his back, pursed his lips, and pointed at Ji Yifan smiled gently and said, "It just so happens that I've finished eating too, why don't we go back to the classroom together."

Ji Yifan glanced at her, "Sorry, I won't go back to the classroom, please do what you want.", turned and left.

Ren Ren raised his eyelids, breathed out lightly, and kicked the ground gloomily.


in the afternoon.

Ren Bai was lying on the desk boredly, holding a pencil in his hand, sketching casually on the test paper, Fang Kehan ​​pushed Ren.

"What's the matter?" Ren Ren asked wearily, Fang Kehan ​​handed the ball of paper to Ren Ren, "Yi Yang gave it to you."

Ren Ren turned his head and glanced at Qin Yiyang who was sitting behind her, Qin Yiyang smiled at her, Ren Ren opened the ball of paper suspiciously, "Do you want to go to your queen's concert?"

Ren Ren's eyes were shining, and he glanced at Teacher Yang who was speaking foamingly on the podium, picked up a book, opened it, covered his face, leaned his back on Qin Yiyang's desk, and looked at it with his head tilted. He asked, "What do you mean?"

Qin Yiyang handed any two concert tickets to any one, and any one took it, and when he saw it, he almost screamed with excitement, causing the teachers and classmates to look at them one after another, any one pursed his lips, and smiled .

Teacher Yang gouged out any one eye, turned his eyes away and continued the class.

"When did you buy it?" Ren Ren asked furtively like a thief.

"last week."

"So it was the flag-raising ceremony last Monday." Ren Ren asked in disbelief.

Qin Yiyang snorted, brushed Ren Ren's hair with his fingertips, and asked with a smile: "So you want to go?"

"Go." Ren Ren replied firmly.

"Crack." With a bang, Teacher Yang on the podium threw the textbook on the podium and made a dissatisfied sound, "How about I give you the podium, and you come?" Teacher Yang raised his chin at Ren Ren.

Ren Ren waved his hand, "Forget it, let's not!"

Teacher Yang sneered and said, "I thought you were so capable! Why don't you dare now."


Teacher Yang picked up the book and glanced at it, and threw the book on the podium with a "snap." He looked at Ren Rendao: "Really, I really don't want to care about you at all now, but."

Teacher Yang adjusted his glasses, and continued: "You are really going too far, Ren."


(End of this chapter)

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