School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 134 Season 1 Where I Give Up on You

Chapter 134 Ji Yifan I Give Up on You
Ren Ren stared at them, shaking his head, and realized that Ji Yifan was looking in her direction.

Ren Ren came back to his senses, smiled at Ji Yifan, took Fang Kehan's hand, passed Ji Yifan, and walked towards Qin Yiyang and Jiang Zi who were not far away.

"The relationship between Yiyi and Yiyang is getting better and better!" Ren Ruxin looked at Ji Yifan and said with a smile.

Ji Yifan watched them leave talking and laughing, his complexion became more and more gloomy, and when they disappeared from his sight, his complexion became extremely gloomy, he gave Ren Ruxin a cold look, and walked away.

That's all.

Ren Ruxin raised her eyebrows slightly, and raised the corners of her lips.


time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to announce the results of the mid-term exam.

In late autumn, the clouds were thick and oppressive.

Ren Yi rolled up his collar, held a thermos cup, and stared at the white water mist in a daze. A group of people gathered around her front table, discussing their rankings excitedly.

"No.1 is Ji Yifan again!"

"That's right! I'm numb, anyway, he's No.1, so he doesn't have to run away."

"No, but this No.2 is really an assembly line. Last time it was Luchuan, and last time it was Jiangzi. Let's see who is second in the whole grade this time?"

"That's right! Could it be Miss Ren Ruxin, the exchange student?"

"Don't tell me, it's really possible. After all, he is a proper academic master, and he is good-looking, has a good personality, and is talented."

"That's right! From this point of view, they are really a good match. This is definitely a combination of Xueba! I'm so envious."

"Look at it."


"Don't rush, am I not watching?"

"My God." Xia Tian's shocked eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.


"That's right, Xia Tian, ​​who is it?" Lin Xuhou snatched the ranking list from Xia Tian anxiously, "Let me take a look, who is it! Oh."

Lin Xu's mouth was so long that he could stuff an egg into it.

"So who the hell is that! You two are so annoying!" Ning An became a little impatient, took the ranking list speechlessly, and looked at it, "Ren, Ren Ren, one." He stuttered and was dumbfounded Looking at the drowsy Ren holding a thermos.

Ren Ren couldn't stand being stared at, opened his eyes, touched his face, "There is something on my face."

"No." Everyone shook their heads.

"Oh!", Ren nodded his head, yawned, and wanted to sleep, when someone knocked on the desk.

Ren Yi opened his eyelids and followed the voice to see that it was Yang Ke.

"What's the matter?" Ren Ren didn't wait to see her.

Yang Ke snorted disdainfully, and said, "Teacher Yang told you to go to the office."

"What are you doing!" Ren Ren looked at her suspiciously.

Yang Ke gloated and said, "If you go, you'll know."

Ren Ren frowned, got up, and left. The discussion behind him was amplified like a loudspeaker.

"Yang Ke, what's going on?"



"What else can happen, severely punish the plagiarism dog!"



When Ren Yi stepped into the office, a dull and oppressive atmosphere came over her face, almost swallowing her completely.

Teacher Yang sighed softly, turned around and glanced at her, paused, picked up the grade list and looked at it for a while, rubbed the center of his brows, and slapped the grade list on the desk with a sound of "snap", annoyed the office The people all stopped their work in unison, and looked towards them when they heard the sound.

"Teacher Yang, if you have something to say, don't get angry with the students." Teacher Guo, who was across the desk, comforted him.

"Teacher Guo, I'm teaching my own students, don't worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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