Chapter 136
Ji Yifan's black pupils were torn apart by the panic, fear and desire in his heart, he clenched into fists, looked up at Teacher Yang and said.

"I didn't copy it. It's just a matter of a test paper and a monitor. Since the monitor in the examination room is broken, why not consider Ren Yi to retake the exam. If you are worried that she has memorized all the answers, you can also choose to make a new one." It’s better to ask her to take the exam again with the same difficult questions than to be convicted so hastily, isn’t it?”

The surrounding atmosphere froze instantly.

"Student Ji." Teacher Guo pulled Ji Yifan.

Ji Yifan avoided, and stared at Teacher Yang and the director of the teaching office sitting beside him, "Isn't it?"

Teacher Yang: "..." Turning to look at the director of the teaching department, "Director, look."

The director of the teaching office cast a glance at him, then at Ji Yifan, sighed softly, and stood up, "The exam is scheduled for this weekend."


Ji Yifan lingered by the door of any apartment, his fingertips resting on the doorbell for a long time, finally curled his fingers, gave up, turned around and walked towards the apartment, the door suddenly opened, Ji Yifan stopped subconsciously, turned back Look, not either.

Mother Ren looked at Ji Yifan who was standing not far away, she was slightly taken aback, the hand holding the doorknob was hard, the knuckles turned white, but she returned to normal in an instant, she smiled politely at Ji Yifan and said, "Looking for Ren? "

Ji Yifan was slightly taken aback, and pursed his lips, "Yeah." He said, "Is she there?"

Mother Ren smiled, walked out of the apartment, looked at Ji Yifan and said, "Not here."

not there!

A sense of loss filled my heart.

"She's gone to another place." Mother Ren closed the door, looked at Ji Yifan with a smile and said, "You can come to her in a month."


After Ren Ren left, the sky in Sioux City was full of dark clouds and rainy.

October seems to have become its rainy season, the drizzle makes people gloomy.

After the self-study was over that night, Ji Yifan went back to the apartment as usual, cooked, ate, cleaned the apartment, and did homework.

Everything is so orderly, but the heart seems to be chaotic.

I don't know what's going on, inexplicable panic, fear.

Ji Yifan threw away the pen in his hand,
Rubbing between his eyebrows, he opened the drawer, took out a cigarette that he hadn't touched for a long time, lit it, and smoked it. Nicotine does have the effect of paralyzing the nerves. Before he knew it, the cigarette was half smoked.

"Ji Yifan."

"Ji Yifan."


"Ji Yifan, I like you."

"Ji Yifan, I didn't copy Ren Ruxin's test paper, do you believe it?"


Going crazy.

The girl's sweet and soft voice kept circling in his mind, as well as her weirdness, her grievance and helplessness, everything.

Really going crazy.

Ji Yifan snuffed out the cigarette with his fingertips, got up, picked up the phone, went straight to the cloakroom, took a blue denim jacket, put it on, and went out to relax.

As soon as he opened the door of the apartment, he bumped into Fang Kehan, Jiang Zi and Qin Yiyang who had red eyes.

"What's the matter?" Ji Yifan looked at them suspiciously.

"You are satisfied." Qin Yang grabbed Ji Yifan's collar.

"Qin Yang, calm down." Jiang Zi hurriedly pulled Qin Yang back.

"Get lost." Qin Yiyang roared angrily, and Jiang Zi withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

"Bang." Qin Yang punched Ji Yifan in the face, and Ji Yifan staggered back a few steps, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Qin Yiyang rushed forward and punched Ji Yifan again.

If things go on like this, people will die.

"Kehan." Jiang Zi shouted.

The tears that Fang Kehan ​​had finally stopped burst out of his eyes again, "Even if he dies, it's not enough."

(End of this chapter)

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