School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 138 I'm going to accompany her

Chapter 138 I'm going to accompany her
Qin Yiyang paused, looked for the sound, and saw Qin Zhao.

"Stop." Qin Zhao walked towards Qin Yang expressionlessly.

"Dad." Qin Yiyang shouted angrily.

Qin Zhao stopped in front of Qin Zhao, stopped and said, "Who gave you the guts to hit someone here?"


"Enough, stop here, come back with me."

, Qin Zhao put his hand on his shoulder, "Don't forget that you once promised the little girl."

Yiyang is not allowed to fight, if you want to fight, hit me first.

At that time, because his parents divorced, he became a left-behind child who no one cared about him.

So no matter what he did, even if it cost his life, no one would care.

But he didn't expect that the slug who had been following him would rush out to protect him when he was at a disadvantage in a fight.

As long as it is something she likes or something that is particularly delicious, she will give it to him without reservation.

She told him that it was not a good boy to fight.

Her mom won't let her be friends with bad kids.

So if you want to be good friends with her, don't fight and be obedient.


He promised her.

Qin Yiyang was taken aback.

"Don't let her down, huh?" Qin Zhao sighed lightly, and patted Qin Yiyang's shoulder.

Qin Yiyang turned to look at Qin Zhao in a daze.

Qin Zhao nodded slightly.Qin Yiyang tried hard to swallow his anger, turned to look at Ji Yifan, and smiled, "You'd better pray that she can come back safely, otherwise~."

"I'm going to accompany her.", as if to say another ordinary thing.

Qin Yiyang looked at Ji Yifan in astonishment.Ji Yifan stared at Qin Yiyang, and replied calmly: "I don't like to owe people, and I don't like to owe her. If she really dies, then I will pay her with my life." After finishing speaking Turn around and leave.

"Xueba." Lu Chuan chased after him.

"Enough." Xue Xiyang pulled Lu Chuan back.Lu Chuan looked back at Xue Xiyang, and said anxiously: "He is looking for death!"

"Let him go."

"What?" Lu Chuan looked at Xue Xiyang in shock.

"Let him go." Xue Xiyang let go of Lu Chuan's arm, watched Ji Yifan leave, and said lightly, "It's time for him to face it." Just as it was time for him to face it seriously.

Xue Xiyang smiled self-deprecatingly, and looked back at Fang Kehan, who looked at him with red and swollen eyes.

Xue Xiyang smiled, turned his head to look at Jiang Zi who was not far away, the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger, inexplicably made Fang Kehan ​​feel panic, never the so-called panic.

Xue Xi Yang nodded at Qin Zhao slightly, thanked Qin Zhao politely, looked at Fang Kehan, smiled at her, turned and left.

Fang Kehan ​​felt an inexplicable panic in his heart, instinctively chased him out, and shouted, "Xiyang."

Xue Xiyang paused slightly, then looked back at Fang Kehan.Fang Kehan ​​looked at him with red eyes.

Xue Xiyang sighed lightly, paused, walked up to Fang Kehan, grabbed the back of her head, brought her into his arms, patted her on the back and said: "Silly girl, why do you like to cry so much?" ?”

Fang Kehan ​​sobbed, "Will you leave me suddenly like Yiyi?"

Xue Xiyang paused slightly when he patted Fang Kehan's back, looked down at the person in his arms with pity, and rolled his throat, "Maybe!"

Fang Kehan's sobs stopped, and he looked up at Xue Xiyang in a daze.

Xue Xiyang glanced at Jiang Zi who was standing quietly at the door, smiled and sighed, looked away, looked down at Fang Kehan ​​and said softly: "Silly girl, the scenery in this world is beautiful, don't limit yourself to one place, huh?"

Fang Kehan ​​was dumbfounded.

Xue Xiyang raised his hand and rubbed the top of Fang Kehan's hair, pointed in the direction of Jiang Zi with his chin, "He is waiting for you, go quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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