School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 147 Care about her so much.

Chapter 147 Care about her so much.

Xue Xiyang was slightly taken aback.

"You and her are not in the same world, letting go is good for you and her."

The smile on Xue Xiyang's lips became more and more intense.

Don't know what he was thinking, but she didn't care.

Mother Ren looked at him intently, "Guess what would happen to her if her parents knew about your relationship with her."

"What's more, she is now in the third year of high school. If you really like her, don't you know what this stage means to her? If I were you, I would let go. She is not you. Her life is different from yours. You The trajectories of the two are destined not to be intertwined."



Ren's shout suddenly interrupted Ren's mother's thoughts.

Mother Ren paused for a while when she packed her things, and when she heard the sound, she saw Ren Ren standing at the door, "I'm back."

"Yeah." Ren Ren walked into the room, glanced at the suitcases that Mother Ren had packed for her, "So many.", and looked at Mother Ren.

Mother Ren said, "Yes." She put away Ren Ren's plush doll, and looked at Ren Ren, "Uncle Huang will pick you up later. My company still has something to do. I'll go see you at night."

"Oh!" Ren Ren sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the wall in a daze.

I don't know what he is doing at this time.

Ren subconsciously thought, when Ren's mother's cell phone rang suddenly, Ren Ren withdrew his attention and looked at Ren's mother.

"Clean up, Uncle Huang is here." Mother Ren said.

Ren Ren said "Oh!", got up, followed behind Ren's mother, went downstairs, took the suitcase from Ren's mother, "I'll come."

"Yeah." Mother Ren handed the suitcase to Ren Ren, "Be careful."

Ren Yi closed the shoulder straps of his schoolbag, took out a lollipop from his pocket, opened it, put it in his mouth, and mumbled "Hmm." He pulled the suitcase out of the apartment, and just stood at the elevator door .

"Ding dong." With a sound, the elevator door opened, and Ren Ren, who was standing in the elevator, was stunned for a moment, "Crackling." With a sound, the lollipop in his mouth shattered.

Ji Yifan stared at the suitcase in Ren Ren's hand in a daze.Ren Ren calmly pulled the suitcase into the elevator, rested his fingertips above the floor button, and asked sullenly, "What floor are you on?"

Ji Yifan came back to his senses, looked down at anyone who was staring at the elevator floor button, opened and closed his lips, and didn't say a word for a long time, and finally gave up, "First floor."

Ren Ren said "En.", pressed down the floor, took out his mobile phone, and buried himself in the game without saying a word.

There was silence, only the sound of breathing.

After struggling several times, Ji Yifan finally said, "You..."

"Ding dong." With a sound, the elevator door opened, and a few more people entered, separating them.

"Little sister, where are you going?" An aunt asked with a smile while looking at Ren Yi.

Ren Ren replied with a smile: "Go home."

Come back home.

Isn't this her home?

Where does she want to go back?

Ji Yifan thought, "Ding Dong" again, and arrived at the first floor.

The flow of people was evacuated.

Ren Yi put the yellow fisherman hat on his head crookedly, straightened himself up, pulled the suitcase, and ran out of the elevator without looking back.

Ji Yifan stepped out of the elevator, subconsciously looked in the direction she left, and saw her happily handing the suitcase to the middle-aged man, then jumped into the car excitedly, and closed the door neatly.

The car gradually disappeared from his sight and drove away.

Only then did Ji Yifan look back, and took out the little wooden monkey from his pocket, looking down at the little wooden monkey lying in his palm quietly.

Suddenly, her voice and smile appeared in his mind again.

Since when did he care about her so much.

(End of this chapter)

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