Chapter 149

Ren Ren was lying on the desk, biting the holder of the pen, looking at the test paper hopelessly, when he heard the door open.

Ren Ren turned his head to look, saw Ren Ruxin, and immediately burst into a standard smile with eight small white teeth, looked at Ren Ruxin and flattered him: "Sister Ruxin, you are finally here, these questions are so difficult, I can't even do any of them Come on!"

Ren Ruxin frowned slightly, looked at her, and seriously suspected that this guy was the one who slept through the first half of the exam in the exam room last time, and then only took 30 minutes to solve the test paper with a 95% correct rate, and then continued to sleep. one.

"Come and help me." Ren Ren pulled Ren Ruxin to sit down.

"What question?"


Ren Ruxin stared at the test paper that Ren Ren was pointing to for a moment, isn't this the test paper from the last exam?

Ren Ruxin frowned, and looked at Rendao: "Didn't you do all these questions correctly?"

"Yes!" Ren Ren nodded with a smile, "I did the right thing, you can definitely do the right thing!"

Ren Ruxin's complexion changed, and Ren Ren raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this, and quickly knocked on his head annoyedly: "I'm so stupid, no, I made a mistake, sister, don't be angry! I mean actually~!"

Ren Ren whispered close to Ren Ruxin's ear and said, "I have the answers to this set of test papers!"

"Answer?" Ren Ruxin was a little shocked.

"Hush." ​​Ren Ruxin covered Ren Ruxin's mouth guiltily, "Keep your voice down, if my mother finds out, I will be sent to the countryside again for reform."

It turned out to be the case.

Ren Ruxin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, yes, how could an ignorant person be so powerful.

Ren Ruxin curled her lips and looked at Ren Yidao: "Next time, don't do such a thing."

"Oh!" Ren Ren nodded obediently, looked at Ren Ruxin pitifully and said, "Then sister, you won't tell my mother about this!"

Ren Ruxin raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at her, Ren Ren puffed up his cheeks and looked at her pitifully, "As long as you don't tell her, I will be obedient and never fight against you again."

After experiencing a mudslide, his personality changed.

Ren Ruxin thought, snorted, flipped through the test paper, looked at Ren Ren, and asked casually, "Can't you do that question?"

"Let me take a look!" Ren Ren flipped through the test paper, "Wow."

Ren Ruxin looked at her.

Ren Yi held back his mouth, with a bitter face, "No way."

"..." Ren Ruxin glanced at her speechlessly, "Let's look at this problem, it is a set problem, when A is contained in B, find the set A..., and the square of this inequality (x-1) > 0 , you can find x>1 and x<-1 understand?"

"Oh!", Ren Ren bit his pen and nodded, tilted his head and looked at Ren Ruxin and said, "According to this, it should choose A! How can it choose B?"

Ren Ruxin's cheeks were slightly hot, and she coughed lightly, "Really? I'm sorry, I made a mistake, I'm looking."

"Oh!", Ren nodded, resting his head on his hands, looking at her idly, Ren Ruxin studied the question seriously, with drops of sweat dripping from his forehead.

Ren Yi curled his lips, yawned, looked at Ren Ruxin and said, "Don't worry! Think about it slowly! I'll recite the formula!", opened the book, from the first paragraph of the first page, wow wow He recited a few sentences, yawned, cast a glance at Ren Ruxin, raised his eyebrows slightly, and howled loudly: "The empty set is a subset of any set."

Ren Ruxin's pen tip paused, her eyes lit up, by the way, she actually ignored the empty set, how did she know.

Ren Ruxin looked at Ren Ruxin subconsciously, and Ren Ruxin looked at Ren Ruxin with a confused face, "What is this empty episode?"

(End of this chapter)

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