Chapter 153 Ending the game
Two wins in three rounds, the first round has already been lost, and there are two rounds left. The key is that the guy in front of him plays the ball weirdly and moves in a fancy way.

Not to mention whether she can win, the key is that she can't even win the ball.


Li Li glanced around behind Ren Ren, and saw Qin Yiyang not far away, he was held tightly by her every frown and frown.


Li Li withdrew his gaze, defended Ren Ren, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ji Yifan, who was about to knuckle into a knot not far away, retracted his gaze, deliberately diverted Ren Ren's attention, and said loudly: "You work so hard, maybe you like him."

Ren Ren frowned slightly and glanced at her, "Are you blind?"

Li Li: "..."

"Bang." Another basketball fell into the net.

"Wow!", the scream pierced through the film, "any, any, one, one."

Ren Ren clapped his hands, looked at Li Li, raised his chin towards her, "You lost."

Li Li: "..."

"Run naked, run naked..." the people around excitedly booed.

Li Li's face darkened.

Seeing this, Ren Ren raised his eyebrows slightly, and from the corner of his eye cast a glance at the director of the teaching department who was rushing towards us from outside the wall, looked away, looked at Li Li and said, "Go and apologize to him."

Li Li gritted his teeth and walked towards Qin Yiyang. When passing by Ji Yifan, Ji Yifan frowned fiercely, and walked to Ren Ren's side, "Enough is enough."

Ren Ren paused slightly when he patted the ball, turned his head and looked at Ji Yifan with a smile, "It's okay."

"Enough trouble, come back with me." Ji Yifan intercepted the ball in Hu Renyi's hand.

Ren Ren slightly raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ji Yifan, then paused, and when he staggered to leave, his arm was held by him.

Ren Ren's body froze, he stared blankly at the hand holding her arm, and then moved his gaze up to his face.

Ji Yifan looked at her calmly, his ears were a little red, he looked away uncomfortably from her, opened his mouth, and was about to speak when the people around him suddenly chuckled.

Ji Yifan looked at her suspiciously.

Ren Ren withdrew his hand, looked at Ji Yifan and said, "So does this mean you want me to apologize to you too?"

Ji Yifan was taken aback for a moment.

Ren Ren looked up at him, "But what to do, I don't want to!"

Ji Yifan: "..."

"However." Ren Ren looked at the ball in Ji Yifan's hands, smiled, and continued: "Let's do it! Ji Yifan, let's end the game that we didn't finish last time. As you said, losing Now, disappear from your world forever, never bother you again, come on!"

Ji Yifan: "..."

"Running naked, running naked..." The melon-eating crowd suddenly booed again, interrupting them, it seemed that Li Li had finished apologizing.

Thinking of himself and others, Ji Yifan seemed to be right in asking her to apologize to her!
As Ren Ren thought about it, Li Li had already walked through the crowd into the playground and started to take off his clothes. The booing became louder and louder, and the director of the teaching department had rushed into the crowd, "What are you doing, what are you doing..."

After a few roars, everyone immediately silenced their flags and drums, and fled away.

"What do you do, what class are you in, what's your name, and what's the matter with your purple hair?"

, the director of the teaching office pointed at Li Li and scolded the sky and the earth.

"Director, she is not from our school." Ren Ren interjected with a smile.

"Not from our school?"

, the director of the teaching office looked at Ren Ren and confirmed.

"Ah!" Ren nodded.

"No wonder." The director of the teaching office breathed a sigh of relief, with a straight face, pointed at Li Li and said, "Whoever allowed you to enter our Suzhou No. [-] Middle School, hurry up, believe it or not, I will throw you out."

(End of this chapter)

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