School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 168 Hope Shattered Again

Chapter 168 Hope Shattered Again

Ji Yifan frowned slightly, and looked at her with some displeasure, "No." The little girl handed him a note. Seeing this, Ji Yifan accepted it suspiciously, and looked at it.

"For a discussion, I can explain to Mr. Huang. But you have to terminate the contract with my mother. If she insists on asking you to pay liquidated damages, I will help you pay half of it. This is a good deal, right? !"


Really good deal.

Ji Yifan crumpled the note into a ball, and looked at Ren in a leisurely manner.

Ren Ren smiled at him, "Well, this deal is not bad!"

Ji Yifan smiled at her.

Ren Ren was even happier, with festive fireworks bursting in his heart.

To succeed.

To be liberated at last.

"no need."

"Huh?", Ren Ren was stunned. Could it be that she has something wrong with her ears, "What do you mean you don't need it?"

Either could hardly believe it.

"Do you want me to repeat it again?" Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows and looked at Ren Ren.

"Dang." There was another sound of broken hopes.


Sioux City Hospital.

Mother Ren filled a bowl of nourishing soup for Mr. Ren, and passed it to Mr. Ren. After Mr. Ren drank a few mouthfuls of the soup, he passed the tableware to Mrs. Ren. After taking the napkin from Mrs. Ren's hand to wipe his mouth, he looked at Mrs. Ren and said: " By the way, Yiyi, how are you doing recently?"

Mother Ren packed her things, looked at Old Man Ren with a smile and said, "It's very good, she will come to see you this weekend."

"Yeah." Old Master Ren breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, looked at Mother Ren and said, "By the way, that tutor you mentioned."

"You've seen it before." Mother Ren pulled a chair and sat down.

"I have seen?"

"Yes." Mother Ren smiled and began to peel an apple for Mr. Ren, "That child is the one you wanted to send to the juvenile detention center last time."

Mr. Ren was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Mother Ren in surprise, not knowing why she would do this.

Mother Ren handed Mr. Ren a piece of peeled apple, and said with a smile, "Dad, trust me, he will do well."

Mr. Ren took the apple and sighed softly, "Forget it, I'm old, and I can't control so much anymore. After all, you are her mother, and it's better for you to decide these things."

"Hmm." Mother Ren pulled a few tissues, wiped the apple juice on her hands, looked at the corner of the wallet crawling out of the sachet, and fell into deep thought.



After fighting wits and courage with Ji Yifan all morning, Ren Ren lost again.

But defeat is defeat, she has a good reason today, and that is to see grandpa.

Ren Yi threw the pen in his hand, stood up, his back was very straight, looked down at Ji Yifan who was sitting on the chair, and said, "I'm going to see my grandpa, why do you have an opinion on this?"

Ji Yifan looked at Ren Ren calmly, turned his eyes away uncomfortably, and threatened sullenly: "If you dare to stop me, I will tell my mother that you won't let me visit my grandpa. "

Ji Yifan got up, tidied the desk, and replied flatly, "Go!"

"Really?" Ren Ren looked at Ji Yifan excitedly, and couldn't believe his ears.

Ji Yifan glanced at her, and any smile suddenly froze on his face.Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows, picked up the denim jacket on the back of the chair, "Let's go!"

"No, let's go! What do you mean, are you going too? Hey, Ji Yifan."

Ren Ren hurried to chase Ji Yifan, and asked curiously: "You want to go too, just kidding! What are you going to do, hello, Ji."

(End of this chapter)

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