Chapter 183 Lady, Mrs.

Ren Ren was startled for a moment, looked at him in astonishment, and followed him to the department store without hesitation.

"Lucky wheel, turn to a special number, there will be a special gift, is it true?" Ren Ren rubbed his chin and said with extreme suspicion.

"It's true, you'll know if you try it." Ji Yifan replied coldly.

"That's right! Miss, you can try it!" the staff next to you urged.

Feeling itchy, Ren Ren secretly rubbed his hands, looked at Ji Yifan and said, "How about I try?"

Ji Yifan lightly rubbed his fat white head, looked at her, nodded slightly, and gave a faint "hmm."

Ren Yi rushed over immediately, spun the big wheel of fortune, and following the arrow on the number, it slowly landed on number one, and Ren Ren's heart was instantly lifted to his throat.

Ren Yi saw Ji Yifan jump up excitedly, and shouted happily: "Number one, number one, Ji Yifan number one."

Ji Yifan raised his lips, "Yes, number one." He turned to look at the staff and asked, "What's your lucky number?"

The staff smiled and congratulated Ren Dao: "Miss, you are very lucky. Congratulations, you will get our ceramic handicraft worth 5."

"5!" Ren Ren looked at the staff in disbelief.

"Yes." After the staff finished speaking, they packed the packed ceramic doll and handed it to Ren Ren.

Ren Ren took it carefully, opened it, and saw what was inside, his eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted in surprise: "It, it, Ji Yifan it." He was so excited, his hands shook, and the ceramic doll couldn't help but look at it. Falling to the ground, "Hey."

With quick eyes and quick hands, Ji Yifan grabbed the ceramic doll and glanced at it speechlessly.

Ren Ren looked at Ji Yifan in astonishment, paused, took a deep breath, and shouted adoringly, "Brother, you are so handsome."

Ji Yifan: "..." Suddenly lost his temper, he laughed helplessly, rubbed Ren Ren's head, "Let's go, sister."

Ren Ren's back stiffened, his face blushed, and he replied dog-leggedly, "Hey." He happily followed Ji Yifan for a walk.

Ji Yi glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, saw her happy like a 250 fool, and laughed too.


The more you look at the ceramic doll, the more you like it, jumping up and down happily.

Seeing this, Ji Yifan asked amusedly, "Is that how you like it?"

"I like it, I like it very much." Ren Ren nodded his head like garlic, "Look, this doll."

Ren Ren raised the ceramic doll in front of Ji Yifan, drew it with his hand, and learned to sing, "...the birds on the tree are in pairs..., you plow the field and I weave..."

Ji Yifan: "..."

The people around looked at them in unison, Ji Yifan looked back with a flat face, and the people around silently looked away.

Ji Yifan withdrew his eyes in satisfaction, and continued to watch Ren Ren's performance.

"Miss..., Mr. Xiang..."

Ji Yifan: "..."

"Let's make way, let's make way." Not far away, a cleaning worker was pushing a trash can because of slipping under his feet, but he didn't stop and rushed towards any direction in a straight line.

Ren Ren's mind froze immediately, and he looked at the trash can that was about to rush towards her with a dazed expression.

Seeing this, Ji Yifan felt horrified, and reflexively grabbed Ren Ren's wrist, pulled her into his arms, and turned around.

Ren Ren's back was tightly attached to the elevator door, and Ji Yifan was tightly restrained in his arms, and he managed to avoid the trash can, which slid along the aisle.

The turmoil returned to calm, and the surroundings returned to silence, only the sound of each other's breathing and the sound of heartbeats could be heard.

(End of this chapter)

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