Chapter 186 Dirty Dirty

Ji Yifan handed the written address to the cashier, "We're here, just leave it in the security room. Let's go!", and left with Yi Ren who was still in a daze.

Ren Ren twisted a few times uncomfortably, and patted Ji Yifan's paw with his backhand, "You should be carrying Fat Bai!"

Ji Yifan was speechless, let go, and looked at Ren Ren, who straightened the collar of his coat and subconsciously covered his stomach.

"Hungry?" Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

Ren Ren smiled awkwardly at Ji Yifan and nodded.

Ji Yifan nodded slightly, glanced at the western restaurant not far away, "Let's go!" After walking a few steps, seeing that Ren Ren didn't follow, he looked back at Ren Ren suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Ren Ren pointed at Fat Bai, who was restrained by her dog chain: "Are you sure it can go in?"

Fat Bai stuck out his tongue, wagged his tail, and looked at Ji Yifan aggrievedly.

Ji Yifan: "..."

"Let's go to the snack street in Sucheng Ancient Town!"

Ren Ren looked at Ji Yifan and blinked.


Snack Street in Sucheng Ancient Town.

Red lanterns, blue-stained bricks, wooden doors, food stalls on both sides of the street, and people selling snacks with poles, all of them are antique.

Ren Ren led the dog leash and walked side by side with Ji Yifan, fat and white with his buttocks on his back, and ran wildly forward.

A grandfather tied a white towel around his waist, blocking the bamboo basket, and shouted: "Dan Dan noodles, delicious and delicious Dan Dan noodles~."

Ren Ren swallowed, and shook Ji Yifan's arm.

"what happened?"

Ren Yi pointed in the direction of several children shopping for Dandan noodles around grandpa, "It seems delicious."

Ji Yifan looked in the direction Ren Yi pointed, frowned, and gave her a speechless look, "It's so dirty."

Ren Ren rolled his eyes at him, "It's boring, take it." He slipped the dog chain into Ji Yifan's hand and ran away.

Ji Yifan: "..."

After a while, Ren Yi ran back with a paper bowl in his hand. Ji Yifan glanced at the contents of the bowl, his brows could pinch mosquitoes to death, and warned: "Eat, be careful of diarrhea."

Ren Ren glanced at him, mixed the noodles, started to eat, said with an exaggerated expression: "Wow, it's delicious.", and secretly cast a glance at Ji Yifan.

Ji Yifan was expressionless and extremely calm.

Ren Ren saw this, the little devil in his heart started to move around again, rolled his eyes, sucked the noodles, and the passers-by who couldn't bear to pass looked at them curiously.

Ji Yifan's head was full of black lines, and the veins on his forehead were twitching. He looked at Ren speechlessly, and caught off guard that there was a pinch of noodles on his lips. Ji Yifan was slightly taken aback, and looked at Ren dumbly.

Ren Yi teased him: "It's really delicious, do you want to eat it?"

Ji Yifan hesitated, opened his mouth reluctantly, and ate.

The smooth noodles are wrapped with crispy simmered meat, the rich sesame sauce, fresh but not greasy, and the spicy but slightly sour soup hits the taste buds.

Ji Yifan's eyes lit up.

"How is it?" Ren Ren looked at Ji Yifan excitedly and asked.

Ji Yifan came back to his senses, coughed lightly, raised his eyelids, and replied calmly: "It's okay!"

"Is it okay?" Ren Ren looked at Ji Yifan in shock, "It's obviously delicious."

Really pick.

Ren Xin thought, took another big mouthful, and sighed after recollection: "It's delicious."

Looking at Ren Ren's satisfied face, Ji Yifan couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, the corners of his mouth deepened a lot, paused, took out a piece of wet tissue paper from his pocket, opened it, took it out, and gave Ren Ren a serious look with downcast eyes. Wipe the sauce off his lips.

Ren Ren paused for a moment while concentrating on twisting the noodles, staring blankly at Ji Yifan's hand wiping the sauce on his lips, his head went blank, his heart beat faster, he raised his head stupidly, looked at Ji Yifan, caught off guard It bumped into Ji Yifan's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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