School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 201 Season 1 Fan Likes Me Too

Chapter 201 Ji Yifan Likes Me Too
The first snow, a piece of snowflakes slowly falling from the sky.

"Hee hee, Ji Yifan." Ren Ren ran towards him.

Ji Yifan looked at her with a smile, "Yeah." He spread his arms and embraced her.

"Ji Yifan." Ren Ren called him.

"Hmm." Ji Yifan looked at her with downcast eyes and a doting smile, and replied softly.

"I like you!"

"Me too."

Ren Ren's heart skipped a beat, and he stared at Ji Yifan in a daze.

"Woof." His face was licked by something, and it was wet.

Ji Yifan likes her too!


"Woof." His face was scratched by something furry again.

"Wang Wang."

Ren Ren's face was suddenly trampled several times, waking her up from the dream. The pain caused her to cover her face and gasped for air, and roared, "Fatty."

"Wow, woof." The fat man jumped out of bed, squatted on the floor, wagging his tail, and looked at her aggrievedly, "Ugh."

Ren Ren: "...", rubbing her face, looking around the room, she returned to Ji Yifan's room, so was it a dream just now?
Ren Ren jumped down in a hurry, ran to look for Ji Yifan, searched around, the apartment was empty, and Ji Yifan was not there.

Feeling depressed, I buried my head, it must be a dream!

Sioux City Hospital.

"Bang." With a sound, Mr. Ren threw all the financial statements on Ren Kang, and the papers fell down one after another, "Trash.", holding his chest and panting heavily.

"Dad, don't do this." Shi Ruyue hurriedly comforted Mr. Ren.

Mr. Ren picked up the water glass placed on the bedside table, and slammed it on the ground with a "bang." "Get lost."

"Akang." Shi Ruyue looked at Ren Kang helplessly.

Ren Kang walked up to Shi Ruyue, guarded Shi Ruyue behind him, looked at Mr. Ren and said, "Dad, you should have a good rest, we're leaving now."


, Mr. Ren pointed at the door of the ward and chased away people.

"Let's go now, let's go now." Ren Kang dragged Shi Ruyue out of the ward, walked to the door of the ward, glanced at Li Shu who was walking towards the ward, gave a light snort of disdain, and left.

Ren Ren, who was walking behind Ren's mother, fell on Ren Kang's hand holding Shi Ruyue, his pupils suddenly tightened until his head was lightly rubbed by Qin Yiyang.

Only then did he lightly withdraw his gaze, looked at Qin Yiyang, smiled at him, then blocked Qin Yiyang's hand, ran to Ren's mother, took Ren's mother's arm, and shouted with a smile: "Mom. "

"Yeah." Mother Ren snorted softly, looked at Qin Zhao, and introduced, "It's here."

Qin Zhao responded gentlemanly, and at the invitation of Ren's mother, entered the ward, looked at Mr. Ren with a smile and said, "Dong Ren, you are in good health recently."

Mr. Ren replied with a smile: "That's it! Come and sit."

Mother Ren took the gift from Qin Zhao and placed it on the coffee table.

Under Ren's mother's instruction, Ren Yi poured Qin Zhaosong a glass of warm water, "Godfather."

"Thanks, little girl." Qin Zhao took it with satisfaction.

"It's okay." Ren Ren's crescent moon was curved and his dimples were deep. The more he looked at Qin Zhao, the more he liked him. He looked at Mr. Ren and Mr. Ren and talked about some things that happened in Sucheng recently, then the conversation changed to Qin Yiyang and Ren Ren. Looking at Ren Yidao: "Yiyi, what are your plans?"


"Yeah." Qin Yiyang took a sip of water, put it on the coffee table, glanced at Qin Yiyang, and then at Ren Ren, "Yiyang has already applied for an offer from the Berklee College of Music, how about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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