School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 214 Season 1 Fan and Jiang Jian

Chapter 214 Ji Yifan and Jiang Jian
In case Jiang Jian became angry and beat someone, Li Li decided not to check, and escaped with Jiang Jian, and escaped for a week.

Jiang Yan went to the hospital to make a call again, looking for the beauty, but this time he didn't see the beauty, but saw the old man instead, which backfired, so Jiang Yan gave up and started to make an announcement.


Sioux City.

The car drove slowly on the street. Some people said that he had lived here, but even though the scenery passed by his eyes, he didn't have a sense of familiarity.

Lu Chuan was his college classmate. When he went to Jinghua University to study medicine, he met him. Lu Chuan was his senior, then his classmate, and later he was Lu Chuan's senior.

Lu Chuan once told him that they were classmates in high school, he had a dog with him, and he helped him raise it, if one day he returned to Sioux City, remember to take it away, his dog missed them very much.

They, those, who else but him.

Ji Yifan couldn't think about it, and he didn't want to think about it. He was very tired, so he chose to give up, and the car unknowingly drove to the gate of the community where Luchuan lived.

Ji Yifan made a phone call to Lu Chuan, got out of the car, and took a breath, when he heard a few barking dogs not far away, a blinding moment, a snow-white dog rushed towards him unexpectedly, wagging its tail, and spitting Tongue barking.

Ji Yifan stared blankly at the dog that jumped into its arms, and after a moment of distraction, he heard Lu Chuan's voice, "Fat Bai, what are you doing, what are you doing running so fast? Learn, Xueba."

Lu Chuan looked at Ji Yifan who was standing not far away with embarrassment, and then smiled brightly

,"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Long time no see." Ji Yifan smiled lightly, rubbed his chubby head lightly, and looked at Lu Chuan, "Is that it?"

Lu Chuan looked at Fat Bai who was lying on Ji Yifan's ankle and said with a smile: "Yes, it is it, you don't know that it has always run to the neighborhood where you and Ren live when I am not paying attention these years, waiting outside on."

"Anyone." Ji Yifan lightly rubbed his fat white head, paused slightly, and looked at Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan immediately wanted to bite off his tongue, he would only mention a dead person when he was sick, and there was something wrong with him.

Lu Chuan quickly denied it, "No, no, I didn't say anything..., oh, I'm out of my mouth, you got it wrong, you got it wrong."

Ji Yifan looked away lightly, looked at the little wooden monkey on his wrist, then shifted his attention, pulled the back seat of the car, looked at Fat Bai, "Go up."

"Wow." Fat Bai jumped into the car, looked at Ji Yifan, and barked at him, begging for praise.

Ji Yifan's deep eyes exuded a faint warm halo, raised his hand and rubbed its head lightly, "Not bad." He helped it fasten his seat belt, closed the car door, and looked at Lu Chuan, "Thank you for the time. "

"It's okay." Lu Chuan waved his hands and smiled, paused, and asked, "Are you leaving?"

"Hmm." Ji Yifan snorted, walked towards the driver's cab, opened the door, and looked at Lu Chuan, "There are still things to do at the hospital and school."

"Okay, then I won't keep you. When I go to Liangcheng in a while, we will have a good get-together."


, Ji Yifan got in the car, closed the door, and drove away.

Seeing this, Lu Chuan sighed softly. When he was told by the principal to help contact the provincial champion Ji Yifan and the city champion Ren Ren, he never thought that they would not be contacted, but he witnessed the car accident with his own eyes.


Ren Ren is really crazy, otherwise how could he do such a stupid thing like dying with Ji Yifan? Later, he called the police and made an emergency call. When he went to rescue Ji Yifan, Ji Yifan said to save Ren and help him He saves anyone.

There's nothing to save that lunatic.

He really hated the stupid things he did in the past. He actually helped Ren chase after Ji Yifan. He has a sick mind, which is why he did such stupid things that harmed his friends.

Later, when Ji Yifan was being taken to the hospital, he asked him to help him take care of his and her dog if they were all gone.

I never thought that this kind of care took care of me for 8 years.

From the beginning to the end, he felt that he was sorry for Ji Yifan, if it wasn't for him, perhaps his and Ren Ren's life trajectories would not have intersected.

Fortunately, he is still alive, although he lost his memory, he is still alive.

If he died, he might have to live in guilt and self-blame for the rest of his life.

If he could turn back, he would rather Ji Yifan be cold-blooded for the rest of his life than talk to any of that lunatic.


Jiang Yan is lazy and doesn't touch anything other than playing rock and roll. She doesn't want to go even if it's the latest album release party, and no one wants her to go, because Jiang Junli pampers her.

And now Jiang Ji has voluntarily agreed to accept the zero women's clothing advertisement, which makes investors very happy. Who is Jiang Ji, the queen of goods, and by the way, she posted a piece of her daily outfit on Weibo, and the clothing inventory will be within two days Absolutely gone.

So Jiang Ji doesn't like to post on Weibo very much, and the grass growing on Weibo can bury her to death.

At the same time, Jiang Jian felt that it was boring after only bringing the goods twice, so she simply wore the Jiang family's unique custom-made clothes after that, which were unique and recognizable at a glance.

After negotiating the advertisement, Li Li and Jiang Yan left, and as soon as they walked out of the conference room, they bumped into Ling Yang.

Ling Yang was indeed beautiful, a pitiful, lovable beauty, with long hair like seaweed, and a one-shoulder white dress, so charming and charming.

It's like the kind of small white flowers that grow in the water. When the wind blows, they can be broken at the middle and killed.

Jiang Ji felt that if her breasts were bigger, maybe she would like them, but they are too small, like a child, although she is not big.

"Sister Jiang." Ling Yang called softly.

"Xiao Ling!", Jiang Yan gently stroked Ling Yang's long hair, looked at her lovingly, Li Li couldn't bear to look directly at her, and reminded her: "I'll wait for you in the car."

Jiang Jian is obsessed with beauty and cannot extricate himself, Li Li is unable to support his forehead.

"Is my partner Sister Jiang?" Ling Yang looked at Jiang Jian with deer-like eyes.

"Don't Xiao Ling like it?" Jiang Yan catted her waist, slid her finger from Ling Yang's shoulder to her chin, raised her eyebrows and looked at her.

A shy pink appeared on Ling Yang's face.

"So cute." Jiang Yan rubbed her head lightly, "Happy cooperation, my good sister." She flicked her long hair back, staggered away from her, folded her arms, the smile on the corners of her mouth disappeared, and her eyes In the dark, he left aggressively. When walking towards the underground parking lot, he passed through the underground passage, and the lights of the underground passage suddenly went dark.

Jiang Yan frowned slightly, stabbed behind her with a sharp eye, and kicked at the person who attacked her behind with a roundabout kick.

"Bang." The man fell to the ground, and the iron rod in his hand fell to the ground, making a muffled sound.

"Fuck." The man scolded, followed by a roar, "It's this stinky bitch, grab her."

After speaking, a group of people burst out from all around the darkness, with sticks and sticks, and rushed towards Jiang Jian, caught off guard, and retreated steadily.

(End of this chapter)

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