School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 226 You Want To Do That To Me!

Chapter 226 You Want To Do That To Me!
Ji Yifan leaned towards her suddenly, and Jiang Yan's pupils suddenly dilated, staring blankly at Ji Yifan's handsome face that kept approaching her, and shouted in horror, "Ahhh!, what are you doing?"

Ji Yifan brushed her face with his arm, pressed against the back of her chair, wrapped her in his arms, leaned over to look at her, sprayed his warm breath on her face, the distance between their faces The distance was only about ten centimeters, and an ambiguous atmosphere permeated between them.

Jiang Yan shrunk into a quail, hugged herself, and looked at Ji Yifan cowardly.

Ji Yifan stared at Jiang Yan's delicate and beautiful face with deep eyes, raised his eyebrows and looked at her and said: "Since you have said it all, I am so dirty, if I don't do something, I am sorry for your dirty words."

, and continued to approach, his lips were about to touch hers.

Jiang Yan was cowardly, closed her eyes, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "..., I was wrong, I was wrong, brother, I was joking, really wrong, wrong, you are not mean, I am wrong, okay, wrong Yes, really wrong."

Ji Yifan paused slightly when he was about to kiss her, raised his eyebrows and looked at her, saw her crying, raised the corners of his lips, coughed lightly, and continued leisurely: "I know what the word "dirty" is?" Write it? Don’t talk dirty to other men at every turn in the future, you know?”

Jiang Yan nodded in horror.

Ji Yifan looked at her amusedly, then tapped Jiang Yan's forehead with his fingers, "Idiot."

Jiang Yan clutched his forehead.

Ji Yifan pulled the seat belt smoothly, buckled it up for her, and returned to the driver's seat.

Jiang Yan looked at him in bewilderment.

This guy is really addicted to acting.

What kind of doctor, what kind of professor, how good it is to act, a proper actor!

Jiang Yan sat cross-legged on the co-pilot, shaking her feet, turned to look at Ji Yifan and said, "So where are you going?"

Ji Yifan glanced at her with the steering wheel, then looked away, and said, "Why do you want to change your name?"

Jiang Ji said "Oh!", "I'm a public figure after all! It's inconvenient to use my real name."

Ji Yifan gave her a deep look, noncommittal, Jiang Yan rested his head on his hands and looked at the scenery outside the car window. After a long time, he looked back at Ji Yifan and asked, "Is there any smoke?"

Ji Yifan paused when he turned the steering wheel, and looked at her in surprise, Jiang Yan smiled, "A woman who smokes is not a good woman!", holding her chin, and blinked at Ji Yifan.

Ji Yifan looked back lightly, continued to focus on driving, and then replied in a calm tone: "The storage box in front of you."

Jiang Yan said "Hmm." He opened the storage box, smiled when he saw the contents, turned to look at Ji Yifan, and said in surprise, "Orange lollipop!"

Ji Yifan tightened his hands on the steering wheel, his knuckles turned white.

Jiang Yan took out a lollipop and shook it in front of him, "Eat one, it's okay!"

After Ji Yifan was in a daze for a moment, he said softly "Yeah." While waiting for the red light, he turned his head to look at her. During this time, she had a lollipop in her mouth, her hands were resting on the car window, and her head was resting on her hands. On her elbow, looking out of the window quietly, the sliver of sunlight shone on her face, reflecting a soft halo, and her naughty hair fluttered with the wind, as if she was in a dream.

Ji Yifan's eyes were red, and he tried to reach out his hand to touch this empty dream, to see if it was a phantom that would break at the touch of a finger.

"That's right." Jiang Yan suddenly turned her head to look at him, and was caught off guard by Ji Yifan's red eyes and hands frozen in the air, and was slightly taken aback.

Ji Yifan curled his fingers, retracted his hand, rubbed the center of his eyebrows, turned his head to look out the window, turned his face to Jiang Jian, and asked, "What's wrong?"

, looked back at her again, with a calm expression.

Jiang Yan smiled at him, "It's nothing." Turning her head to look out the window, the two fell silent again.


The car stopped downstairs at JY Media Company.

Jiang Yan looked at Ji Yifan in surprise, Ji Yifan's long eyelashes drooped slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Thank you." Jiang Yan unbuckled his seat belt, opened the door, and got out of the car. His elbow was caught off guard. Jiang Yan was slightly taken aback, and looked at him suspiciously.

Ji Yifan's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then slowly turned his head to stare at her. Jiang Yan was stunned for a moment, and stared at him in a daze. After a long time, she found her voice, looked at him, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Ji Yifan lowered his eyes, then let go of her wrist, looked at her and said, "What's the phone number?"

Jiang Ji: "..."


It's not enough to be a shield once, you have to be a shield all the time.

Jiang Yan glanced at him without a word, and then looked at him with a coquettish smile, "Tsk, my little brother must have taken a fancy to me."

Ji Yifan watched her act leisurely.

No one cooperated, Jiang Yan was a little disappointed, rolled her eyes wide, brushed her long hair behind her back, made up a phone number, and was about to leave, when a string of phone numbers floated behind her.

Jiang Yan paused slightly, turned her head to look at Ji Yifan suspiciously, Ji Yifan looked at her leisurely, and replied leisurely: "Mine, write it down."

Jiang Ji: "..."

"Now." Ji Yifan raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

Jiang Yan rolled her eyes at him and strode into the company. An hour later, a text message was sent to her mobile phone. Jiang Jian paused while playing the guitar, glanced at the mobile phone, then picked it up, clicked on it, "Fuck."


Ji's old house, Ji Yifan's study.

Ji Yifan looked at the text messages sent by the mobile phone, raised his lips, sighed softly, put away the mobile phone, his eyes fell on the file bag not far away, his eyes dimmed, he took the file bag, opened it, and took out the file , and two hairs sealed in a plastic bag, one black straight hair and one chestnut curly hair.

Ji Yifan stared at his hair and shook his head for a while, and his thoughts flashed back to the day when the college entrance examination was over and they made an appointment to go to Liangcheng to visit Jinghua University together.

The train station was crowded with people, Ji Yifan took the train ticket to Liangcheng, walked to Ren Ren, and reminded: "Let's go!"

"Oh!", Ren Ren nodded obediently, followed behind him obediently, got on the train, found a seat and sat down.

The sound of the train clanging and clanging sounded, and the scenery outside the window kept changing.

Unknowingly, a warm thing suddenly fell on his shoulder.

Ji Yifan was stunned for a moment, his back stiffened, he turned his head to look at his shoulders in a daze, and saw that either head was resting on his shoulders, sleeping soundly, and immediately: "..."

"Pig." Ji Yifan couldn't help complaining, and reached out to push Ren Ren's head back from his shoulder, but Ren Ren's head suddenly rushed forward.

Reflexively, Ji Yifan put his hands against Ren Ren's head that was leaning forward to prevent her from falling, and then gently put her head back on his shoulders to stabilize it.

The warmth on his shoulders filled Ji Yifan's heart.

Ji Yifan looked down at Yi Ren, who was obedient and fat and white only when he was sleeping, couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips, and gently rubbed the top of her hair.

(End of this chapter)

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