School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 234 Sweet High School Past 1

Chapter 234 Sweet High School Past (You can watch it or not) 1
Ji Yifan: "..."

Jiang Jian said, "Hmm." Then she nodded, "That's right, maybe I came here in a dream!"

Ji Yifan: "..."

"Do you want to go?" Jiang Yan looked at him with a smile and asked.

Ji Yifan looked away lightly, and said "Yes." The two continued to walk in the mist and rain, and unknowingly came to a bus stop and stopped.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Yan asked with a smile.

"Sucheng No. [-] Middle School." Ji Yifan replied in a calm tone.

Jiang Yan said "Oh!", copied it in his pocket, and waited for the bus carelessly, after a while, watching the bus slowly approaching, Jiang Yan looked at Ji Yifan, "Have you brought some change? I didn't bring it."

Ji Yifan said "En.", Jiang Yan nodded his head, his wrist was suddenly grabbed, Jiang Yan was slightly taken aback, and looked at Ji Yifan.

"Let's go!" Ji Yifan naturally pulled Jiang Jian onto the bus.

"Go find a place to sit down." Ji Yifan told Jiang Jian.

Jiang Yan said "Yes." When she was about to leave, she found that the driver's eyes had been on her and Ji Yifan, and then looked at Ji Yifan who was paying the money with interest.

Jiang Yan frowned slightly, and walked towards the inside of the bus. Just a few steps away, the bus braked suddenly.

Jiang Yan staggered back a big step, and his arms were immediately embraced from behind, stabilizing his body.

"Thank you."

Ji Yifan said "En.", seeing an empty seat not far away, he withdrew one hand, and wrapped his other around Jiang Yan's shoulders, protecting her, isolating the crowd, and leading her Walk towards the seat.

The two were silent again along the way, Jiang Yan sat on the seat, and Ji Yifan stood beside her.

Looking at the pale Ji Yifan, Jiang Yan couldn't help standing up, "Why don't you sit down!"

Ji Yifan directly held Jiang Jian's shoulders, not letting her get up, without saying a word.

The bus passed about 4 or 5 stops, and the driver suddenly shouted: "Handsome guy, Sioux City No. [-] Middle School is here."

Ji Yifan took Jiang Jian's hand, held her in his arms, and led her to squeeze through the crowd, got out of the car, and as soon as the door closed, the bus opened.

Jiang Yan was surprised to find that only the two of them got out of the car at this stop.

In other words, the driver said that sentence to Ji Yifan, but how did he know that they were going to Suzhou No. [-] Middle School!

Jiang Yan looked at Ji Yifan curiously, but Ji Yifan ignored him, and pulled her towards the school. As soon as he entered the school, he saw the playground surrounded by net fences.

Looking at the enthusiastic teenagers playing on the playground, Ji Yifan stopped and raised the corners of his lips.

"What are you thinking?" Jiang Yan asked him.

Ji Yifan smiled faintly, "It's nothing, I just remembered the time when you bet with me."

Jiang Yan couldn't help but look up at him, saw his dark eyes faint with warmth, and gently caressed the little wooden monkey on his left wrist with his fingertips. Sight, look in other directions.

"Anyone." Ji Yifan called her suddenly.

Jiang Yan was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Ji Yifan in a daze, Ji Yifan untied the bracelet of the little wooden monkey on his wrist, took her hand, and tied the little wooden monkey on her gently with his fingertips. Her wrist, and then looked up at her, "Can you come back? Come back to me."

Jiang Yan was stunned for a moment, then dazed for a moment.

"Come back, okay?" Ji Yifan's voice seemed to be choked up, Jiang Yan sighed lightly, and withdrew his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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