School grass, your playgirl girlfriend lost

Chapter 236 Sweet High School Past 3

Chapter 236 Sweet High School Past (You can watch it or not) 3
"Shengsheng!", Mr. Jiang was in a great mood, and hurriedly greeted Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan looked at Jiang Junli, Jiang Junli raised his eyebrows slightly, and said nothing, Jiang Yan stepped forward suspiciously, looked at Mr. Jiang with a smile and asked, "Grandpa, what's wrong!"

The little girl always looked like a good baby in front of Mr. Jiang, and she spoke softly, which warmed his heart. If she really married her, who would accompany him in the future.

Mr. Jiang was thinking about it, feeling a little frustrated, but then he thought about the bunch of moths this girl had made for him. If he didn't take measures, he wouldn't even be able to hug his grandson in the future.

Mr. Jiang looked at Jiang Jian with a spoiled expression after thinking about it, "Shengsheng, do you know Dingsheng Group?"

"Dingsheng Group!"

, Jiang Yan pondered.

"Bang." With a sound, the teacup in Jiang Junli's hand fell unexpectedly on the coffee table, and boiling water splashed out of the cup, scalding Jiang Junli's skin, causing a large piece of it to burn red.

"Brother, what's the matter today, is it hot?" Jiang Yan asked concerned.

Jiang Junli smiled, "It's hot, my good sister blows it for me."

"Jiang Junli." Old Mr. Jiang couldn't stand his frivolous appearance, and roared angrily.

"Just kidding!" Jiang Junli said with a playful smile at Mr. Jiang.

Mr. Jiang rolled his eyes, turned his attention back to Jiang Yan, and continued: "The prince of the Dingsheng Group just returned to Seattle a few days ago. That child is a talented person. He is better than your brother in all aspects of education, wealth and appearance. It is a good marriage." Object, grandpa helped you pass the test, very good, and that child also agreed to be engaged to you."

"Engagement." Jiang Ji and Jiang Junli exploded at the same time, looking at Mr. Jiang in disbelief.

"Ah!" Mr. Jiang nodded briskly, "It's very good, you two will make an appointment to meet in a while."

"Wait, no." Jiang Yan was dizzy and took a deep breath, "Grandpa!"

Mr. Jiang said "En.", "Does Shengsheng have any objections?"

"Are you serious?" Jiang Yan almost looked at Mr. Jiang with tears in his hands.

Mr. Jiang looked at Jiang Yan seriously and explained: "Shengsheng, tell me how many blind dates I arranged for you, and how many you messed up."

Jiang Ji: Only dozens of games!
"Since that's the case, there's no other way. Grandpa can only help you decide."

Jiang Ji: "..., can I refuse?"

Mr. Jiang shook his head, "Dingsheng Group's current power has occupied more than half of Seattle. Marrying him will be good to you and our family. Shengsheng must be obedient."


inside the room.

Jiang Yan took a few puffs of cigarettes, and couldn't sit still. Mr. Jiang has always been vigorous and decisive, and he couldn't pull back nine Maybachs for things that were decided. After listening to the old man's nonsense, how could she be engaged freely? wave.

Jiang Yan stubbed out the cigarette, got up, straightened her clothes, went straight to Jiang Junli's room, and knocked on the door a few times.

"Come in." Jiang Junli's voice floated lazily into her ears, and Jiang Yan pushed open the door.

Jiang Junli was sitting on the window sill drinking with his legs bent. When he saw someone coming in, he smiled at her and continued to look out of the window. In the dark night, the evening wind was blowing, and the lights were shining everywhere, piercing through the faint mist in the garden, " Sheng'er, do you believe in fate?"

Jiang Junli's voice slowly drifted into Jiang Yan's ears, Jiang Yan was slightly taken aback, Jiang Junli chuckled, and looked back at Jiang Yan, "What's the matter, what can I do with my brother?"

"When did grandpa help me get engaged?"

(End of this chapter)

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